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Posts posted by quakesand

  1. The easiest but most stupid way to do it is to destroy internet wires all over the world ;)

    Actually, while it may not be possible to remove the internet, it is possible to create a way to stop people from using it.
    Have you heard of, "Digital Doomsday"? This is a theory that, what with all the internet hackers getting smarter every day, soon someone will have figured out a way to send a powerful virus to everyone connected to the internet, with the ability to permanently jam the connections. This basically will make the internet useless, which is just as bad as destroying it, really.

    Almost impossible to happen, unless you have a bad firewall.
    But still makes sense...

  2. If there is no internet, I don't think I still can speak English.I think this is the same thing that will happen when there are no search engines,think of an internet with no search engines......NO GOOGLE!fortunately that won't happen.without internet I might just be as useless as junk,because all I ever wanted in my life is to make a game that people can play together all around the world (mmorpg).

  3. What exactly will happen if I put two very intense light together?Is it possible to make a big explosion?Or just some sparkle?My mother thinks it will create chemicals.But i think it might just mix together and make the middle stronger, just because I think lights cannot touch each other, or anything else. So if you want to slice through things you do not need to use and strength, just put it there and it's gone.and by mixing two of them together, will they only mix up into a really hot point of laser? or just stops when they collide?Edit:sorry, it should be when lights collide not what.

  4. I also thought of everything you all thought before, but i also have another thought. (don't know if anyone had said before, i don't want to read all the posts...)Maybe there are peoples that dropped us to this Earth today, hoping we can develop here maybe just because they are coming to an end...We have many hidden parts in our bodies, we do not know how to use it.Maybe they did this purposely because they didn't want us to have great power and live in more peace. Having powers would lead us to destruction. Anyone one is psychic and they know what exactly will happen and always have a boring life. They do this maybe because they want to make mankind last and become better.

  5. We like things to be clean, but pop up ads are not clean.A site with pop up ads is not clean..Some hosting service also does thing to their costumers because they want people to pay for their no-ads service and get more money.But they are greedy, they want more money, they put money earning ads into your sites and make you click on it, but it isn't easy to make somebody do something....because we are not, like you said "dumb".

  6. I do not think robots will be hacked and take over the world, people can always make more robots with more security to fight back or just use weapons.Just like what we did to the tigers, lions, we still survive!what robots have is also what we have, we can make the same weapons(or better), the same armor, the same devices.......I really do encourage this world to be filled with robots.

  7. Who says this would discourage us to exercise?These new technologies does exercises our brains.and what about our physical body?Do you really think we will sit on a wheel chair or a mind-controlled machine all day long?Do you think we never walk again and never miss the relaxation of exercise?Do you really think kids will stop playing who will run faster, or can you chase me....and throw down all physical body/sport competitions such as basket ball?No we won't... things still happen, we have machines but we still work.

  8. Maybe in the future we can have another way of communication, using the chips in our bodies.
    Planting a chip in our bodies doesn't mean that they plant a computer linking to every part of our bodies...
    It means to add a part to help us communicate, store data, check your surroundings, give warnings......
    that could mean a lot to us, like making us available to use many types of cool things such as: telepathy, sixth sense and super minds with the help of machines.

    Bill Gates is probably gunna develop some sort of os where he can control peoples minds & bodies and soon we will have an army of microsoft soldiers controlling the earth, he must be stopped here and now before it gets out of control. I'd bet my life that if bill gates had the chance he'd take over the earth.

    lol, your joking right?

  9. Thank you!!! I'm not alone in the world of school technology stupidity. I agree, the most advanced thing that we have done in computer class this year was probably powerpoint. No one in my class has a clue what Photoshop is and wouldn't dare try to use it. I would be the only one who owns a website or even knows a web programming language. Some people need help logging out of a networked computer, and some just can't. (I have turned the computer *when it was in standby mode* and about 3-4 times this year the same person was still logged in, tend to doubt that person ever longs out.)

    Your story really touches my heart...(only because I have a very same life...)
    All my friends hardly know how to use a website maker that only needs you to drag & drop...
    They don't know how to copy files from a cd to your hard drive, they don't know how to install a game..
    they don't know anything besides typing clicking and playing...
    I feel so along in school, nothing seems good, just like I'm a undercover spy hiding my identity.
    Only 2 friends that were with me for 5 years everyday in school understands, but they hardly know anything.
    Making models are like making a real life time machine to them, changing registry is like sooo hard to them.
    Using microsoft office programs takes ages for them to learn..

    Schools really have to change, from the best student to the worst student, no one knows anything useful about technology in these days...they don't even know the basics, they don't even know how to
    right-click --> Properties

  10. Why spending time on a machine that changes your mind? Why simulate things to happen? Why not just follow the "lucid dreaming technology"?You can have much more fun when lucid dreaming, all you need is hypnosis or a radio that beeps a few time loudly and lets you know your dreaming?Besides making it into our brain, why don't we just wear some goggles that brings safe(not eye hurting) pictures into your eyes and good sounds into your ears?You really can do that, further more, you can make a motion master-like chair to simulate other things!Thing don't need to be artificial real to be fun.

  11. I think cloning technology may cause more viruses and disease in our life.Or it might make life boring, exiting or short.If you look at cloning in the way of god,It's not right, our life shortens, uses double energy, splitting spirits. NOT RIGHT.If you look at it in medical way of thinking.It is dangerous, far too dangerous for wealth and safety.might cause death or things like HIV, just ain't safe enough for human to attempt.Or if you look that it in a scientific way,this is amazing technology, things change, blend to the new perspective.Cloning is just another being, another Thing, just like twins.but no one can guarantee things will go right.If you ask me, I would say:"Make more tests on mammals first, to make sure everything will go right."

  12. I've tried it, if you respect it and talk to it carefully, it may seem like talking to humans. But if you talk to it just like talking to a human, it just don't seem like it...And it is so annoying asking me to tell a story, blablabla and when I reply my name in complete sentence, it treats my name as the sentence...Quite annoying, I give it 4/10 for the effort...@Forbezlol

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