I have a custom one but i do have to say my friend got a alienware comp and it runs great on games. I also like how it looks. but what im wondering is if the hardware or types of hardware they use makes it any diffrent from anouther computer. Is alien hardware any diffrent from normal stuff from dell or other companys?
i cant do the coding... even if i tried i would probley end up blowing my computer up so i have to stick with programs that somewhat do it for you. Im trying to learn the stuff but it takes time and dedication which i mainly have one. so i have to go with the stuff that takes less time.
I would have to go with swat4 and GTA.. Thos games are just awsome. O and Black. That game is just crazy realistic.I would hate to live in any fantacy games or small nintendo games. They are just not my tipe...
Is alienware as good as everyone says? Ive heard its the best from some people but others say its not very good. I went to their website and i costomized my own computer and i thought it was good but other say its not that good. What is your oppinion? Does anyone have it?
I just use dreamweaver. its so much easyer. you can get it for free 30 day trial. all you have to do is click wher eyou want things and boom you can put in text, links, buttons, anything. And its easy to use. not one of those things where you have to do 4 things to make a link
I have it for Xbox and its awsome. just fun to go into a crowded area and take out some big guns and own everyone... then wait for the cops and just keep taking them out while your under a building so no helicopters can get to you.