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Posts posted by iXeta

  1. But here's an interesting question, how many of you actually think your ISP could support a Cloud OS? Me, nope; no freaking way.I have a nice little 5 MegaBit connection (560KBps) with upload speeds of only 30 KBps. As for how could Operating Systems evolve?I think there going to go the same way Consoles went, there all into new INPUT methods, so maybe Microsoft will come up witha completely new way to use their operating system. Voice commands wen't kaput (users are too lazy to train the system), touchscreensaren't good for gaming, maybe motion scanning... I think I saw something on TV about new consoles being able to track your handmotions for input, possibly they could evolve an OS into the same type of thinking.

  2. Personally I don't like her or her party if I'm honest. But part of me not liking her party is that she ruins their reputation incredibly. Personally, her only comeback against anything Obama says is that he is a terrorist, or a rubbish joke! On the more serious side, I just seem to lean more towards what Obama says - but anyone can say anything, doesn't mean they will actually do it.

    I saw your post last night and did some research, Palin has never accused Barrack Obama of being a terrorist. She did however accuse him of being friends with
    an anti-american terrorist named Bill Ayers. She associated him with Obama because he seems to have links to multiple radicals in the country, one of the other
    major persons being Rev. Jeremiah Wright who was Obama's pastor for years. I don't quite understand the part about 'rubbish joke' either. But anyways, why is
    it Palin is being compared to Obama? Shes the Veep for the Republican party. Obama is the candidate for the Democratic. If people are going to compare her to
    other politicians, it might as well be about the same job, right?

  3. Its probably true, the problem with vista is that it was built on the same core as XP, but with so many addons the basic XP core couldn't handle it without a truely BEASTLY machine. If they completely redesign the workings of the operating system specificly for the new technology and graphics, there wouldn't be so manyhardware issues. And the other problem with vista was they thought by taking the XP Security Center and making it more powerful, people would feel safer, butinstead they overdid it and made it too powerful when all people wanted was to buy some virus software and continue on like they always had. So maybe theywill cut back on some of the security, then again... if they redesign the core... anti-virus won't be available for it for months probably >.>

  4. That is why McCain/Palin are losing the election because Obama is actually talking about what is important and not attacking McCain every 30 seconds on TV and any "comeback" McCain is trying for is a lost cause, and all those attacks and Palin's misdeeds are ruined any chance of them winning. If you think about it McCain could have won it when he said he wasn't going to participate in the first debate and actually try to figure out the credit crises, but instead he fell for the trap Obama put out, though Obama lost points for doing so. Of course, if people been watching Saturday Night Live with Tina Fey as Palin, she actually being truthful on what kind of person Palin is, and that being clueless of whats going on.

    Are you kidding me? Obama is talking about the *ISSUES*? Obama avoids every question by using his gift of tongue. Hes not asked any hard questions, when hes asked to come up with his plan, his immediate answer is something along the lines of, 'When I'm in the White House I'll bring together all my advisors to come up with a plan.' I can't say I like either candidate, they both have a lot of weaknesses, so its as if your choosing the lesser of two evils. One of my friends told me a few days ago, and I think she was right, anyone smart enough to be in office is smart enough not to run. But back to Palin, Tina Fey is a left-wing comic, working for a left-wing network, her job is to make fun of Palin. Tina Fey is not here to portray any truths about Palin, just make a joke out of her. Also, Palin isn't clueless, are you saying Obama or Biden actually understand average American lives any better than Palin does? Biden was raised by a rich family and taught government immediately, Obama was raised by the Political 'machine' in Chicago. I can say Palin may not be an experienced politician, but all these attacks I see on her are ridiculous.

  5. The idea for this tutorial actually came from the reason im coming back to Xisto.I was working on a .NET application that converts a ventrilo's rcon (remote console)logs into a useable database for information sharing. Which is particularly usefulfor people who are working for big ventrilo servers. I, myself, am the user-endtechnical manager for a large gaming clan's 100 slot vent. When I found myself goingto other friend's ventrilo to help them out, often they didn't even know about someof the very useful tools built into ventrilo to provide a more designed environment.Some of the tools, such as command targets, are simpler to use. While other, includingrcon, advanced ip bans, and user rank points, take more to understand. This tutorialwill be written in a way for people who are already somewhat familiar with ventrilo,so if it's your first time using it, don't expect to have full control in the first day.Also, since I'm going to write about the features in a way to easily find informationon what you want, ill separate everything out as neatly as I can (I wish I could saythe same about my house >.>).Channels ***Channels in ventrilo are very easy to use, take seconds to set up, but with most of thesettings being pre-selected, people rarely take a look at what some of the more advancedfeatures are. Well start with channel types, there are three channel types insideventrilo. Normal, Authentication, and Passworded. Normal allows anyone to come and goas they like, without restriction. Authentication requires each specific user accountin the user editor to be allowed to access the channel. Authentication is not includedin the preset file in a user account, so if you use the preset, your still going to haveto check off any authentication you want affiliated with the user. Passworded is thelast type, with passworded, as soon as somone enters the password for the channel, theyhave access to it until the room is deleted, or the password is changed. They do nothave to re-enter the password each time they want to join the room however.Another usually unused feature for channels is the transmit level. Each rank insideventrilo is able to be assigned a rank point. These rank points are used for only onething inside ventrilo, and thats transmit rights. Every time you create a channel,there is a box in the bottom right that you can select, and input a rank point. Ifyou enable broadcast ranks, only people who have a rank with a point higher than thenumber in the channel may talk. The users can still hear, and move into the channelbut their ability to broadcast user-to-channel will be disabled.One of the *LEAST* used features for channels that I see is Channel Admin. Most peoplethink that the only way to let somone control vent is to give them full admin, nottrue. In ventrilo's user editor, you can go into a user's editor then select thechannel admin tab. You can select any channel or sub-channel for the user to be anadmin. An channel admin can edit the channel in any way, just as an admin could.They are limited to that channel, and any of it's sub-channels however. A channeladmin can: Create a sub-channel, edit his/her channel and its sub-channels, deletehis/her channel and its sub-channels, mute users in the channels, kick users fromthe channels, ban the user from the channels. There is one bug with banning users fromchannels however. When you ban a user from a channel, even if its a subchannel, andthe user does not have admin over the main channel, the ban is added to that channeland all channels higher and lower in rank from it.The last channel feature I'll go over is the voice mode. This isn't an especiallyuseful feature, but if you're ever in the case that you have too many people tryingto talk, this can be kind of helpful. In the channel editor, there are three radioboxes you can select. Normal allows everyone to transmit just as you would in theserver lobby. Qeued mode sets the channel so users can only transmit one at a time,once somone lets go of their hotkey, whoever starts transmitting next will be theonly one able to transmit until they stop, unless they are muted. The last mode ismuted, this instantly mutes every user in the room. A channel admin can thenindividually un-mute and re-mute any user in the room. This is good if you want tohave a meeting and make sure only a select few people can talk, until you open itback up to normal mode.Targets ***There are two types of targets in ventrilo, command targets and voice targets.But what are targets? The target system is like a big version of the private messagesystem. It allows you to push to talk to a specific group of users (voice targets)or do a mass message that arrives in a similar form to private messages (commandtargets). How do you use the target system though? Well, to start off you need toaccess the user editor. Inside the user editor there are two buttons in the bottomright, that say voice targets and command targets. Both of them are so similarall I really need to do is describe one of them. Inside the command targets, at thetop it gives you a list of groups, second line is the owner of the group (just forinformational purposes), then there are two list boxes. The right-hand list isa list of all the users in your user-database. The left-hand side is the users you'veadded to the group. Also inside the left hand list, it will show whether the userhas transmit rights. Just click on the user(s) you want to add on the right handlist, click add, and *boom* you're done. Well, not quite, by default every user youadd cannot transmit, any user you want to be able to transmit to the rest of thegroup you need to double-click. You will see the word transmit next to their name ifit worked. Now just click send to save the group, and now you can go back to ventriloright click anywhere, click misc then hit command targets. You will see the groupin the left hand list (that is if you added yourself to it), and then you can type inthe right side. By default, every user's command target window is set to automaticlyopen as soon as a message is received, so as soon as you send the message, everyuser in the group will have a box looking exactly like what you just opened and willbe able to read it. But unless you allowed them to transmit, they cant talk back.The voice system is almost exactly the same, except you only need a window the trans-mitting side not the recieving side.User Editor ***Im going to start off the part about the User Editor with something that will saveyou LOTS and *LOTS* and **LOTS** of time! Whenever you create someones account, yougo through giving them a password, rank, adding their rights, display privalges,and area settings. All those checkboxes and finding the right default channel takesquite a bit of clicking. But theres a simpler way! In the top right of the usereditor there is a combo box, and two buttons. This is the vuep (Ventrilo UserEnvironment Profiles) manager. You can load or save profiles through here. Eachuser on ventrilo creates and maintains their own set of vuep files. So it isn'tstored on the server for other people who use the user editor. If you want to givesomone else a vuep file, that means your going to have to use some other form ofcommunication to give them the actual vuep file stored on your computer. But howit works, is either create a new user, and set up all its right (not includingpassword, rank, or name, that information is NOT INCLUDED in the vuep file.), orjust go to one of the people you've already created, that you know their rightsare what you want to copy, then hit the save button in the top right. Now when youreload the user editor, the vuep profile will be available in the dropdown box.Just choose the username you want to create, type in a password (if you use them)and choose a rank, then select the vuep profile from the dropdown box, and clickload. Add the user and your done. That was... only 3 click instead of 40?Rcon (Remote Console) ***This has to be my favorite admin control for ventrilo. Probably because its themost powerful, but maybe because its a console and I love typing commands ^.^(Outdated but egotistical I know.) RCon (Remote Console) is acessible from theadmin menu. I won't go over all the commands because most of them aren't veryuseful and you can find them anywhere on google, so it wouldn't add anythingof importance to my tutorial unlike the other things I've listed. The firstcommand ill go over is called 'loggrep' (no 's of course) It works like this:loggrep 100 (number of lines to return to the user) something to search for hereloggrep 20 iXetaThat last line will return the last 20 lines logged that contain the word iXeta.But note, if my username is iXeta and you search for IXETA or IxEtA you won'tget any lines returned. Thats because the log is cAsE sEnSiTiVe. That and youcan search for more words like:loggrep 20 20081015 12:20:13 LOGON:So everything including 20081015 12:20:13 LOGON: will be searched for, but theyall have to be together in the log. So as an example, it won't search for a linecontaining each separate word, but all of them together exactly like I asked for.But anyways, if you understand that, everything of importance is recorded bythe log system. Admin changes, logon and disconnects (including how long the userwas online) attempts at using the Admin Menu 'Login...' password, and more.While im on the topic of the loggrep command, I might go over something usefulfor you people who are having your server attacked by somone using VEX orventriloFP. Contrary to popular belief there is a way to add a netban on ventriloStart by getting their IP from the loggrep command that I showed above. Just typetheir name in like this loggrep 100 haihaxedu, or if their using rapid connection(most do) just type loggrep 100 LOGON: and that will return the most recent loginsfrom the bottom up just copy the IP (the 4 sets of octets [1-255]). Now go intothe ban list through the admin menu. Add in the IP then add a reason and click ban.Now if they disconnect, they can't come back in, but if their still in your serveryou will have to kick them, the system doesn't automaticly do it when you banthrough the ban list. Now ill step into netbans. Netbans are when you ban basedupon one or more of the octets. Say the person is connecting from the IP of123.345.567.789 and now lets say you ban them, but they come back, why? Wellwhats probably happening is their using a proxy or changing their IP of theirrouter or modem (which in fact, if your using it to harass somone, is illegaland you can report them to their ISP and I can almost guarantee they will be shutoff). But how do you stop them? If their using a proxy, it may not be possiblebecause with proxies, they are located all over the world and can use so manydifferent geo ips, and banning every one that the hacker uses could eliminate someof your legitimate members. But if their just changing say the second, third,or fourth octet (345, 567, or 789) you can easily ban them. How you'd do thisis copy the IP into the ban list just the same, but replace the octets yourbanning with one 0. So it would be like this, or 123.345.0.0, or123.345.567.0, and then you should notice there is a dropdown box in the banlist that has a number that number should have the same 0sas the IP you entered, so if you entered the IP you should selectthe mask, and if you entered 123.345 the mask should be so on. Just type in a reason, and ban. Now if they change their IP to anythinginside that mask they won't be able to connect. But do a check and make sureyou didn't ban any of your legitimate members by netbanning, but thatsa little much to explain, you can figure it out on your own.But thats enough for today! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, Itry to make sure I know how everything works with ventrilo (at least user-side adminwise that is)- Need2Dominate GEN [Vent-Tech] iXeta

  6. This example will show you how use a string in VB to create PHP code.

    In order to do this, you need a string to store your PHP page and

    a function that I will list at the bottom of the page for you to put in

    a module. This code is written in VB.NET


    Public Sub CreatePage(ByVal HTMLTitle As String, ByVal HTMLText As String, ByVal HTMLFileName As String)

    Dim strFile As String


    ' ----------------------

    ' -- Prepare String --

    ' ----------------------

    strFile = ""


    ' --------------------

    ' -- Write Starter --

    ' --------------------

    strFile = "<html>" & vbNewLine

    strFile = strFile & "<head>" & vbNewLine

    strFile = strFile & "<title>" & HTMLTitle & "</title>" & vbNewLine

    strFile = strFile & "</head><body>" & vbNewLine

    strFile = strFile & HTMLText & vbNewLine

    strFile = strFile & "</body></html>"

    SaveTextToFile(strFile, "C:\" & HTMLFileName & ".html")


    End Sub



    '// Call this sub using: Call CreatePage("Welcome", "Hello world! This is a dynamic page.", "index")




    Okay! Now we're done with the sub for creating the page, this is the

    only other snippet of code you will need, this needs to go into a

    module of your program.




    Public Function SaveTextToFile(ByVal strData As String, _

    ByVal FullPath As String, _

    Optional ByVal ErrInfo As String = "") As Boolean


    Dim Contents As String

    Dim Saved As Boolean = False

    Dim objReader As IO.StreamWriter




    objReader = New IO.StreamWriter(FullPath)



    Saved = True

    Catch Ex As Exception

    ErrInfo = Ex.Message


    End Try

    Return Saved

    End Function



    As you can see, the code has a wide range of uses,

    such as taking old INI databases from your applications

    and being able to turn them into a useable webpage.

    Just take the strFile and add onto it with any HTML code

    or even PHP, all you'd have to do is change the ending

    on the save function inside the CreatePage sub.


    Right now I'm working on a program that takes a simple

    INI database, a couple arrays, and I'm able to make

    a program that updates an online roster with the click

    of a button. So instead of copying and pasting 800 times

    I'm going back to gaming for an hour.

  7. I have tried hooking up the computer to a ethernet card, and it worked.The dial-up port and the ethernet port are in the same card, so thatalmost makes it most definite that the hardware is not messed up for THATpart...But I havent tried activating the Wireless card, how do you do that? :D lol...G00GL3 T1M3!Thanks all

  8. Well, albus recommended getting the best processor possible for it,that may not be quite what you want. Since your going to be doing3D design and word processing, I would recommend evening outthe graphics card and processor if anything.I recently got a laptop to do word processing on, it has a 1.7GHz CPU,but fast gfx card, slower than ANYTHING I have used before for theword processing. (well, maybe not THAT slow, but close too it...)Note: The CPU takes over the load of anything the Graphics card can'thandle at once in a way, so if your going to be doing very intense 3Ddesigns (I have no clue what im talking about xD), you would want abetter CPU to take over what the GFX card can't take.

  9. Well, I am trying to do some work for a friend to help them get thier new Gateway Laptop they bought(from the Shopping Channel) up and running.There seems to be two problems, and I can't figure out if they are hardware or software problems.Dial-up and Wireless Networking.She is running Windows XP MCE 2005.Plugging an ethernet coord into the computer runs internet fine, its just Dial-up and wireless.First we tried putting in dial-up with her cape.com dial-up service, she got the software (im not surehow, I was away at the time), and then tried connecting. According to the software, she is connectedbut she can't access anything on the internet (Netscape and Internet Explorer). I have tried setting everythingto do with the internet default connection as the dial-up, but that wouldn't work either.I dont know much about dial-up, so I was hoping somone might be able to help me.The other problem is the Wireless.One of her other friends has a wireless router (and the computer has a wireless card), but no matterwhat Windows can not find the network. We have tried doing it all manually, and that doesn't work either.(Plugging the router directly in with a ethernet coord worked though)(And the friend can access hisnetwork on his own computer, and there is no block on the network either.I figure this is a software problem most likely, does anyone know how to fix either of these?Thank you much!

  10. Although there was often controversy on the news media about certain "stunts" he has pulled that putsome risk (It may have been risky, but he says it never was) to others... but lets hold that off for now.I feel sorry for his children and wife. I have seen a few of his shows, and he was certainly passionateabout what he did. And he has taught many of the younger people in this generation valuable informationabout animals and such. If he could see what we are saying, Thank you Mr. Irwin.

  11. Well, you COULD do that right now, its just everyone is afraid to touch thier laptop (even some of the pros)because they havent had previous experience, and its not like anyone is teaching people to workon thier laptops now are they?Laptops design are different, and the sizes and such are an issue, BUT, you still CAN make a laptop, youjust need to know your stuff...

  12. No, I said what would have held 1KB 50 years ago, would hold 50MB now.Over the past 50 years, the size per inch or centimeter, ect, has increased by50,000,000..... oh wait.. thats 5GB... or somthing like that.(was a while back I read the magazine).And yes, I bet terra byte hard drives will be bit within the next 10 years :D

  13. Microsoft is a well known target by most defacers and crackers, but google is too, and i don't see google technology to be cracked many times, just once and a while, and this is just to give you an example.

    Notice the: "and i don't see google technology to be cracked many times"


    How many times has this happened to Microsoft?

    How many times has it happened to Google?


    From what your saying, it sounds like you said Google has been cracked multiple times...

    and I only see one report of them cracking Microsoft.


    And from that, it sounds to me like you have a bias against Microsoft?


    There are more questions and facts to be said before you can jump to a conclusion.

  14. Desktops will never go obsolete.Major assemblers of desktops (like Dell, Gateway, Alienware, HP, ect) maystop making them, but there will allways be companies making the hardwareso you can build your own desktop. That I am sure of.As of laptops becoming the standard, yes this has a chance to happen.Im sure all of you MUST have heard of somthing called External Hardware right?Yeah, you can add onto a laptop to be a server as much as you can a desktop reallybut it costs a LOT more, and it will take a long time before that happens.Hardware is becoming smaller and smaller, yet still more powerful.I can bet you that in the next 20 years, what are a standard business server to usnow, will be your standard laptop then.For instance take the hard drive, in the past 50 years, the the space it would havetaken to store 1KB, now would hold 50MB.(Facts are in the latest issue of PC Mag)The CPUs have increased to a ratio of 240,000 times better (size by speed) in the past.... darn I forget the years now, I think it was 20... I'm probably wrong though.But overall, im pretty sure its a safe bet to say that Desktops will be around forever.

  15. lol, one thing you will notice when you start playing again though, the lag will be less.All thier servers had a major hardware update the other day. There is still some lag,but a lot less of it :DBtw, which server did you play on?(Come to Cancer Server! :D )

  16. Hey Buffalo!Wow, you got a shiny title now :D nice!Congrats on administer.My Graphics has gotten better.... a bit... but I'm sure I would be no matchfor S-M and a lot of the other people here :DAnd after Age II I sort of..... stopped playing AS xD lol.I just do odd jobs for Klass of like icons and stuff... I'm not sure whythey keep me admin at IPBGaming. I'm rarely there so I am not of much helplol. But im back.... hosting :D must have hosting :D Im gonna setupa network for my friends :D forum ect heheh.But yes, very good to see you again! (talk to you... whatever -.-)Cya 'round Buffalo!-iXeta

  17. Of course I found Trap in Google, but I wasn't searching for hosting actually.

    I was looking for some information on a game I had been recommended, and there

    happen to be a post on it here, and it was the.... oh darn I can't remember the exact number,

    but one of the top 10 results for the game name. And I was starting web development at the time,

    so of course I was really interested when I found out what Trap was, and I joined :D yay me!


    (Btw, I can remeber I was looking for a game, but dont ask me what game... im not THAT smart...

    although I do have a 141 I.Q. MAUAHAHA)

  18. I can't beleive no one here has said anything about Elysium.

    Elysium is a older game maker that recently has made a big comeback

    as an easy, but completely customizable game maker.


    It uses Visual Basic 6 coding, along with simple BMP graphics

    files and tilesets.


    It is a 2D gamemaker, but good 2D.


    A standard game would be about 100-200MBs big with it (client)

    And the server 20-40MBs.


    Although one of the main catches is that you need a good host

    to run this. It uses up bandwidth like crazy :D

    (Unless you convert it to IOCP instead of its native packet system)


    There are actually several different companies/organizations creating

    engines out of it here are the ones I know of:


    Elysium (Well known for Diamond): http://splamm.com/elysium/

    Eclipse (This version isn't opensource, and doesn't have good rep with other makers): http://ww38.touchofdeathproductions.com/

    Elysium Blue (Converge with Greentail): http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    And for those who are wondering, Elysium's definition is: "the abode of the blessed after death in classical mythology"

    or: "paradise"

  19. Intel has always been thought to be better because of its marketing and big buisness relationships with companies like Dell, Alienware, Gateway, ect.BUT, Chakra is right, they are completely different.AMD and Intel have different things in mind for what they think thier customers are generallydoing witht thier hardware. So, they are built differently. And that means, in no actual way canAMD and Intel CPUs be compared.Overall, my new computer I am going to build myself will be AMD, since I am a big gamer(And thats what AMD specializes most of thier CPUs for pretty much :D).And still, red_dragon has a good point, if we can get Intel and AMD to compete, it will drive prices downfor the consumers. Whats better than that? :D-iXeta

  20. Hey, anyone else play Conquer?Its not that big of a game, but it should be, AWSOME fighting RPG game.3D characters, I think 2D background.The best lvling and item system I have EVER seen.I play in the Constellations: Cancer Server(There are like 30 servers)My accounts are:Level 68 WarriorLevel 50 Water TaoistLevel 32 ArcherThere are four classes,Trojan (Best Attack)Warrior (Best Defence)Archer (Best Long Range and Multiple attack at once)Fire Taoist (MAJOR Magic Attack)Water Taoist (Magic spells like heal, Stigma (+ attack for somone else), invisibility, and a lot of other spellsto help people :D)Really, if you dont already play Conquer, you don't know what your missing.(Btw, if you do join (on the Cancer Server that is), I am Deputy Leader of the Sit&Relax Guild,contact me and maybe I'll let you join)-iXeta

  21. Yeah, I have played Dofus for about a year, its gets boring fast at the beginning.Very hard to do stuff, but yes, the graphics are great, btw, if anyone has characterswhat are thier names?Mine are:XetaiXetaiGodiKnight (I rarely use this one :D)Oh and another note, Its creators are very much attracted to money lol, a lot of the gamerequires you to be a member.

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