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Posts posted by Xeon

  1. Wow, that's weird. I've been playing counter-strike for a long time and I haven't experienced or seen that very much. For the most part, most online players have been pretty friendly. Tell him to try playing on a friendlier server. If he's new to the game, try to find him a server for noobs so he can learn to play the game first. Most people I know just ignore noobs on server and continue playing and I think what he experienced does not count for all the online players and servers. Once you get the hang of it, counter-strike is a lot of fun to play.

  2. Wow I had know idea there were so many different apps one could use. I already have winamp and audacity maybe I'll go that route. There wouldn't happen to be a way to have it split up the recording for different songs would there?


    Most stream recorder programs automatically start new files for different songs. So if the title or song data changes, the recorder automatically starts a new file for the new song. I believe StreamRipper does this last time I checked and I think some of the other programs do this as well.

  3. I also play Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. They're pretty fun games and the storyline is pretty interesting. I got to the very end on Jedi Outcast, but I'm still stuck at the very end, which is pretty tricky. I'm around the middle of Jedi Academy so far. The different lightsabers in Jedi Academy are really neat, as you can have a double edged lightsaber and also hold two lightsabers in addition to having the regular one lightsaber. The special moves for each are also really neat.

  4. im just wondering....whats so special about ipods to make them cost so much money? cause im pretty sure i could go out and buy something just as good for half the price =\


    The other mp3 players of similar capacity, like the iRivers, are around the same price as the iPod. I think what makes the players so expensive is the small hard drive the player requires, which is kind of expensive. The small electronics I think are also a little bit expensive to produce. I heard that Apple makes approximately 40% profit off of each iPod so the production cost for each iPod is approximately 60% of the price they sell it for.

  5. Yeah, Rome: Total War is definitely a great game. It does make you feel like you're a part of the Roman Empire. The formations and units are all very realistic and are from Roman history. The battles are pretty interesting too although they take a bit of time to load. The campaign map is also pretty fun and you get to build up your cities and move your armies. Overall, its a really good game.

  6. Technically, its not legal to record streams from the internet, but I guess its ok to listen to some music offline. If your soundcard supports it, you can record the stereo mix out from your soundcard so whatever plays on your speakers, you can record into a file using any sound recording program such as Audacity or regular Windows Sound Recorder. If you want to record the actual sound data from the stream, you can use StreamRipper. StreamRipper is open source and is a program that connects to the streaming media server and instead of playing the stream on your speakers it writes the data into a file on your hard drive so you can listen to it again. StreamRipper also can be used as a plugin for Winamp so you can listen to the music in Winamp and then press record when you want to record something you're listening to. Hope this explains it, enjoy your music. :)

  7. LOL.  Dude, Gmail went public a couple days ago :)


    Yay, GMail has finally migrated out of public mode and become open to the "public".  Though everyone and there mother had one like...at least 6 months ago haha.  I've had mine since last September, personally, and I've loved it ever since - I've used only 22 mb of space, but have 285 inbox items.  I get a lot of use out of my Gmail account :(


    I don't think it went public yet. You still can't sign up for an account on their homepage. It's still in the beta phase.

  8. If beta is coming to an end... Soon google will have a heck load of GB cause if we need to pay... I estimate that at least 3/4 of the members will quit! This includes me! Its nice, but not nice enough to pay for it... If they want ME to pay for their services, try making more functions on the gmail... Hope they can impress me!


    They probably won't make you pay for it. They have ads that help offset the costs for the mail system. The costs must be ok if they still are running the mail system. Right now GMail offers most features that paid mail offers such as POP3 and IMAP access.

  9. Interesting. I had Firefox 1.0 and I upgraded to Firefox 1.0.1 with no problem. The versions are almost identical except Firefox 1.0.1 has some security vulnerabilities fixed. You should be able to install the new copy right over your old copy and it should work. Try redownloading the install file and reinstalling the browser. The downloaded install file may not have downloaded correctly the first time. If it still doesn't work, try uninstalling and then reinstalling.

  10. Yeah, carbon nanotubes might be the future. Currently we don't know that much about them, but if we are able to manufacture them more easily we probably would find a lot more uses for them. I think they might revolutionize the computer industry if more research is done on them. Carbon nanotubes are also really strong for their weight and could also potentially be used in structural materials. Hopefully we'll learn more about these nanotubes. :D

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