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Everything posted by W?TDH

  1. As you near a Tesla Coil in operation......hold one or more fluorescent bulbs near the machine. Wireless transmission is what you will have, as the bulbs light up. Not you Study Tesla and you may one day brighten the world.
  2. Roswell 1947, crash of a space vehicle reportedly to have a surface skin that could not be burned, cut or otherwise damaged. How could you bring down such a craft? What force would it take to do so?Well, I know of only one person to come up with something that could do thatat that time period........Nikoli Tesla.Not only did he try to sell his death ray machine to the US, but also England. Both turned him down.The ray reportedly could knock down entire flights of bomber formations.His warehouse burned to the ground and all records were lost. I wonder..........Look up Tesla. That is who invented 60 cycle AC that runs your house, as well as a host of other inventions.
  3. Some WNC mountain areas do not work very well with Google earth;WCU in Cullowhee, NCClingman's Dome, TNI have not tried MS Earth much as yet, tooooo slow with my DIAL UP in the mountains :blink:Using the Pro version trial right now. Nice to have elevations.Will try MS earth again if we ever get a faster connection.
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