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The Devils Playpen

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Posts posted by The Devils Playpen

  1. Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host 'lee-kelly' in /home/thedevil/public_html/std/promisance.php3 on line 41MySQl Connection Problem!I keep getting this... I figured well obviously the error is in the promisance.php fiel but i searched it and all files surrounding it and couldnt find it. Is there somewhere else this error could/would be??

  2. I read earlier post of how u find out its a girl at the end...well just watch the race from when you turn it on and its loading..and you see its a girl in the mirror..(For those who cant beat it, like me)

  3. I bet your right about it on computer being alot better. On n64, it was terrible and the positioning of troops was hard because u had to select so many and then scroll to place and put them there and then they took forever to get tehre and sometimes got stuck on the way..

  4. Simple LIfe 2 is so fake though. Thats why it sucks. Its to much acting for me. The first season was better and it was like 2 hours away from me but now they are traveling and all that and it gets boring with the same old crap every week. And they always say "Thats hot" or something like that.. As for the rest of FOX, its down the drain and has been for a while...

  5. I thought accounting would interest me but im curious of how long it will take and plus math does not interest me and there obvously would be alot of math to be done in this categorery and I think i would end up hating it. Like you said, Do what you love to do..but i havent figured out what that is.. I like computers but i cant see myself doing that forever..

  6. I have no clue here. THats why i asked. Kerry has edwards who brings excitement and Bush has a heart attack waiting to happen at his side. But im against alot of the Kerry/Edwards things like same sex marriage and abortion. Everyone has their opinions though...

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