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Posts posted by Xeon

  1. There are some fusion reactors operating, but they're operating for scientific purposes right now rather than energy purposes. It takes a lot of energy to heat up the reactants and maintain the reactants at that temperature and confine them. It currently takes more energy to start the reaction than the energy thats output, so right now the energy yield isn't that much.Deuterium and tritium are both isotopes of hydrogen. Deuterium has one proton and one neutron and tritium has one proton and two neutrons. Both are the main reactants for fusion to helium. If you want to use hydrogen, you have to first fuse hydrogen to form deuterium and tritium first, so its little more steps for the fusion process, which is why deuterium and tritium are both used directly.

  2. I think the idea using the Tokamac is very intersting.  We obviously need to further develop our methods of creating energy. New good ideas and research should be embraced.


    I think there should be other means of producing clean energy though; what about things like waves or ocean currents? surely turbines could be placed underwater that would constantly harness energy. It would work night and day and all year round being pretty much constant.


    I think magentism deserves some thaught too; magnets put out constant force but dont seem to use up any fuel. There must be some kind of way to harness this energy!!! Infact, I came up with an idea myself that might harness magnetism as an energy source. I wrote an article about it on my site but my former host crashed, so when i have somewhere to put the diagram i'll post it all here. It probably wouldnt work (it goes against the laws of physics) but I cant see any reason why.


    Interesting idea, but unfortunately you can't create energy from magnets. Magnets do exert a force but if you want the magnet to do work something has to be pushing on the magnet. Its kind of like trying to get energy from gravity. Gravity exerts a force, but you can't get energy from it unless you already have done work before. You can however use magnets to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy like in generators.


    Also, ocean generators are a good idea and I've seen lots of descriptions of futuristic generators. The only thing is that right now its kind of expensive to build the generators, so we might have to wait until the technology gets better.

  3. eXeem was just another money-making file-sharing application like Kazaa that didn't work too well. There still are a lot of good torrent sites out there. I don't think they will be able to shut down all the sites because as more get shut down, the other good ones just pick up in popularity and more sites still open. My personal Bittorrent favorites are mininova, btefnet, The Pirate Bay, and BTSource. For news, BitTorrent News is pretty good.

  4. Good and interesting post here. Might I suggest switching completely to Google text ads for the forums. I've seen the ads on a couple forums and its pretty neat, it shows the relevant ad based on the text displayed on the screeb. Its pretty interesting and fun to see which ads come up based on the posts displayed. A lot of the ads I see right now I've seen pretty much before and I usually skip over them as stated, except when I spend certain time each day <- snipped -> but I think I would be interested in <- snipped -> ads more throughout reading the forums. It would be a neat experiment if you could try for one month to switch completely to Google text ads or some other keyword related ad and see if you generate more or less revenue than before.}}

  5. I just tried Azureus. Its a very nice client and pretty comprehensive feature-wise. The features seem to be pretty well designed and it seems like a polished client. It might take a bit for ABC to catch up with the features of Azureus. The only thing is that Azureus currently doesn't support dynamic piece-wise allocation for downloading files like the python clients do as stated here, so it has to allocate space first when downloading a file. For some reason the program also slows down my system pretty significantly. Also, the program has to use Java Runtime to run, as I would prefer a standalone program. But otherwise, its a really nice client and it also has some really neat features like a built in tracker and the ability to create new torrents and serve them on the web.

    I also might try BitComet, as its written in C so it might have lower CPU usage and faster performance.

    This is also a pretty good site for news on bittorrent: BitTorrent News.

  6. Knoppix to the rescue !!!!!!!!!!!!

    get your self a knoppix cd image from http://www.knoppix.org/ and burn the iso to a cd.


    then boot this cd.


    in the main menu is  aprogram called "qt-parted" its a partiton tool.


    shrink your current windows partiton to make space for new parttions.


    then, aswell as your windows partiton, you will need the following partitons...


    1 boot partiton (10 - 20 megabytes)

    1 swap partiton (linux uses a partiton as swap instead of a file, which severely reduces disk framgmentation) (i recomend 512megs to 1Gig)

    1 partiton for every OS you want to install.





    Nice post there qwijibow! I had partitioned my hard drive for windows and left some space available for linux, but I began to run out of space on my windows platform. Following your post I booted my Knoppix CD, then resized my partition using qt-parted. Everything works well and now I have more space available on my Windows platform!

  7. I'm not sure if you'll be able to get the sound to work in regular DOS. Nowadays, sound cards and hardware works much differently than it used to and the program will probably just not work. You can try a sound emulation program but your best bet is to just run it with DOSBox. I tried it and it works very well with most programs.

  8. Looks like the Beta is going to end soon. Right now, G-Mail just gave out a whopping 50 invites to its users. I think they're saturating the public with invites now until everyone who wants an account gets one. If you don't have G-Mail yet message me or pick up an account off isnoop.net!

    And about the hriders 1 terabyte e-mail, the transfer rate is probably pretty slow so you probably won't be able to upload too much. I heard the uptime and reliability was low, so thats why its probably not as popular.

    For invites, they should show up on the same page that you check your mail on. Right below your labels there should be a box to invite someone if you have invites.

  9. In response to this topic.

    G-Mail is currently still in the beta phase right now. You can right now sign up for a Google Account to use with other services like Google Groups and Google Answers but you can't sign up yourself to get a G-Mail account right now, you need to be invited. To get an invite just sign up on isnoop.net's G-Mail spooler! Unbelievably there are currently over 40,000 invites available!

  10. The other main complaint is that the justification for war has been ever changing, and that to me seemed very dishonest.  I felt Bush should have been taken to task for the whole WMD BS. 


    The war wasn't really about WMD. You should take a deeper look at the war if you think WMD was the only reason for the war. WMD was just a reason Bush sold to the public. Most likely his main goal was to establish a democracy in the Mideast and provide long term security to America from fundamentalism. If Bush said to the public "I want to invade Iraq because I want to establish a democracy there" it wouldn't go well with the public. You can't offer that reason to the public even if it might be the real reason for the war. Instead, what he did was offer the WMD reason as a security threat, but also try to make his vision of democracy and freedom known as much as possible through the various speeches that he gives, one such example being the State of the Union address where he talked about defeating terrorism with freedom and democracy.


    I personally think Bush's idea is excellent. Democracy is long overdue in the Mideast. Its unbelievable that Iraq would be the first real democracy in the Mideast if it succeeds. The rest are all autocratic regimes with very little personal freedoms, many without even the right to assemble or have freedom of speech. Iraq is also a pretty capable and secular nation which makes democracy very viable in the nation.

  11. I used to use AOL for internet access and thought it was not that bad. During that time just about everyone I knew also had AOL and AOL used to dominate the ISP business. Its features were originally innovative, with instant messaging, chat rooms, and other options. Now, these features are commonplace and not very unique. With broadband dsl or cable becoming readily available, dial-up is no longer useful. AOL offers AOL for broadband now, but it doesn't make sense to get it and your best bet is probably to just go with your utility company as the ISP. AOL may seem overrated now, but there was once a time when everybody had dial-up and everyone had AOL. Also, if you're just a casual websurfer, as many are, dial-up can be sufficient and a cheaper alternative than broadband.

  12. At the moment, there are three main theories about the future of the existence of the universe.


    The Slowing Down Theory...states that the universe could go on expanding continusously and everything would gradually fade away and eventually the whole universe will become just a mist of cold particiles.


    If more matters exists than is known about, gravity will slow down the expansion of the universe and pull everything back until galaxies crush and will look like the Cartwhell Galaxy.


    This universe might work like a heart, expands, shrinks, again and again, etc.


    Interesting ideas. If the universe is open, it may eventually reach a heat death where everything does become cold and static.


    It would be pretty interesting if the universe was closed, so that it would collapse and expand in cycles and get born anew everytime.

  13. I think China may have an economic boom, however I think in order to become an economic force on the level of western countries, I think democratic reforms must take place before. I think China's authoritarian government will not allow the economy to fully boom, especially in the area of technology, and I think a change to democracy will be required and hopefully will happen not too far away.

  14. Yes, scientists are debating whether the universe is open or closed. If the universe is open, it will continue to expand. If the universe is closed, it will eventually collapse on itself. This is similar to the idea of an escape velocity for earth. If you fire a cannonball from earth with enough speed, it will have enough energy to escape earth's gravity and gravity will not be strong enough to pull it back to earth. However if it doesn't have enough speed, it will slow down and get pulled back to earth. Its the same situation with the universe except it involves galaxies.Also, it is possible for galaxies to move continuously. All space has energy, but it may not have mass. Also, momentum is conserved so if matter is slowed by something, it will accelerate that matter until it moves the same speed.Its pretty interesting to see when scientists get a better picture of the universe and the big bang theory.

  15. Anyways, going back on subject. I think the main concept of the big-bang theory is that the universe came from a central location. Prior to this, scientists believed that the universe and space was uniform and existed everywhere. However with the discovery by Hubble of expansion of the universe, it was extrapolated that if the universe has been expanding, then galaxies and matter must have come from a central location some time before, and also maybe even space and time may have come from this central location also, forming the big bang theory. Hopefully scientists will learn more about this theory and we can develop it further. Anyways, thats my $0.02 on the big bang theory.

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