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Posts posted by -[Nero]-

  1. i agree 100% with husker, don't change who you are or worst pretend to be something you're not, just be yourself or you'd be living a lie. first things first, you don't have to be depressed, just chill, you have time. to get started, you'd have to know her better, and you'd have to let her get to know you too. jsut try and engage her in small conversations on a daily basis, greet her when you see her, just be friendly..unless you two are already good friends or on speaking terms. because if she doesn't know you well enough and you're a stranger to her...its highly unlikely that if you go up to her and ask, her answer will be a yes.. get to know her better, let her get to know the real you as well, you seem like a sincere guy, whats not to like? looks and popularity are only skin deep, its who you really are that matters. once she knows you better, when you think the time is right, tell her how you feel about her, and maybe then you can ask her to the dance. if she accepts your feelings and feels the same way, thats great! if she doesn't...you did try, no regrets, and even if she turns you down, maybe she felt that she wasn't ready yet or something, a second chance might come along.just keep in mind, if she likes you for who you are, thats great. but if she doesn't, and no matter what you do she still doesn't, then, my suggestion is to move on, there are bigger fish in the sea~ if she doesn't like you, maybe she just wasn't the right one for you. you'll find your partner in life, it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but the day will come, and probably sooner than you think, without you even knowing it at first. to sum up the whole hting, i suggest you:1. talk to her2. get to know her and let her get to know you3. don't rush things, take your time4. if both of you are on friendly terms, tell her your feelings when you think she's ready to hear what you have to say5. if it works out for the two of you, excellent! my congrats to the happy couple. if it doesn't work out, take your time and try again or move on, your choice. don't dwell on the past

  2. thanks for the warm welcome guys ^^ we appreciate it, looks like we'll fit right in! =D@squeaky, lol, 3 more years of high school eh, you might think its bad now, but you'll probably miss it in the future, so make sure you have fun in school, cherish your time there so that when you leave, you'll have no regrets. i've had my chance to experience high school, while i was still in school, the work kind of sucked but it was fun nonetheless, now i wish i only participated more in school activities and made even more friends...oh well, no regrets, i enjoyed it

  3. i used to use yahoo for a while at first, then i switched over to hotmail, this storage space was small but there was this bug or something that let you increase the size to 25 or 250mb, not sure, i forgot but mine is still 25mb. when gmail started, i got an invite from a friend and signed up, the 2gb storage was nice, but i didn't quite like the look n feel of it, and to me it also lacked some basic options..either that or i just never came across them [yet again, due to the interface]... things like blocking mails from certain addresses, junk mail filters and such. i'm still using hotmail now because of preference, and also becaus of the MSN IM compatibility, i agree, msn is still the best Instant messenger out there.

  4. you need a router to share your internet connection, if you don't mind havign lots of wires around your house, go for a wired router and connect the computers by LAN cable. however if you DO mind the wires[i'm sure you do], get a wirless router. if possible, try to get a friend who knows about routers to help you set it up and teach you how to do it yourself. its easier that way as compared to reading stuff online nad learning about it, well its up to you

  5. from your account of things...i'm sorry but i don't think shes serious, either that or she's the type of girl that thinks its fun to break up with you adn see whay you would do to get her back, i've seen guys who've had girlfriends who break up with them once every few months for no particular reason...its either she's fooling around, or she had liked someone else and only was interested in you for a while because the two of you shared the same interests...i don't know her, and i don't know you, so i can't say for sure...but i sincerely do think she's just fooling around with you, no offence but maybe you should let go, i don't think she's the right one for you if she does these kinds of things..and she's even cheated on you once before, if she's done it once, she can do it again and again..i'm sorry, but what i think is you should let go and move on, she's not worth your time, and from your account of what happened, you seem like a great guy with good and sincere intentions, you seem loyal too, you'll find your girl someday, and she'll be way better than this person who's just playing with you...

  6. its hard to help you as you weren't specific enough. could you specify what you're mainly going to use your PC for? if you're into gaming, use a CRT monitor, or if you want LCD, go for one with the shortest response time if you're into extreme high end gaming, if not an everage response time will do...if you're not into gaming then the choice is rather easy almost any monitor will do, just go for a cheap but reliable and trustworthy brand.

  7. interesting views...very interesting, i never really thought about it in detail before...but now that you mention it, there was a time my friend [girl], and i think 3 other friends went to the toilet together...what for? they were talking about another one of their friends, also a girl...the toilet they were in was a school toilet, so if they talked in the open area its not that private and the person they were talking about could walk in anytime...so yea, what they did was..all of them...1 cubicle..yeap, 1 small cubicle..talking...and while they were talking, speak of the devil :lol:" the person they were talking about appears..leaving all but 1 of them hiding in the cramped cubicle while the lucky one comes out and pretends shes finished whatever business she had with the toilet bowl...the friend that walked in asks her about where her other friends went and..she lied ' i think they went to the library to get some books' yea right...lol, the things that girls do in a toilet..amazing, just amazing

  8. i know how you feel, i'm going thru the same thing right now, this is my last year of high school..all we have left is our major public exam, and thats it...goodbyes and farewells..you can't do anythin about it, not even if you repeat your school years @.@ [but who would do that right]basically, you just have to look on the brighter side of things. you and your friends, have completed one part of your education and are moving on, you guys are progressing in life, to become successful individuals in the future. it can't be helped that everyoen will part and go their own ways, but what you can do though, is make sure you keep in touch, maybe you could compile the contact information of all your friends and giv a copy to every one of them. call them every now and then, meet them somewhere, go for a movie, or lunch, or go visit them at home, anything as long as you keep in touch. what im doing is i'm setting up a small forum for my schoolmates and i, so that we can use that to keep in touch, as now, no matter hwere you are...you'd probably have access to the internet..i guess this is one of the benefits of globalisation. some of my friends are oging overseas as well, so phonecalls will be expensive..thus i'll be recommending skype to them, it offers free internet telephony, and you can even call actual phones from your computer, for rather cheap rates, even if you make an international call. i'm also going to compile the contact info of my schoolmates and giv each person a copy. i really treasure and value my friends and i am willing to do almost anything to make sure our friendship lasts, maybe you could do the same?

  9. try not to be too depressed over it as it will affect you, instead, think things over rationally and calmly, could anythin have happened between the two of you that things came to this? or think about what you can do. if your boyfriend is willing, i say you find time, sit down, and just talk to him, doesn't matter about what, just talk to him and share anything, talk things over, sort things out, or just chit chat for fun, maybe he didn't lose interest, maybe he was just busy or he was caught up in something and failed to tell you about it.if things don't work out on the other hand..its not the end, if he's lost interest..maybe he's thinking that you aren't suitable for him or he's not suitable for you...yet again, try to talk things out, communication is the key, there is absolutely NO POINT in worrying yourself over it without bringing up the subject with him. find out the reason and see if anythin can be done. if in the end it doesn't work out..i won't tell you not to be sad..you guys have been together for almost 3 years, hel yeah you'd be sad, but don't linger on it for too long...you have to move on, if it doesn't work out, maybe he just wasn't the right guy for you...=S thats all i can say...

  10. girls can be rather complicated and hard to understand, especially when they're sad...well..my advice is, just talk if she doesn't mind..talk to her about anythin, try to get her mind off things and see if it helps...or if possible, try to get her to talk to you about the problem shes facing or the reason why shes down. from there, you just have to listen, let her talk, if she stops some where in between, you can give your opinions on what she can do, or what she should do, or if something happend, then you find reasons as to why she doesn't have to feel sad about it...if she is facing a problem, try help her solve it..there are a thousand and one scenarios that can be related to why a girl is feeling sad..so its rather hard, so...general guideline:-talk about stuff to start things off-talk about her problem-listen [VERY IMPORTANT]-from here on it depends on what exactly is making her feel down, usually when they feel sad, its because they relate things to themselves.....so what you can do is, you give them your opinions, or voice your thoughts from a third-person party's point of view, so that she can get the big picture, and either understand, get over it, or just realise its stupid and laugh it off.well...its not easy, i know how you feel. good luck man

  11. you're right, psp owns DS anyday...DS has some nice games and is unique in its own way, but the number of games for it is rather limited as compared to the PSP. PSP pwns DS in terms of functions and capabilities too, it outperforms the DS by a great margin. my friend even has GPS on his PSP...i didn't believe him at first...but..he showed me, all i could do was let my jaw drop...GPS on a PSP?????? what more could you ask for..it plays games, vids, and even gps...i don't see how DS can match up...all it has is 2 screens and a writing pad or whatever its called...

  12. for now, i'd say hold off from buying zune as its still new, but i would buy it rather than get an ipod. apple restricts ipod users a lot, especially users who download songs from their online store. music downloaded from apple's music store can only be played on that ipod [correct me if im wrong] unless you get some software to modify it. apart from that its rather troublesome, you can only add songs using itunes, and you have to do it using a pc.zune on the other hand, it has more features and less restrictions. i've also heard from a friend you can install codecs on it to play more filetypes. it also has bluetooth, if you have a song that a friend wants and he has a zune too, just bluetooth it over to him, doesn't take long, no hassle~. you can also choose your own background to be displayed, making it more personalized.thats just my 2 cents, the ipod is great, but i think zune wins overall due to having more options and less restrictions

  13. Hey, nice to meet you guys ^^ my friends and I are glad to be part of the community and we would like to make contributions too ^^yes, we, we're sharing an account, 3 of us. we were looking for a free webhost to setup a forum for our schoolmates and ourselves. we had some trouble finding one at first. but then, we came across trap 17, and seeing how so many of you guys got hosting from Xisto, we decided to give it a try. we've reached the end of high school...it sad to part with friends, we won't be seeing each other that often. so we decided to make a forum for all of us, just to keep in touch and maintain our close friendship. my friends and i would like to thank Xisto for making that possible! thank you trap 17!anyways, back to the topic, we're new here. some info on us: we're malaysians and we're going to start our tertiary education next year. we would like to share what we know and what we have, and at the same time learn from you guys, as well as meet new people. we're computer and gaming enthusiast so we'll probably be hanging around the Tech and Games section alot :lol: thats all~ :(

  14. looks interesting, sounds promising, thanks for sharing ^^. i don't have a site of my own, but i will be making one for my schoolmates and myself as this year is my last year in high school..i don't want to put up ads there, but if i have the free time to set up a site and want to earn some extra cash, i'm sure i'll be finding that link you posted VERY USEFUL =D so, thanks in advance, i'll be hanging on to that link ^^

  15. yeah, most viruses don't damage your hardware, but some do. they alter your settings making your hardware overheat which leads to it being spoilt. i've also heard some viruses can corrupt your harddrive n even after reformatting it, it still won't work that well..not too sure tho o.Oeither way, whichever it damages be it software or hardware, viruses are bad news, its best to play safe and keep your pc safe. get a good antivirus and anti-spyware prog, u can use a firewall too. as for the site you visit, don't download things from suspicious sites. stay virus-free!

  16. hmm..are you a heavy pc user? if you run alot of programs on ur pc at the same time, you might want to consider having DDR2 ram..and maybe 1.5 or 2GB? cuz from what i know vista uses quite a lot.Another thing is, if you're going to upgrade this pc again soon, then your cpu is fine, but if you want to use it for another 3-4 years maybe..then, you might want to consider getting a dual core processor, so that you're more up-to-date. if you're going to upgrade again soon, you can wait for Intel's core 2 quad and AMDs new range of processors.just my two cents though, i don't know your budget and your amount of computer usage, so naturally those 2 aren't taken into consideration :lol:*edit: nice case btw ^^

  17. Born from Malaysia.. Wait!! u guys will probably ask:"where the heck is Malaysia?".... It's that screwed-up land just above Singapore in South East Asia. I never really like my country becuz of too much special privilages for the origin people....Oh! I'm chinese btw... not an origin of my country...

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