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About richard88)Scod(

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  1. if got wants to kill us all then why would he evn make us its just like youre dead and you hehe hurricane DEAD well.... we'll all die when the sun explodes hah then he cant kill us all cuz we'll be dead and he'll be all lyke wtf?? wherd my lil pplz that i was killing go??? and then yeah.assuming that doesnt happen mabey he'll piss off with the daily killing spreee's. and we can live for a few days!!!
  2. haha my dream food is every thing that dont taste bad lol mmmmmmm one huge meal
  3. OWNED!!!haha your avatar is link cool!
  4. well i didnt know that lol but 9 anyways lol woot! Notice from saint-michael: excessive use of the emoticon is considered spam.
  5. nice poem ill give you a 9/10 :)was a lil long but still!
  6. i believe you there is other life forms out there we just havent discoverd them but do we really want to discover them and god well how can he make himself but he might have existed but it could be a fabel/myth
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