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Posts posted by paulmason411

  1. Hi Guys, I'm helping a guy re-design his site who currently has a version of mambo installed. What i want to do is make a copy so that i can fiddle around with the layout without stuffing up the site. I also want to upgrade it to joomla but thats not as much of a priority. Any ideas on how i do this?My idea was to just copy the files installed in the mambo dir into a new folder. Will this work? I can't imagine it will be this simple.

  2. It seems like people are a bit mislead by the speed of a CPU. A dual core of say 2Ghz does not have the equivalent performance to a single core of 4Ghz. If you look at this article you can see various tests performed on a bunch of different chips:


    You can see by comparison of chip speed to performance the results aren't linear.

    There are other things to consider when buying a chip, such as its cache size and the multiplier size etc. The speed of a chip is not the best way to make decisions theres a bit more to it.

    Basically when it comes down to it you will usually get what you pay for. A quality chip at lower speeds is sometimes the better option.

  3. I think that for those people who drift off in a dream world and pay no attention to the real world may enjoy that world they have created for the mean time, but the fact is when it comes to the crunch and they actually have to deal with reality, they are going to have many difficulties. Its a toss up; you can enjoy the dream world now :blink: and face reality later :wacko:, or you can get realistic and never experience such highs and lows, and become a more stable person.I think in the long run its definitely a healthier choice to be living in the real world.

  4. I'm not sure if it is legal but i think using other peoples wifi is fine. If people don't use security with their wifi i'm sure they can't be to worried about other people using it. Then again i'm sure there are people out there who don't know how to secure their wireless network. I think its a bit rude and unfair to use someone elses, but i don't think it should be illegal.

  5. Hi guys,I have quite a bit of programming experience as i have just finished an IT degree. However the Uni I went to never taught me anything about how to make games :blink: I was wondering what i should do to learn how to start making games. Is there a preferable language or SDK I should learn/use. Would I need to do a tertiary course or do you think i could learn it myself.Can you point me to some cool beginner tutorials etc.Any feed back would be greatly appreciated,Cheers.

  6. I am having trouble when trying to update the driver for my 'creative audigy 2 ZS' sound card. I downloaded the driver, then went to update it and it says please reboot your computer for the hardware to start working. It then has a '?' in device manager and basically doesn't work. When i try to update it again i get a prompt that says, "before applying this update you need to reboot your computer". It seems to me like the driver installed is corrupt. I can't do anything with it.I have tried a few things such as different versions of the driver and also a system restore, neither of these worked. Is there any tools i can use to fix this, i was thinking maybe something like a registry fixer?any feedback would be appreciated,Cheers.

  7. My video card (geforce 7600 gs) that I bought from umart lasted about 6 weeks and then stopped working, i took it back to umart who sent it away which took a whole month to return, the card then lasted another 2 weeks before breaking again. I'm in my third week of waiting for it to return.Can anyone suggest away around this. Should i just buy a new card? Have you also had to wait this length of time for repairs or is it unusual?

  8. Hey guys,I haven't used Joomla before and was wondering how easy it is to customize. Is there a way to re-code customizable php features into a Joomla page? I was just wondering how flexible it is and if it is a good tool for someone who already knows how to make a webpage(php) from scratch by text editors. Is it just software for people who want to make web pages but can't code?Please hit me back with your thoughts,Cheers.

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