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Unregistered 012

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Posts posted by Unregistered 012

  1. I think it is possible to become addicted to video games. I have friends that always want to play video games, and never do anything else. Same thing with my cousin. All he ever does is play video games, go on the computer, or watch T.V. And it is hard to get him off of those things. But people just need to get out and find something better to do. Like, play some sports, hang out with friends, get a girlfriend/boyfriend. Just something to pass the time if they are that obsessed with video games. Nobody wants to hang out with a person, that only wants to play video games. To sum it up, "Get a Life."

  2. My Internet Browsing has been so much better ever since i have switched from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox. It is just better in every way. All the options are easier to use, all on the panes. While Internet Explorer only has a few things like Stop, Refresh, and Go. In my opinion Mozilla Firefox is much better than Internet Explorer in every way. Easier to use, Safer to use cause of the security stuff. You can change things on it, how it works. I will always use Mozilla Firefox now, never found a better browser since i started using it.

  3. I have tried a few other hosts, one my friend hosts. But it takes forever to get stuff done because he has to make all the databases and set everything up. I would have rather had it so i can do everything on my own. This is why i came back to Xisto. Great hosting, reliable and the Cpanel is awesome. I remember all the rules and everything, so i will see you on the forums.

  4. Hey guys. I'm justinx14. Before that i was savagemonkeyz14. But i got my name changed. I have decided to make another site. This time my cousin is going to help me administrate the site. Hopefully, this site will be successful. See you guys on the forums.

  5. What's a prep?

    A prep in my opinion is a stuck up, rich kid, who thinks that he/she is better than everyone else cause their mommy and daddy have money. They are usually dum as hell and like to rub the fact that their parents have money in your face. They are always wearing holister, abercrombie, and all the other crap.
    But yes i hate most preps. Especially the ones that act like how i just gave a definition of them above. But i have some prep friends but they arent like that. Sure they wear the really expensive clothes and stuff. But they don't rub it in your face and stuff.

  6. I just ignore it when people say it to me. Cause I'm not a jock, prep, emo, goth or whatever. I'm in that funny person category. Like to make people laugh. But nobody really calls me anything like prep or emo. Well cause I'm not. But just ignore it i guess.

  7. That is how my mom is with me and sports. I hate playing for competition. I am really good at most of all the sports but i just like to have fun and being able to play the sport without having to be worrying about that if we don't win that i will get scolded. I'm really good at soccer, and baseball, and fairly good at basketball but i just don't want to play for the school and my mom wont get over that. I don't like playing football unless it is with my friends and we are just messing around. Just wait and things should get better. Good luck.

  8. I like my dreams. Some of them are fun to have while others are the ones where it is like those horror sci fi movies that you see where everyone dies in the end. But of course before i die in the dream i wake up. But i get the deja vu things all the time. I like those. But i don't hate my dreams.

  9. Ya, i don't eat as much junk food anymore. I don't really have any stress. I also have been washing my hands before i wash my face. I don't pick anymore. I don't want to take a pill for a few pimples especially if it costs 200 dollars even with insurance. It has been getting better since i first started this topic though. I have been washing my face about 2 times a day with a new medicine. It is getting better. Thanks for the help.

  10. Ya, I've heard a lot of things about external hard drives. I wouldn't know much cause i have never used them. But i was told that they allow your computer to be a lot faster if you save everything to it. First Question: I do not know about the operating systems, but i do know it will make your computer run faster.Second Question: Like i said i have never used any. But probably any good computer brand that would make external hard drives. Or just go to Best Buy and ask someone there. They are bound to know.

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