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Posts posted by Storm

  1. Its horrible and worse of all there was no warning :rolleyes: . I hope that the countries that where hit decide to get a warning system setup in the future.Does anyone know how many countries have donated to the countries hit?Last i heard was that Japan has donated more money to the realif fund then even the USA. And even music groups are getting involved, such as linkin park which has donated 100k of there own money into a fund that they have started. I hope more music groups take after them and donate as much as possible.

  2. Does anyone know of a site that can teach you how to use it? Like i would like to read up on it and learn how to do it myself. I am just looking for a site that has turtorials and maybe software that i can test it out on and see how i do before i purchase anything. If anyone can help with this please let me know here, ty very much.-Storm

  3. There are strategy games that keep people thinking! Not all games are mindless killing and such. Yes, some people might spend to much time playing games, all i am saying is that i think 4 hours is more then enough time playing games in a day. Kids do need to go outside as well but hey if they cant cause it is cold, well then let them play games and enjoy it. Just my 2 cents.

  4. Here is another:Why is it we look to a person known as God,He has shown me nothing to believe he exists.God has shown me pain and regret,But never has he let me feel joy or relief.He is said to be almighty and all knowing,Then why does he not fix what I feel.He must know my pain,Why does he not help me?He lets me suffer,Even though he knows I can take it no longer.If there is a God,Why does he allow me to see such pain in my family?s eyes?There is no God,My eyes have seen to much pain to believe in him.The heart in my chest is gone,I feel only anguish.The tears roll down my cheek,Yet he is not here to wipe them away.If he is so almighty and knowing,Why does he let me keep slipping from his grip?He is not here,For me he never was.I feel so far gone,I have lost all faith. -RyanAny input is great :rolleyes:

  5. People always say that good things come to those who wait,Well I have been waiting for what seems to be ages for a miracle.Yet I receive nothing,Only more bad news everyday.I don?t understand it and I don?t think I want to.People always say that God works in mysteries ways,His ways mean nothing to me.I just want him to fix what he has done,His way is what is killing me inside and out.I don?t understand it and I don?t think I want to.The only thing left for me to do, Is to know that he is counting on me to be there for him.I must do what I can,For who knows what time he has left.You are my Cousin,But in my heart you are my Bro.-Ryan

  6. I know most of you like the RPG adn those type of games, but i would like to suggest a type of game that is text based, but involves so much strategy. The game is called Planetia and has a huge member base and the game revolves around alliances so if you like to play with a bunch of friends this is your game.

    You are in a galaxy of around 15 players and it can be a public galaxy or you can create a private one if you want to, so you can be with all your friends. You can also create your own alliance or join one. Many of this alliances play in other games such as CS, planetarion and starsphere.

    Best of all Planetia is free. It is best that you check it out for yourslef to see if you like it. Check out the manual to learn how to play as well.


    Hope you check it out and give it a try!

  7. I was just curious if there are any of you out there that are still playing Deus Ex ( the orginal)? It has a multi-player and a single player mode. I like the multi player on this much better the CS. DX is getting old now but it is still very popular, we just need more new faces to start playing and such. If you still play please let me know and i could hook you up with a clan if you want.-Storm

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