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Posts posted by changeyourmind

  1. Here are some steps that you can folloe to remove the trojan horse from your computer.1. Disconnect your internet connection so that other computers dont get affected 2. reboot in safe mode search for trojan files your antivirus may have detected and delete the files.3 if still doesnt work or your antivirus did not detected the trojan horse.restore your computer to a back date.4. Never try opening any unsolicited emails.5 try another antivirus like norton.6. clear your temporary interner files and clear the cache.

  2. well to be true nothing is impossible it may be possible that we may have more than one universe.infact i strongly beleive that there are more than one universe all we need to do is to discover and we may also find life existing somewhere.In this world we have a lot of things that one cant explain and they are still undiscovered.Well there must be a way which caused life to be generated on earth.it must have come from some permutations and combinations.so if the same permutation and combination could happen elsewhere why cant there be another universe wher life exists.

  3. I dont think its a better idea of limiting yourself to limited channels.Well Human nature is dynamic and if you limit yourself to limited channels you may regret it later on.every one in the family has diferent taste so if everyone can watch all the channels they will be happy and more scope of discussion and thereby gaining teh knowledge.gaining more knowledge and have knowledge about everything is always a virtue.

  4. Well i Dont think Robots can Destroy our Future. They can be of the best help to the mankind.Robots are nothing but a man made machine. and machines can never exceed the human brain.God has made us all he is the developer of manking however no one can destroy the god so are the robots the creation of Humans.what can a computer do when it is switched off. So are the robots the power to them is the main source of working.Robots will make things easier only.

  5. The very thought of having a splash in hot water poured over the head relaxes me and i loose all my tensions.it relaxes my muscles and i dont want to come out of it.its a very cozy atmosphere which i dont want to get rid off.i love have a warm bath for at least 30 minutes and about 1 hour if time persists.

  6. Well we today have all means to end the world nuclear technologies,hole in the sky ultraviolet rays, so when has the means they tend to use it so we always have the fear of end of the world.Well we are almost to the point of it.only disarmamation may cause it to stop the world from ending and nowadays we are more dependend on computers rather than our own memory. well every thing that has a beginning has an end to it.

  7. Happiness is an inner feeling its thinking good and being positive some people are happy by small things and some not happy even by large reasons to be happy.a man who is contended and satisfied will always be happy however one must never think it its the end of it as it will stop him making further errorts however one who knows how to enjoy small things in life will be more happy.one who can find more reasons to be happy will be always happy.

  8. Well its natural phenomenan and every one has its own way.one who is caught is a thief so if girls dont admit to do it we tend to believe that they dont while boys are more open of sharing their ideas of this.One tries to discover only when it is hidden who knows that the figures may be reverse.

  9. Well there may be lot of open applications open in the computer so it may take a longer time to shut down.make sure that you close all active applications on the computer before you do a shut down.if windows Ctrl+Del +Alt end all programs.and then do a shut down.also check for any viruses on the computerand make sure you habve sufficient memory and good microprocessor installed in your computer.

  10. Well thats news to me If google is going to enter Auctions Arena it will have more buyers and sellers as most people use google and i hope google would provide more easy search and the lowest rice with best quality for the consumers.as google doent has that many adds on the site so it should be fun shopping on google.i would love to buy on gogle.

  11. one of the reasons for foot smell is the kind of shoes and how much time do you have the foot covered.i work for more than 12 hours and all the time i am wearing the leather shoe.i discovered when i wear open sleeper it does not has that bad smell.one more thing that can cure it is to drink a lot of water.and make sure that the socks are clean lol.

  12. Well some isp may work slower when you enter a proxy on ie and for some isps with bb you may require secure proxy for accessing secure sites it all depends on your isp.mostly the dialup does not requires a proxy server to connect to secure websites.so if you require a secure proxy you can try the websites given above else if you can acess without proxy it may work faster.

  13. I think that the best antivirus is Norton it is most widely used and if you take the complete download of norton it would also include the firewall to protect your computers from hackers as well.NOrton keeps bringing its updations and you can always update yoour antivirus online.the support for norton is good on the technical end and i feel it is the best antivirus

  14. Virus is a software program created by experts to cause problem to the computers.mostly it attacks on the operating system like windows or linux or mac however there are some viruses which affect the harddrives printers and other hardware stuff.to protect the computer from viruses one should try going to secure websites and opening email with attachment which you think is from a trusted source.

  15. Well theres no harm in using the best browser.see mac have outlook express from microsoft.so no doubt the best browser is firefox .I have used opera Ie Firefox and out of these i find firefox as one of the best browsers from them.Well most of us use windows operating system the browsers may change however they all work on windows platform.so we should take the best and leave the rest.

  16. Well I have google as my home page on my pc and i use google a lot however one never knows the future there were other seach engines when google was not there.So who knows we may have something better than google till date i am satisfied with google but i love to explore and may be in some days we get some engine where we need not type anything to search for we get the site which we think of in mind and there it goes.else google should be there as the best as it has everything.

  17. Well i enter the topic i am searching for in google.sometimes information related to Excel, Programming languages and my results websites to search the scope of an industry that is growing.I looked for some free hosting websites and free domains in google and there we go i had all what i looked for you can do refined search for what you need some good Images.one who knows how to use it has no hassle to find what one wants.so you can look from definitions of something to whole range of softwares hardwares the best you want in google.

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