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Posts posted by quakesand

  1. I think your's has cool effects, cool graphics, but no meaning at all.It's boring in color, and it gives you no other feeling than "urm... what is this?"Like Saint_Michael says, it's lack of depth. You also need a good border for it too.You don't need to fill the whole screen with patterns if you want to make a good sig.I think his entry is better, he has design, colors and interesting background.And his picture is not boring. But i kinda dislike the techniquez word...

  2. Hey thanks, now I'm sure that how stars work and them explode and how others work.
    You gave me a good idea for my game...I love the eternal darkness part,
    it explained why is blackhole...-black
    gonna bookmark this page :)

    you're all NERDS.

    Notice from Saint-Michael:
    and that is off topic spam, warning issue.

    If you don't like this topic, don't post.

  3. This is cool! I can't even buy 1 domain!

    You woud be wise to take a link they dont have, if they want it in the future they have to pay big bucks for it if ye know what i mean :rolleyes:
    If they want it bad enof and you have it well that woud be some nice ammount of money in your bank account :)

    lol, that's evil...

  4. Honestly I do not understand why you still are this persons friend. You should start slow about getting rid of this relationship becuase at the moment with the words you are saying it seems that you have no need for the persons company.
    You should first try avoiding contact that should work because he should get the hint if that doesnt work you should tell him straight forward that he bothers you and you really shouldnt hang out. If he still does not get the message you need to tell someone like an adult.

    telling an adult cannot help, they cant do anything, can they guard me at school just because of that? can they tell his parents and then he will follow like a robot? Can they tie him up or kill him?(lol)
    they can't, nothing they do will help..

  5. That's crazy. Just don't ever answer the phone if he calls, and if he comes to your house act like you're not home. Just avoid him at all costs, and if he tries to talk to you just tell him you don't want to be friends anymore, and if he still doesn't get the point, tell someone about it.


    Gees, this might sound weird but I feel really sorry for this guy. Yes, he's a complete loser and weirdo but I just can't imagine how sh*t he must feel being that his mum is obviously a control freak that tramples all over him and the whole school hates his guts. He must feel really, really lonely.

    Yea...I feel the same too, but after I looked at him, I will feel oppositely, he laughs and smiles everytime like... an Idiot or someone mad....

    If he annoys you and you want rid of him, he's not a friend. Another problem solved by Kioku that we call all walk away from, a little more wiser.

    yea, he's a "friend"..as we said before...

  6. You are right, not all mothers and fathers are good, neither are all children. There is no question there are some people out there that should not have children, we see it every day in the form of child abuse. Usually these are small children that have no hope of defending themselves which makes it even worse. But I think the majority of parents and children are good, perhaps they don't always understand each other, but they don't physically hurt each other.
    Yes parents get on your nerves, my parents get on my nerves too. But as I am a parent myself now, I can at least understand what it is they were trying to do. Most times, they were trying to help me avoid the same mistakes they made. Of course like you, I thought I knew what was best for me and my parents didn't have a clue. Even now, I think trying stop a person making mistakes is not always a good thing. To learn things in life, you often have to make your own mistakes, the trick is to learn from the mistakes. The problem is, your parents most likely can see what is going to happen as a result of your mistakes because they have been there themselves, this is why they try to stop you making the mistakes.

    So my message is, no matter what you think of them, most parents are just doing what they think will be best for you in the long run. Notice I said MOST, not ALL.

    yea, your right, I always make mistakes... :lol:
    They are funny, they can't even buy me a basketball when they earn 10 thousands every month....
    and yes, I have a old one, but it's cracked up and all the air comes out...

  7. Rofl I consider my mom for me the most hated person on the planet havent seen her in 2 years now Never ever wanna see her again. The things she pulld me you woud be shockd like all if i told you. Really I think this is as nothing you have some little problems you need to deal with with me it was much much more..

    lol...you can tell if you want to..I might want to see what kind of mothers are out there.
    You can't say all the mothers and fathers are good, because if this world has bad people, this world have bad parents.

  8. Names Rob but i got by went....

    You can tell us more about you...You did'nt actually give any detail, but welcome to Xisto and enjoy you stay here! Good luck on posting or getting your host here :lol:

    Rob we would like to know more about you so we get to know you better. Are you going for hosting or just posting (what a nice rhyme)? Anyways, welcome to Xisto. I'm sure you'll love it here because all of the members are very nice. Well have fun and make sure you read the Xisto Readme. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

    lol, a rhyme....nice thinking!

  9. Many people have asked me, or have wondered, what is up with your name, in name I mean coolduck. Now this isn't coming from any one from Xisto, but from other places because I always use coolduck123456 as a name in everything and there actually is a story that goes with it.


    In high school, I was a well-known person, not neccessarily popular, but I had many friends. I played varsity basketabll since I began 10th grade. Usually when basketaball begins, the same people came to the conditioning and practices from the previous years, with the exception of the freshman. This year was mostly the same, but different in one aspect. As everyone had arrived to a mandatory condtioning day, one new person had arrived. His name was Lou. He had come from a different school and was a descent of Chinease. People had not been to kind of him because he walked like a duck. Most people knew him by the name Duck and not the name Lou. When he showed up everybody started to laugh, why would somebody like Lou show up? As we began to condition, we noticed Lou was always the last one to finish everything, most people teased him and put him down, but for me I felt bad for him. The next few days, Lou still came and still conditioned with the team, even with people making fun of him. I always noticed that Lou walked home after practices, so I decided to walk home with him. I introduced myself and we began to talk. I soon learned that Lou had a leg problem that caused him to wobble like a duck, which explained why he walked wierd. He told me that he loved basketball and enjoyed it when he lived in china. He also said that he left china when he was 6 because his parents had another child and people in china had to pay extra for more than one kid. Lou and I became friends and I began to call him coolduck instead of just Duck. He still went to conditioning and everything basketball related. When tryouts came by, Lou was a no show. I had thought he quit basketball and was dissapointed. When I returned home, I called Lou's house, but nobody answered. The next day when I arrived at school, I noticed Lou was not there. Then my 1st period teacher walked in and said Lou was in a terrible accident and was in the hospital for possible brain damage. When I went to see him at the hospital, I noticed that he was in horrible condition, and could not even speak. After a few weeks, he became better, but was paralyed from the waist down and had speak problems. I felt horrible and was devistated for what happened. Lou didn't come back to school, as his parents thought home schooling was his best option. I always visted Lou every weekend as he still knew me. His condition worsened though as time went on. By my senior year, I got the news the Lou has past away. I cried for a week and was devastated again! I knew I had to do something for Lou. I remebered that Lou said that 21 was his lucky number and wanted to wear it if he made the bball team. So I changed my number from 16 to 21. Lou was my inspiration to win that season, and that's what we did. That year we won the league championship with onlt 1 loss. We dedicated the championship it to Lou and couldn't hoped for a better season. Lou's parents were in the audience at the game,at afterwards I ran to them as we both cried. Ever since then, I still visited Lou's parents and his little sister as well, now a big sister!. Ever since them, the number 21 has been special to me. Coolduck was the nickname I gave Lou and 123456 adds up to 21. I think about Lou everyday and know someday I will see him again!


    kinda sad story here, is that you in the avatar? just asking...He's really not in luck...very unfortune....


    After reading this posting, I am going to submit a Name Change Request for you which I am certain the Admins will accept.

    I propose we call you "Too Cool Duck 123456".


    lol, jlhaslip, you really do know how to joke...hehe
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