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Posts posted by Kuroshiro

  1. God... why are you all asking questions on how to make a server here? Why won't you guys go to the official eAthena website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. They have plenty of step-by-step tutorials in there that even a slow person can understand it. Im tired of going through all the topics here saying all these n00b questions such as how to change the rates, how to be a GM, do I need the game to play, how do I make a .grf file, etc.

    Also, if you're one of those people who wants to make their own server. You're gonna need a very good computer like dual-core processors, 1GB+ RAM, etc. If you're going to run it on a home desktop computer, its going to be very laggy and even worse when youre going to play the game on the same computer you are hosting with. You would also need a higher connection than DSL/Cable to host. Because about each player uses about 200/kbs of your bandwith. If you're gonna host it wtih DSL/Cable, you could probably only host up to 10-25 people depending on your connection. It takes a lot of money to run a server, such as renting a server tower and T1+ connections also.

    You also have to be very carefuly when you set up your server, when you configure it, youre not just changing the default IP, you have to change everything to your needs. I just configured my server yesterday [since i host my own server for fun] and it took about the entire day from morning untill night untill I was dont making edits on npcs, rates, monsters, general configurations, and more.

    So if you're going to host a server, you should be one of those people who can afford spending $300+ each month depending on how much people you have. Also, theres about more than 2,000 other servers out there who are going to compete with you. Your chances of being a success with your server is about 25% depending on how much you advertised or how many people you know.

    I forgot to mention, if you do host a server. You are violating Gravity's Copyrights. They dont mind you making a server without anyone paying for it. But if you violate anything else such as buy this item [in dollars] which isnt dropped by any monster or pretty much making 100% profit instead of 0% profit.

    I sugeest that you might aswell run an RO server just for testing purpose, just for fun, or just to kill a lot of time. But, if you're one of those people who doesn't know crap about how to make an RO server, I suggest that you stop what you're trying to do and just join another successful server.

    You can join http://www.xilero.net/. They have a very high rate server and they have four servers that you can choose on [Main, PK, EZ, EX]. There are over a thousand people online [in total] each day, and even more on WoE days. If you are going to join XileRO, im at the EZ server and you can find me by typing in @who2 Guardian Angel when you get in-game. If im not online, you can PM me here and i'll help you out.

    Anyways, just make the right decision. And just don't waste your time making severs when you can just join one and have fun with hundreds of other people.

    Amen. :lol: [That was the longest post i've ever made]

  2. I signed up for a DDNS host at http://dyn.com/dns/ and I made a DDNS DarkTwilightRO.kicks-. But it asks for an IP, but I don't know what IP to use or if theres even an IP that I can use.

    If I can't do that, does anyone know where I can get a free domain host [besides Xisto or the one above] that I can use? I want those really short ones, easy to remember, and no ads at all.

    Edit: On the link [line 1], its aparently not **bottom**, its a-s-s without the " - ".

  3. What should I say to a girl when shes sad?I have so many friends (mostly girls) who gets really sad a lot. But I don't know what to say, or do to cheer her up. I need some advice.. I need some good advice, not some kind of advice like... just suck it up.. cheer up... turn that frown upside down.. etc.Thanks guys. I hope you guys know more about girls than I do [and vice versa].

  4. Roller Coaster Tycoon is the best game i've ever played. I dont like Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 though because its in 3-D and it lags my computer like crazy when I make a large theme park with over a million guests. Thats why I like the first one better because even if you had a billion, it doesn't lag as much. I also like the first one better because it has more rides and its easier to create rides.

  5. Ragnarok Online is the best game ever. I also host my own private server just for fun and testing. The best class there is, is either Stalker or Gunslinger. They're the best jobs there is, and the other jobs just suck.


    The server that I play is Xilero [http://www.xilero.net/]. The rates are great, the community is very nice, they have a ton of custom stuff such as weapons, cards, items, wings, monsters/mobs, drops, and stuff. Also, they have 4 [i think] different severs to choose from and they're all lag-free which is really good. My level there right now is level 232 stalker and I have most of the custom items they got, except the donation items.


    Anyways, im also looking foward to RO2 whenever it comes out. Now that just gotta own Lineage 2.

  6. Hey guys, im just wondering if anyone knows websites that has free downloads [not WAPs or SMS downloads. Downloads as in I can download it to my computer and send it to my phone.] for my Nokia 6680 phone. If you can, that would be great, the site that I go to right now is http://www.mobile9.com/

    I need help in looking for other websites like it. The downloads I want are either themes, ringtones [.mp3 type], wallpapers, or softwares for my phone.

    Thanks. :lol:

  7. Thats pretty fun. Wow, coincidently, im installing that game right now. Its so fun with the cheat codes when I can go as fast as I want, never get dents, and flying upwards after a far run. That game is really fun. But I cant afford the newer ones because I dont have any money on me, and I dont think that they sell those games in stores no more. Which really sucks. Anyways, I really love driver, making those insane turns and stuff. What sucks is just that the cops just come out of nowhere, yet they're really dumb. What I love to do is ram them at full speed when they're making a blockade and watch them fly up to the sky and fall somewhere far away. The only thing that sucks about driver is that the maps were too small. If it was a full city, that would of been fun. I also like the details, since for that time when it came out, it was the best there is. Anyways, im in the mood to play driver now since i've talked about it.

  8. Red vs Blue is the best ever. Its awfully funny to watch. So far I only got season one for myself.That was hella funny when lopez made a "music video".. that was really funny. Also, a funny espisode was when chuch was dying!Church: Tucker...Church: ...tucker...Chuch: ..I have one last thing to say to ya...Tucker: ...yeah?Church: ...ive...ive always hated you..Tucker: Alright, why wont you die now you prick.Church: Alright... :dies::Wow.. those moments are funny.Also, that one time when doc was so late. They needed medical help but they dont anymore and their bodies was bured in the back.Another good one was when they all had that one wierd dream, I forgot how it went but it was really stupid.

  9. I love PC's more than any other consoles.Why?1) They're cheap.2) If they need upgrading for better gaming, you don't spend over $300.3) Different consoles always comes out each year wether it is a brand new type of console of a upgraded/slimmer version pf the consoles which is a total waste of money if you wait for the better ones.

  10. The last time I had a blue screen was when I had my first windows XP and I never had it updated. One day when I was surfing the net [you know what some guys do in the internet..], I suddenly got the bluescreen and I can't do anything about it. I tried restarting and it still came up. So I had no choice but to reformat it...Lesson learned: Update your freaking computer constantly and get a very strong virus protection software and firewall.

  11. RO2 should come out of korea [since RO1 came from there]. Unless Japan was bored and made RO2.I've heard the korean RO2 is arleady in open beta since the beginning of this year. I belive that RO2 in english should come probably late 07'. But that would probably be in beta too.. so possibly alpha won't be out till 08'. Just keep your hopes up for RO2, its worth the wait. Seriosuly.Suggestion: Google RO2 and drool at the screenshots and videos.

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