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Posts posted by lightneonfilms

  1. You may recomend getting one, I don't. First of all, these "handhelds" are getting too far with graphix, they seem to soon be able to pass the consoles, what is up with that? Secondly, there is nothing that great for any of the handhelds yet, the gameboy advance was doing a good job, but these two are struggling.


    I have nothing wrong with a PSP or DS, just everything for the consoles seem better, I don't need mobile use, that is for laptops, which can do everything a real computer can do, including all the best gaming I need for just about any platform.

    hmm what ABOUT THE Wii



    Are you getting one?


    Have you pre-ordered yet?


    If you want to pre-order you can from most of the gaming shops for about £20.

    Here is a bit of info about the Wii Channels:

    Please tell me more

    (I have ordered a Wii)


    Mii Channel

    This Channel allows you to create Mii portraits of your friends and family.

    Watch The Video


    News Channel

    This Channel allows you to check news in the same way you might read the newspaper every morning.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Forecast Chennel

    This Channel allows you to check the weather not only where you live, but also around the world.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Photo Channel

    This Channel allows you to edit photos and movies that have been been taken with a digital camera or other device.

    * Requires SD Memory Card.

    Watch The Video


    Internet Channel

    This Channel allows you to surf the Internet using Wii.

    * Internet connection required.

    Watch The Video


    All of these videos are from this website:

    Nintendo Wii Homepage


    :lol::( :( :( :( :( :( :(:D :D :D :D

    Posted Image

  2. How many people are gonig to get the Wii? I think it's amazing and the price is even better. It's comming out really soon!!






    Are you getting one?


    Have you pre-ordered yet?


    If you want to pre-order you can from most of the gaming shops for about £20.

    Here is a bit of info about the Wii Channels:

    Please tell me more

    (I have ordered a Wii)


    Mii Channel

    This Channel allows you to create Mii portraits of your friends and family.

    Watch The Video


    News Channel

    This Channel allows you to check news in the same way you might read the newspaper every morning.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Forecast Chennel

    This Channel allows you to check the weather not only where you live, but also around the world.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Photo Channel

    This Channel allows you to edit photos and movies that have been been taken with a digital camera or other device.

    * Requires SD Memory Card.

    Watch The Video


    Internet Channel

    This Channel allows you to surf the Internet using Wii.

    * Internet connection required.

    Watch The Video


    All of these videos are from this website:

    Nintendo Wii Homepage


    :lol::( :( :( :( :( :( :(:D :D :D :D

    Posted Image

  3. It always comes to the UK late, doesn't it? It's always us that gets the stuff late and the Japanese who get it first. It's really annoying. Apparently it's coming in March? You can wipe that off your Christmas list then.
    From what I've seen on TV, it looks pretty nice. Each one will have built in internet for online multiplayer game play, blue ray DVD player and a very sleek design. If you like PS1, get a PS2 :lol:

    But if you like PS2 you'll love PS3.

    PS: Sorry for my mucked second paragraph.

    yah it seems pretty cool, but i dont like that the blue ray disk is the only thing you can play with, you cant play ps2 or ps1 games on it. :( dam! the features it has are just awesome!

    other than that yah.its cool.

  4. No way! The DS owns PSP without a question.
    The PlayStation Portable's battery power is next to crap, and there are very few games, seeing as how it seems to be more media then gaming. Plus, it's way expensive, and not as portable as the DS.

    Nintendo Dual Screen is the way to go!

    well hmm well i pick both, psp has better graphics, ds has cool games. but the thing i like about ds more is the touch screen but psp.

    has alot options like photo viewer and video player. and my fovorite its a mp3 so yah psp seems better but there both awesome!
    i like nintendogs.
    but yeah both rule

  5. The Nintendo Wii will be released in the UK on 8th December 2006 costing ?180!


    Are you getting one?


    Have you pre-ordered yet?


    If you want to pre-order you can from most of the gaming shops for about ?20.

    Here is a bit of info about the Wii Channels:

    Please tell me more

    (I have ordered a Wii)


    Mii Channel

    This Channel allows you to create Mii portraits of your friends and family.

    Watch The Video


    News Channel

    This Channel allows you to check news in the same way you might read the newspaper every morning.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Forecast Chennel

    This Channel allows you to check the weather not only where you live, but also around the world.

    You can use this feature when your Wii console is connected to the Internet.

    Watch The Video


    Photo Channel

    This Channel allows you to edit photos and movies that have been been taken with a digital camera or other device.

    * Requires SD Memory Card.

    Watch The Video


    Internet Channel

    This Channel allows you to surf the Internet using Wii.

    * Internet connection required.

    Watch The Video


    All of these videos are from this website:

    Nintendo Wii Homepage


    :lol::( :( :( :( :( :( :(:D :D :D :D

    Posted Image


    the wii is so cool, i love the design and everything, im hell yeah going to get it. it looks like the wii can help people loose weight cause it seems very active. so yah wii rocks!

  6. I personally found a very good game to be Alien vs. Predator: Extinction. The game is gripping, and almost intoxicationg. The graphics may not be the best out there, but then again, why does it matter? The game is amazing. It is very much like command and conquer games, in the manor in which you command tropps to fulfill desired objectives. You've got to be fast, strong, and witty to survive this game. I personally feel all who read this should give this game a try. It truly is amazing.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Title modified.

    This is more like an overview of classic game styles and games that had a mayor effect on future games development. Reason why i didn't use different topic name is beacouse i think this overview is way to much subjective to have any other - more serious topic name. Another thing i should mention is that i have never been anything more than a noob in most of (Multiplayer) games here. Since i'm living in Croatia, somewhere on the internet i saw a short description of Croatia that goes "Former comunist country".I laughed at it but there is some truth to it. Even as it has passed more then 15 years of our "independance" broadband internet like DSL or Cable is around for less than 2 years. So most of my time spended gaming around are single player and LAN playable games.

    First major game ever i have played was Warcraft 2. At that time i just got Pentium 133 with 32 megs of ram and 1 Mb Video Card. That was some Kick 'rse machine. My computer skills at that time was beeing able to double click shortcut icon of War2 in before Win 3.11 later 95 and finaly 98.. Most of the games described below were played on this machine smile.gif I upgraded it later with Voodoo 2 3d acclerator and more RAM (I guess 64). Yes, i remmembered the HDD had 1.2 Gb.. That was the worst mistake i made, but the difference in price between 1.2 and 1.8 or 1.9 was about 100$. Those were the days :|

    Warcraft 2 (RTS) was not the game i have played too much but the reason i mention it beacouse that is where i got my micro-macro skills (with mouse and keyboard of course) ballanced. But it was a fine game with addictive story. Well, now we even have WoW greatly based on War 1 and 2 stories (and Diablo 2 skill sistem).

    At that time Duke Nukem 3D (FPS) was the revolution. Somebody figured out that in 3d games people can jump smile.gif and there it was Duke 3d. That cool guy with his RPG and jetpack flying around kickin alien scum. That was great even for multiplayer, although mouse in that game vas really bad idea to play with, and with all those additional functions like hologram steroids and jetpack it was hard to catch it if u had one hand on keyboard and one on mouse.

    Those games rocked, but those games couldn't make me mad.. The games i played that really know how to make me mad were Diablo (2), Fallout (2). At that time role playing games as i remember didn't have any real good representative unlike rest of genres. Mostly FPS, and adventure games.
    NFS at that time was one of the best driving arcades and before Colin McRea Rally there were no real driving simulations. Well not that i can remember of.

    Diablo 2 (RPG).This was the game in which i spended hours and hours playing and gathering items. Since i didn't have money for Original (I hope those Blizzard guyz won't be mad) i couldn't play Battlenet. That was really bad, but i had only 56k internet so playing on Bnet was kinda hard anyway. But that single player was awsome. I know lot's of players really hate diablo beacouse of it's hackandslash character. That is totaly true. Good mouse with durable keys was really valuable when playing diablo. But all of that clicking would pay off since the first unique, set, or fine rear item pops out. I remember cleaning that Arcanium Sanctuary for 15 time in same game beacouse once some creature droped powerfull sword but i lost it somehow, i don't remember how.


    I'll wrap it up for now..

    More games i'll write about later: Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Starcraft.. and more.

    Plz don't be to hard on me if i didn't mention some games u liked, u r free to comment them. I probably played it to but just didn't like it that much.
    If u are going to comment some game, then try to find a game from that period...

  7. If you all haven't heard, there's a new energy drink on the market called Cocaine. It's been all over the news recently because of it's high levels of caffeine (I think it was 285 milligrams per can, which is like 3 times as much as Monster and Red Bull.) And since that rapidly increases heart rate, there's concern that it may cause numerous heart attacks. More off-topic though, 711 just told its franchises to take it off the shelves because they thought the name Cocaine was objectable, and since this stuff is only sold in 6 states, it's all over eBay as expected. Anybody had this stuff yet?




    Interesting. I've never had an energy drink. Just never really bothered. I used to drink Surge, well that was good LOL.


    Some of my friends drink Rockstar and Monster all the time. I will have to try one soon. Since I am not a morning person and I have to get up at 5:30. Sooner or later somebody will probably sue over a problem with it.



  8. I am in the video production industry and have been working with HDV (High Def Video) for a couple years now. Until this past month, when I bought a Blu-Ray burner, the only way to send that content to clients was via external harddrive. (Since I did mostly post production work, they wanted things in raw formats anyway).
    I have a couple clients that want work done in HDV for christmas even though most people don't have a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player yet and there is going to be that nasty format war in the next year or two. I keep telling my clients, when they ask blu-ray or HD-DVD (as in what should they buy) neither because I believe that HD content is going to be delivered over broadband over services like iTunes. We're already seeing that with TV shows. I buy season passes to Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, and Atlantis since I don't get Sci-Fi at my apartment. Is it as clear and bright as watching over digital cable? No, but it looks good enough for my tastes on my 23" Apple Cinema HD display. Plus I can download it to my video iPod and watch when I want too. Like at the laudramat waiting for clothes to dry.

    I've heard rumors of a Mac Mini like device dubbed "iTV" being developed by Apple. Considering that's a Mac Mini with front row remote now and HDMI output adaptor....

    Anyway, that's my thoughts.

    And on the topic, I'm doing a fan based 3D animated "webisode" series for this next summer that is being designed specifically for the iPod video/itunes format. Good idea or comments, thoughts?

    ture man...
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