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Posts posted by matthewbot

  1. Dreamweaver has given me the amount of satisfaction that no software has done. I have been able able to design sites in minutes because of it. It has great compatilbility with other software of its own like fireworks and flash, so its 100% easy to manuver between them. Even though there is a high price, i recommened it to anyone, even someont who just got into webdesign. J in the MB

  2. I have alot of different opinions on this subject:I believe that pentiums adververtisement its most simple, because it uses the primary GHZ format rather than Athlons secondary, complicated understanding of the ways.But then of course Athon is a lot more cheap than pentium.And then of course, pentium is lightyears ahead of techonlogy, But of course, Athlons recommended for gaming (in which i am a gamer)Oh yea! Pentiums got a cool snazzy logo! Pentiums better ! :D:D:D:D J 2 da MBOT

  3. yea, when it comes to flash, free will be a very hard concept to grasp LOL! Basiclly if your looking for a quality peice of work, you should hire someone to do it that knows how, if of course you have the money! lol again! But, if your lookin to do it yourself for money (LOL AGAIN), you should use Flash Mx 2004. Not only will it help you out with flash intros, but can lead you into the door of websites galore (oooh rhymin now!). I currently use it (though im a bit slow with it), and its awesome beyond belief.But, ifd you want to create proffessional banners, i suggest you learn actionscript before buying it, which is the built in code for it. Sorry that i couldnt give you any help without the money part, but thruthfully, a lot of things dont go without dollars, J 2 da Mb

  4. Yes... its coming, and no we dont know whats gonna be in it. I have been following up on the PS3 for years now, and I still dont know. If you google PS3 in the images section, you can find dozens of test models. Ive even seen some with holographic progeters ( :D definitley wont be hapnin seening that noone has a holo yet lol). What i really want in this is more things to use as controllers. I think it would be awesome to actually "be the character" like holding the gun ans shooting it etc. and like, a wlking pad or something, but thatll b a while :D. Who knows whats in store for our future coming, Judson on MBOT

  5. You people don't releaze that longhorn is not it's name!! it's code named Longhorn, they probably won't actually call it that. They did it w/ XP too, though I can't remember what it's code name was. Anyway, I have yet to try linux, but I fail to see how it can be more stable the windows, at least on my machine, because I have never gotten a full crash! The worst that has ever happened is a 3rd party app has locked up, and I had to ctrl-alt-del it. As for the visual effects, it's trying to compete with Apple. And for the redesigned kernel and whatnot, it won't be redesigned, or else it wouldn't be backward compatible. It'll probably have a compatibility mode, similar to XP's, where apps not designed w/ the fancy 3D GUI and the improvied process seperation and whatnot can still run. Just my guess, from seeing what they've done w/ XP.

  6. I'm not really big on linux, I tried to load mandrake on my old computer, and it refused to set up X-windows correctly. Apparently, it didn't like the graphics card. After that experience, I'm not letting it touch my main machine. Just a few weeks ago I managed to find my XP disk and product ID to put an OS back on. (Why do setup disks have that inexplicable tendancy to hide?) So yea, for me, windows. I would try linux if I had a newer computer to experiment on, but for now, windows is working fine. As long as u re-install it once a year or so it stays pretty fast.

  7. I don't think they'll be another moon mission, until the mission where they plan to set up a moon base. Mainly because NASA very carefully made sure that when they got to the moon, everything they ever dreamed they might need to be collected was collected, so that they wouldn't have to go again for a while. I beleive that they did land on the moon, for all the reasons stated before. :D

  8. I recommend getting a custom built. You can go and find a custom designer a a local computer store or a computer show. My friend and I have one and its great. Currently Dell is in a immeadite slump. I have latley been hearing a story about a man who paid $3000 for a pc. He didnt get it until 3 weeks later and ended up talking on the phone with the support for about 2 hours 5 times. He had to send it in twice, get new speakers sent in. It took about 48 days when he just decided to return it... Day 64: Still didnt get the 3 grand back :D Judman on Mtb

  9. i herd that a lot of people have problems with sp2...but i didn't have any....


    I don't have any major problems, but recently my pendrive stopped working :D Probably need to update the USB controller drivers or something. Still, I think it's annoying that microsoft effectively breaks some of your software just for a new service pack. Not that I don't like sp2, the new security stuff is pretty nice, though most of it is in IE, and I use firefox now :P

  10. I found an interesting article about WIMP, the de facto interface for every modern operating system to date. It stands for Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointer, which is basically what all modern OSs interfaces are made of. WIMP works pretty well, but it was invented a long time ago, when the first macintosh came out. Anyway, I kinda agree with the article, I think that there could be a better interface out there, though I have no idea. Do you think we should keep WIMPs, redisgn it, or completely rebuild?

    you can find the article here

  11. Source: ds.ign.com/mail


    "Technical savvy Nintendo DS owners have indeed been poking around the DS hardware to see what sort of WiFi capabilities the system has..................................... So, as a result, if we've been hearing things correctly, Nintendo will finally and very, very soon, reveal its own "Xbox Live" like service for developers to adopt. And the first game out of Nintendo to use this service will be one of those massively killer Nintendo brands that people have been wanting to play online for years..."


    I had to stick a alot of .'s cause of how long it is you guys should go read it.


    wow, that sounds awsome! I've heard of plenty of peoples doing some research on the WiFi capabilities, but never heard of something this! I can't wait, but hopefully it's not very expensive. I wonder what massively kill Nintendo brand they'll make online?

  12. I saw this weird one, the stupidizer. You point the calculator at someone, and press enter, and calculates the stupidness of the person. You can also stupidize somebody by pointing it at them and selecting a different option, and a weird little animation plays on the screen. Fun for the whole familly :P

  13. I enjoy zelda games as well, although I prefer the N64 ones to Wind Waker, mainly for the art style, and they are quite a bit longer. But they're making a new one w/ normal style graphics for the GameCube, that'll have new stuff like attacking enemies with your sword while on horseback, and the screenshots look pretty good!

  14. Yea, poppup blockers are becoming strong enough to block almost 100% of popups, so better off using banner adds. I know that if I like a site enough, I'll click a few of the adds just to get them a few extra cents, and I know some other peoples do too. Don't beg for clicks excessivly though, it looks really unproffessional.

  15. I mostly make programs for school, like calculate the area of various shapes, or plug in values for the distance formula. But I also made a simple number guessing game, where u guess a number, and it tells you bigger or smaller. I did download a bunch of games for mirageOS though :P

  16. Well, I've been a long time GM user, and let me tell you, it is not limited in any stretch of the word, once you learn the basics. Although it is definatly easier to make a side scrolling shooter with GameMaker than an FPS or a platform/shooter/adventure game, both are possible. GM 6.0 has made great strides in graphic performance over previous versions, with rotation, alpha blending, scaling, fonts, etc., and allow all these features to those who know very little about how DX works. GML(game maker's scripting language) is a great way to get started programming, although it is far more lax than any other language I've seen.

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