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  1. Laptops, for me, are the way to go. For what I do with mine, portability rocks...I'm one of those people that those ergonomics experts scoff at. Right now, I'm laying on my side, and putting all my weight on my elbow while typing this. (So horrible, I know.)On the other hand, I know several people that don't like laptops. They say things like "I don't like it floating around. It needs to be set in one place," and the like. There are, at least right now, enough people for selling desktops to still be worth it. And then there are the people who don't use their computer all that much, but still need it every now and then. A desktop is perfect for that. It takes a whole lot more to break it, it's cheaper for them, and doesn't take alot of technological know-how to use it. Let's face it, laptops are harder to use at times...ever looked at the back of a tower? The ports are COLOR-CODED. I think...blue is monitor, and purple is keyboard, green is mouse...and so on.People who use their computer for...well...word-processing and office and the like, would be fine with a laptop...Office (here's hoping I don't step in it) isn't really resource hogging, and doesn't put a LOT of strain on the computer. With the exception of Powerpoint, it drains your battery like there's no tomorrow. Like said above, laptops overheat more easily. People who need more performance-intensive use should get a tower. Again, as said above, they're more powerful, more well ventilated, and more modular.So...yeah...Desktops≠ObsoleteBoth have their uses, and always will
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