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Posts posted by Rap_Speedy

  1. Ridge Racer 7 introduces some great new additions that make this the most significant update Namco's arcade-style racing series has seen in years.

    The Good: Great frame rate leads to a fast sense of speed; team-based online racing modes are neat and innovative; car customization and slipstreaming add new depth to the series.

    The Bad: Most of the game's tracks appeared in Ridge Racer 6; gameplay won't be intuitive to those unfamiliar with the series.


    Last year's Ridge Racer 6 marked the first time that a game in the main Ridge Racer series appeared on a non-Sony platform. With Ridge Racer 7, the series is back on PlayStation and available at launch for the PS3. It brings the same arcade-style, drift-crazy gameplay to Sony's new console, and fans of the series should probably enjoy it. However, there's one small catch: Most of the tracks in Ridge Racer 7 were also in Ridge Racer 6. So while the new car customization options and slipstream speed boosts are features that only fans of the series will immediately appreciate, all of the recycled tracks may make those same fans feel like they've already played some of this game before. The enhancements to the gameplay are still enough of a draw, and to the Sony-faithful Ridge Racer players who passed on the previous installment, Ridge Racer 7 will especially have a lot to offer.



    The undisputed video game drift king is back for some more insane sliding.


    For the uninitiated, Ridge Racer 7 will seem like a totally foreign world. While the arcade-style racing genre has absolutely exploded over the last decade, Ridge Racer 7 still focuses on the same thing it has since it first began in actual arcades: ridiculous on-rails drift mechanics that whip you around corners almost automatically. Nearly losing control of your car around every sharp turn is the only way to win in Ridge Racer, and the way you drive is unlike anything else on the market. At this point, it's something of a secret handshake between the player and the game console. Either you already know what Ridge Racer is, how to play it, and why it's fun, or you don't.


    It's difficult to imagine someone making Ridge Racer 7 his or her first Ridge Racer game and quickly getting into it, just because the way you drift is so arcane. The idea is that as you go into a sharp corner, you let off the gas and then immediately hit it again. This causes you to spin out and start sliding around the corner automatically. Your goal at this point is to make sure your car is pointing in the right direction when you come out of the turn, where you'll regain traction and keep going. When we say automatically, we mean it. You can slide through multiple hairpin curves without even thinking about the nature of the turns themselves. As long as you're prepared to correct the car's direction, you're A-OK. The game's cars offer multiple types of drifting. Mild sticks to the road pretty well and doesn't get too crazy around curves, but it's also the slowest type of car. Dynamic is on the opposite end of the spectrum, so when you drift, the car's direction will dramatically whip around, making it easier to get into a drift but harder to get out of one. Since it's the fastest drift type, it's the expert's choice. Standard strikes a happy medium between the two and should be the best choice for beginning and intermediate players.

    i personally liked this game and i hope you guy's will like it also.


    i like the ideea of the continuous drift it has.



    look at some images :


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  2. *

    I have a theory about the next evolution of *person* sapiens (correct terminology for humans). Well actually 3 theories.


    Theory one:

    Humans will not evolve one more time before the end of the world. But instead deevolve because we have had it in the spot light for far to long. *person* sapiens have been the most dominent creatures on the planet.


    Theory two:

    Humans have evolve thousands of times already. Every time we get smarter and smarter and make a great stride in any field whether it is Science (mostly science though) to Language Arts. Like the first human in space we evolve enough to get the inteligence of building a rocket or space craft that will go in space.


    Theory three:

    Humans will be wipped out before we have a chance to evolve. Like the dinosaurs lay live as the dominent creatures of the planet for millions of years. We are going to be the dominent creatures of the planet for millions of years too then be wipped out. Mostly by the climate changing far to fast for humans to adapt too.


    1- Sorry I didn't notice this topic before, so I will respond to the original post first.


    2- We again in cycle. The poster must define what he/she means by "evolution" and what the poster means by "theory". Is "theory" the scientific theory or any hypothesis or direction. I guess the poster uses "theory" in public definition i.e. the second option up. That all these three theories are suggestion, hypotheses or thought. Then there are long way to prove these these hypotheses to become theory [i will quote from some previous postings in this forum before:]


    - The hypothesis or the theory in the common meaning will be considered scientific theory if it satisfied many requirements among them:


    logically "OR" Empirically tested and based upon Controlled, Repeated Experiments . A theory which cannot be tested empirically is useless for researchers.


    lead to predictions or reproductions that are testable. A theory which has not made any actually verified predictions might prove useful in the future when its predictions are verified, but not currently. A theory which cannot provide reproductions (to utilise present information or ideas to infer or explain a past event or state of affairs) may also be useful in the future, but not currently. If a theory's results cannot be reproduced, it is impossible to determine if those results were ever actually valid (rather than the result of error or fraud).


    falsifiable (i.e., cases must exist in which the theory can be imagined to be invalid). For example saying "Things fall down" will be invalid if we find an object fall up. When a theory is not falsifiable, it is impossible to tell if it is true or not, and thus it won't be possible to correct it via experimentation. & Falsifiable


    So one important requirement to be a theory is to help us to predict future events. For example When we launch a satellite we know from our theories where it will be after 2 days for example or when it will arrive to its planned position.


    See "What is Science" at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and "What is Scientific Method?" at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    3- There are many types of evolution. So it is better to count the types of the evolution. . There are six types of evolution in my accumulated knowledge base from many sources]: I will quote them from my previous posting:


    There are 6 types of evolution known to me:


    (i) Cosmic Evolution (the origin of space, time, matter and energy from nothing, there are 5 different theories competing . Each has its strength or weakness. The famous one the "big bang" theory does not address the major question, "where did everything come from?" . How did this explosion cause order, while every explosion causes only disorder and dist ructions? Also the Big Bang also violates two out of three Laws of Thermodynamics);


    (ii) Chemical Evolution:(the development of the higher elements from hydrogen- assumptions);


    iii) Stellar and Planetary Evolution (the origin of stars and planets amount to anything more than "fairy tales," and imagination has no part in real science);


    iv) Organic Evolution (the origin of organic life. Spontaneous Generation as the Origin of Life, despite the apparent contradiction to empirical science). Francesco Reid and Louis Pasteur have succeeded in disproving Spontaneous Generation long time ago.


    (v) Macro Evolution (Large-scale, or major changes from one kind of life form to another (assumption) involving innovations in structure or body plan, or new organs. Nothing approved that happen and is still lack of transitional fossils in the fossil record, and the harmful trend of genetic mutation. ,


    (vi) Micro Evolution (small-scale, or minor changes and adaptations within a population of life forms i.e. the variation within the kinds). This observed and documented. It does not result in leaps between one kind of life form and another, but in a wide variation of types of this same form. Although we observe many varieties within the group, a finch remains a finch, a virus a virus, a moth a moth, etc. We are familiar with breeding process to produce various kinds of horses, cows, cheep, dogs, cats,...etc.. The "variation within a kind" is what Darwin observed in the mid-1800's, and what we still observe today... Also We all know and recognise the viruses and bacteria development as well as the development of the defence system But no scientist has ever seen a host animal develop a new defence mechanism causing it to evolve into a higher life-from; similarly, no one has ever witnessed a parasite develop a new, improved attack method that ultimately resulted in its transformation into a new species. (macro evolution if occurred) .


    4- How can the poster proves the first theory or hypothesis? what he/she means by "human evolution"?. What he/she means by "the end of the world". Is that what some religions are teaching. I don't think there are any scientific point for the "end of the world"


    5- Also from where that human be characterised as "the most dominant creatures on the planet. "?


    6- In what called theory two[i.e. hypothesis 2, I can not tolerate calling it theory]: "Humans have evolve thousands of times already". From where came "human evolved these many times?"


    7- Getting smarter or the discoveries in science , exploration of space, building rockets, launching satellites, landing on the moon, sending robots to some planets can not be considered as "evolution". They are achievements, conclusions, deduction or engineering of our accumulated knowledge. They are mutual progress using our brains given to us and advantage knowledge stored in our brain or documented in books, magazines, research, theses etc.... Deduction theory from previous theories is not evolution but deductions.


    8- Theory three or hypothesis 3 is an imagination that the Human will be wiped up "Humans will be wiped out before we have a chance to evolve. Like the dinosaurs lay live as the dominant creatures of the planet for millions of years." It is the poster who think that i.e it is his/her belief., expectation or imagination. .


    9- Evolution is not science nor scientific theory : [Evolution Is Not Science Nor Scientific Theory: at: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=34318= ] or


    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Added proper Quote tags


    and i was the one who only knew 2 evolution theories :rolleyes::)

  3. Researchers have identified a new computer virus that masquerades as news headlines from CNN's Web site.
    Sophos, an anti-virus firm, says the virus -- identified as Crowt-A -- pulls headlines, subject lines and other content from CNN.com. Once opened, the virus can then scan the user's address book and try to email itself to those users.

    The virus' subject line and attachment share the same name, Sophos researchers say, but change continually to match headlines from CNN.com's home page.

    "Virus writers are always looking for new tricks to entice innocent computer users into running their malicious code," Carole Theriault, security consultant at Sophos, said in a statement. "This latest ploy feeds on people's desire for the latest news."

    Although the number of PCs possibly infected was not immediately known, Sophos said there has been only a small number of sightings.

    In addition to emailing itself to other users, the virus also installs a "backdoor Trojan function," according to Sophos. This function can pick up and send data such as keystrokes to a remote user -- a practice sometimes used by hackers to obtain sensitive information such as passwords.

    Last May, a fast-spreading computer "worm" known as Sasser wreaked havoc on computer users worldwide, affecting several businesses, banks and government offices.

    Users of the Windows operating systems reported sluggish machines and computers that quit or rebooted for no reason.

    Anti-virus companies estimate that more than 1 million PCs were infected.

    While a computer virus requires some sort of human intervention to be launched, such as opening an e-mail, a worm takes off on its own. Sasser spread through a Windows vulnerability known as LSASS, or Local Security Authority Subsystem Service -- hence the name Sasser.

    Sasser would scan random Internet protocol addresses until it found a vulnerable system. Then it would copy itself into the Windows directory as an executable file, and would launch the next time the computer is booted. All that searching for a new "victim" would slow things down across the Internet...

    aren't all viruses like this... once you get near them.. they can infect you. o my god.... this is also a news... is this a virus ?? :rolleyes::)

  4. usually you first format you're pc and install windows and install the drivers... once you installed a driver.. the second time you install a newer version of that driver for audio or graphics for example.. you might screw youre pc. and sistem restore never helped me that is why i dont use it.

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