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Posts posted by iXeta

  1. I still have my beta key and download of Windows 7, but I haven't bothered to get a harddrive to play with it.From some buddies that are running 7 with similar setups to mine, they say that it runs just a TAD bit slowerthan XP but thats expected with the boost in rendering. If you have a newish computer though you should beable to run Windows 7 fine by the time they come out with the polished product.

  2. Thank you.
    I am using VB6 though, so the code does not work. Would it be better to upgrade to .net?

    If you're using VB6, use this code instead.

    Dim ReturnVal

    ReturnVal = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\System32\notepad.exe", 1)

    With VB6, you need the entire URL to the EXE even with system32 processes. I've forgotten some of my version 6 knowledge, but I do believe the 1 after the exe name is for when your handling multiple processes, you change the number incrementally. I may be wrong on that though.

  3. It depends on what version of VB you're using. If your using VB.NET, use the line of code:Process.Start("Notepad.exe")That line of code, without giving the drive letter or folder information, will open a windows exe located in your system32 folder.To run a program other than a system32 application, use code similar to this:Process.Start("c:\folder\myapp.exe")These lines of code won't work if your using VB6.

  4. The theory of internet computing is called Cloud Computing. The idea has been floating about for years.

    The reason the theory hasn't become reality is the speed and total bandwidth required would be well over 1000 times that of conventional

    connections available in countries such as The United States and Canada. Some northern european countries have some capabilities to

    start using this, but its still a few years off at least for them.

  5. @nirmaldaniel - For your idea that P2P will hinder technological advancement, I have just this one example to show you how peer to peer is helping us right now. This is not the perfect P2P network, as it does have a central network of computers that eventually have to receive the data, but here goes.Stanford University in California started a project between its College of Computer Science and its Biology department to work on using a supercomputer to 'fold' protein cells. The folded protein cells could provide information on helping to cure types of cancer. The problem was there are so many hundreds of thousands of cells to fold, it would take one supercomputer thousands of years to complete. So the Computer Science division of Stanford came up with the idea of using a sort of P2P network to do a spread load project between thousands of volunteers that would download information on a Protein cell, and then have their computer virtually 'fold' it, then send it back for study.This is a very simple form of P2P, but its done a world of good and HAS helped find very worthwhile results.

  6. I haven't seen any discussions here yet about EA & DICE's new launch Battlefield Heroes.
    Its a FPS build very similar to the other battlefields with the primary distinction of being a cartoon shooter.
    Now, my first reaction to explaining this has been, "a cartoon shooter... probably crap..."
    Just recently my clan pre-ordered a server and got 16 beta keys. The reaction from EVERY single
    person has been that its amazingly addicting and fun. The graphics are cartoony, but extremely high quality.

    BFH is launched through a web browser (its essentially its own downloader). Its F2P (no paying or torrenting the game)
    and the only bonuses to people who spend money on the game is the ability to buy special clothing customization.
    Maps vary from large open maps including tanks, jeeps, planes and flak guns, to small town setting with a very
    competitive close quarter combat feel.

    BFH has been under works for over two years, and is currently in Closed Beta.
    website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    My rating for BFH: 9 out of 10

  7. Okay, to start off, I want to explain that what im asking probably can't even be done from what I've seen on google searches, but I thought I might post this and see if anyone knows how this would work. My experience level with Java is low, I've been studying it for a few months, did a basic applet that read a text file off of the web directory and displayed its data in the form of a roster. This applet can be found here (seeing what I did might be necessary to understand what I'm looking for) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Now, what I want to do, is allow the applet to either write to a file inside the web directory (not the client's computer), or connect to a MySQL database.
    From what I've seen, all of the file access tutorials for java explain how to create certificates to manipulate files on the clients computer, I want to actually change the files on the web server. If that's not possible, I'd like to try to connect to a MySQL database (which would be safer and might allow me to advance my program to the level of a login system, but that's in the future. The problems I've encounter with MySQL are purely mental blocks so far. Everything I see is about having drivers on the computer connecting to the database, and since installing drivers on every computer that runs the applet is unreasonable, and since I don't have a way to install the drivers on a web-host, I don't see how its plausible. Maybe my vision is skewered though.

    Thanks - Xeta

  8. There are actually quite a few programs out there that do free PC-to-Phone calling.

    Unfortunately after my last hard-drive crashed I lost all of them, but ill do some searching

    and try and come up with some links tonight. Generally the programs will give you about

    30 minutes to an hour of free time a month, and then after that you would have to pay.

    But im sure there are some free ones if you search thoroughly.

  9. ^ This is the first equal-sided review of the presidential race that I have seen on any Internet forum. It doesn't blast either party to the point of bias , and it takes everything into consideration. I would link to this if asked what I thought on the matter. I agree with this completely. Although Palin must be doing something right as McCain had a surge of points for a while.

    S_M's post is hardly equal sided, and a two paragraph post can hardly take everything into consideration.
    The facts are, Sarah Palin's daughter getting pregnant does not mean she is for teen pregnancy. I can't say for sure either way, but she could be against it
    but actually cares about her daughter enough not to have a parent-child lecture on national television that would humiliate the daughter? Back on topic, S_M
    clearly leans towards Obama with his comments about Obama speaking the truth where McCain won't, its simply bias.

  10. I knew I should I have copied and pasted what I said in the shoutbox, but this is for those who read travstatemen's post, When it comes to personal information in terms of Xisto and or Xisto it is up to you, however, if are to buy a domain .com, .net, .org through Xisto or through Xisto once you apply for a Top Level domain, your going to have to put update your personal contact info on the billing website. That is not a Xisto - Web Hosting rule that is an ICANN rule and they control how .com's work and that is how they set it up.
    Now if you got your domain from somewhere else and using it for Xisto you do not need to have your personal contact filled out, because most likely you did that when your purchased the domain. Now the only way for someone to find your info is when a whois is done on a domain, granted their are a few thousand sites that do this but most of the time most people don't waste their time looking that stuff up. Now in terms of Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting security on the billing site I would put it at very tight because of that person info and of course making payments and so after your hosting account that is the most secured portion of the xisto network.

    As for the money issue that was brought up in travstatemen's post, the money is not real so you will not be charge with really if you don't make a payment, just like the old hosting credit system, your site will get suspended the day the payment is past due, and then if you don't make the payment for your Xisto account like 7-10 days or something like that it will get terminated. Xisto will not ask for money to pay for your free hosting, any emails saying otherwise is inaccurate.

    Actually, its not really ICANN that controls the domains, they are just the International organization that decides who gets to be the top-level registrar for a top-level root domain. Like, the company VeriSign (you've probably actually seen that name before on the bottom of websites, checking security), is the contracted top-level registrar for the .com and .net domains. All domain companies are sub-level registrars to VeriSign.

    As for personal information linked to the domain, that should be legitimate if you plan on purchasing a domain. Because as SM said there are plenty of checkers
    who go around doing whois searches on domains. And I believe reporting false whois information is illegal (not 100 percent sure).

    Thanks again velma, and Saint_Michael for helping me understand this. My concern, as I said to SM in the Shoutbox, is that there was talk on the forums about a possible cutoff date for when accounts would need to be transferred across to the new system, but the "front-end rules and regulations" are not in place yet so anyone who goes across to the new system is currently having to accept the old rules, which are plainly not meant for a "free" web hosting service.
    Sorry to be so anal about this, but the way that your current Xisto - Web Hosting TOS is worded means that you have the right to purse me for payment for my free web hosting, and that is not something that I am willing to sign my name to. I would rather wait until the new TOS is written before I change from the current Xisto hosting to the Xisto - Web Hosting plan with Credit System v3.0. As I said to SM on the Shoutbox, if I miss out on a few MyCents on the way, so be it.

    I also read the TOS on the Xisto Billing Center, but from what I read they can only pursue you for payment if you purchase an item. That means you can still create a Xisto Billing Account and be accumulating myCENTS until the TOS is changed, then I believe Xisto will have to put up a new TOS to agree with, when thats done you can then purchase your account with your accumulated myCENTS and theres no risk (not that I believe OpaQue would do anything like that in the first place). But also technically, according to the Xisto they don't have anything against getting a refund from your credit balance, so people could profit off of that, so its incentive to get a new TOS up.

  11. I can't tell for sure, but it doesn't seem like all accounts are updated at the same time.

    I just got updated about 20 minutes ago, but that had been the first time in about 36 hours.

    But as for your account being linked, did you get your initial payment? Is there any money at all in your Xisto Billing account?

    If you did get an initial payment I don't think it could be anything to do with not being linked. But if you haven't even gotten

    one, there is a possibility.

  12. Hum i see... Well i know you can use SQL queries in VB, and you can also connect to remote servers (and presumably databases) with a winsock command/element (i think, its been a long time since i used VB and i didnt get along with it)
    So if you connect to the server using winsock (or the equivalent to open a connection to a remote server) and then use that connection as a link to the database (in the database connection code use the winsock link as the address) and use the SQL port (3306 on my local test server config thingy)

    you could in theory connect to the DB, then you can just do what you need to do by querying the database looking for the current user, if they dont exist then make a new record for them (this could be pretty complex as you may have to add details to more than one database and you may also need to encrypt data to make it work) and that would sign them up to the forum.

    the problem with this is that most hosts (i would expect) would not allow remote connections to the database for security reasons so you might have trouble with that. Another option could be to load a small PHP file within a hidden browser like: check.php?username=SOME_USER

    and in that PHP file do things like check in the DB for the username, if it doesnt exist then create it for them.

    Less complex that way i think (unless you dont know php) and less issues to overcome as you wont have to get through security gates to access the database and it would be easier to pass variables too. It would still require input like password, email address, real name etc... etc.... but you could use GET variables like: check.php?username=bob&password=bobpass&email=bob@bob.com etc.... etc..... #

    Make much sense? Probably not as its 00:31PM and i got up at 9am : /

    Since I use Winsock for my connection to my programmed server, I might as well give the mySQL connection a try.
    But the php file sounds a lot simpler although there is a chance for somone trying to mess with my setup (trying to make
    sure people only have an account on the forum if they are on the communication program). But its worth trying at least
    temporarily. But yeah, even though I know fairly little about PHP I know enough general coding that reading a few PHP
    tutorials should get me the rest of the way. Thanks for all the help!

  13. There are many bridges out there that you can use. Are you using a CMS, or is it a software that you made or something like that?

    You could also get a quick register form, and put it on the registration page, for new users, but I don't know a way to do it with existing users.

    Im using software that I designed myself. Im not using a pre-built user system.

    And im hoping that I wont have to go back and just use a quick register form, because I want to find a way to actually link it.



    Im not so good with HTTP headers myself as it goes! It was really just a sort of suggestion of steps to take.


    This link http://www.livejournal.com/doc/fotobilder-api will show some examples of HTTP headers with and without variables.

    Well PHP uses two main types of variables, POST and GET. GET variables are sent in the URL like you said up there ^^^


    POST variables are sent via HTTP requests. If you can somehow set up the signup.php page to accept GET variables instead (that could be a fair amount of work!) then you could use a URL like you posted. Otherwise you might not be able to do this. It IS possible to use PHP to set HTTP headers and set POST variables within these headers using a library called cURL (or CURL) (google it) i never had much luck with it though, i found it quite complex and not all webhosts have it enabled for security reasons methinks.


    The last remaining option is to pay someone to modify all the forums you are planning to use to connect to one database (or create a PHP page to sign the user up on all the forums for you.) but that could cost a hundred pounds or more.

    What exactly is the situation? your clan uses a program for communication etc...? (did you write this app?) and you also have a forum? (just the one or more than one?) and you want it so any user who registers on the communication program is automatically registered on the forum(s)?


    If so there might be a solution involve javascript.... Im not 100% though it might not work (plus im not a JS expert so i can only lay the foundations)

    Thanks for the info on the HTTP headers, that will make it a lot easier to find more information on how I could do this.

    But as for my setup, I've programmed everything so far, I wrote it in vb.NET (2005), I need to connect to just one database (the forum). Right now I

    have a setup that takes logs from our Ventrilo server (voice communication program) it find every user that has connected to the server at any time, and

    adds them to a database. My server program ive designed will take that database (saved as INI) and when a user tries to connect, if its their first time

    connecting to the communication program, it will create the account on the forum for them. So at one point in the program I'd call a sub or another

    application/script in the program or HDD of the server computer to create the user for it. (if that makes this any clearer)

  14. Hey all, just wondering if anyone can help out with some input about my current gaming community site.(http://www.clantakeover.co.cc/)


    To start off with, the goals. Right now we are based on just Warhammer Online, but I am wanting to over time expand it into other games as well. The information that will be found about various games are things such as general information, tips and tricks(no cheats/codes), walkthroughs, etc.


    Right now I think it will be based on just MMORPG's, but that could always change.


    In terms of the layout, that is my biggest issue. I'm just really not that creative. What I'm looking for is to make it very easy to navigate, with multiple navigation bars, or one nav bar that will work for everything. As of right now, depending on what part of the site you're on, you will see a different bar. For example, if you go to Warhammer Online you will see that nav bar, if you go into Reviews you will see a different one, etc. etc.


    Along with this, I would love to make it more graphical, but honestly my graphics editing abilities are...Well, I don't have any, :)

    Anyways, any input would be much appreciated, whether it's things you would change, things you like, or even things you hate.


    Thanks in advance.

    I can't comment much on actual website design since im not very experienced in it myself, but I do know about useability and attractiveness for a gaming community. Things that attract members to a website are stats, communication, and easy to access media. The ventrilo stats was a great idea, but I'd recommend

    adding a picture and/or video page (pictures upload them to any image hosting site and link with HTML) (just upload videos to youtube and embed the player in your site). Stats required that you give incentive and an easy way for your members to submit new articles for different games. I suggest adding a section in forums for users to submit articles just like in Xisto's tutorial forum. The only particular problem with the site that I see is the banner at the top. For some reason

    I just always notice if an image is resized by a browser, it tends to distort it horribly. I'd recommend going into your code and figuring out what is resizing the banner and fixing it.

  15. Not really and if you think about it, that is a discount for 5 domans since you be spending $50 if you got them individually. However, after browsing through the packages, you might be better off getting one of the Freedom packages that way you cut your price in half and also get more add-on domains and what not since buying extra's is not on the customize package menu. Think about it like this, the logic plan is pretty much the new free hosting package and so anything you add to it is going to cost you more and if you get a hosting package like the Freedom package.

    What your thinking about S_M is actually 5 domains, the 5 addon domains is just the ABILITY to link 5 domains to your hosting account similarly like a subdomain would work, but without having your main domain name there too.

  16. Well... actually.. you could ask people for their credits. Right now the myCENTs have already been transferred over to the new Billing System. So everyone's credits here will be worthless soon except for domains. So maybe some people (*cough* S_M *cough* with his 2900 credits) could spare some of the credits you don't haveto get you a domain before his credits are null in void. Because some people already have a domain, their only allowed to have one and they can't get another, so there really isn't any reason to keep their credits.

  17. Addon domains are essentially the same thing as a subdomain.

    In the Xisto hosting features you get 9 addon domains and 99 subdomains.

    That means they value subdomains as 1/10th as valuable as addon domains.

    Subdomains are about 5 cents each (for basic packages), so that puts addon

    domains at about 50 cents each. So 5 addon domains are worth $2.50 where

    they only cost $1.99 so I think the pricing is equal and fair.

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