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Everything posted by Shortyfly17

  1. I heard that the populaion is liveing in florda. Is it true so were do you live? so we can find out the real truth of the population
  2. well he seems a little shy theres other stuff hes dune to me like cheated on me with my cousin and it kind of seems like were just friends because like i'll ask him if he'd like to go to a movie with me like just us two and he will say yes but when it comes to that time he just brings all his friends and we have ben going out for almost a year and the close'st we have dun is give me a good bye hug
  3. Hey everyone what kind of shoes do you think sells better ? Etnies DC's new balence nike helies no bundres phat parms If you don't know what the shoes look like reply me and i will show you a pic of the ones you don't know.
  4. your web site is pritty cool i like it i have one qestion was it hard to make and ? your web site is pritty cool i like it i have one qestion was it hard to make and ?
  5. Ok i'm go out with this kid Asa but all i do is see him on the weekends we like never talk on the phone and when we are hanging out he dosn't even really hang out with me he hangs out with his best friend eddie he makes me upset and alot of times i just want to brack up with him but when it comes time to brack up with him i puse and don't end up doing it i love him alot! what do you think should i say its over or not and how should i say its over
  6. thank you for the advice thank you a lot thank you for the great advice
  7. I heard that google was the top best search engine do you think it is or is ask .com the best well you check them both out and send me back your answer just to tell you i think ask.com is easer to me but this is opponion. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Understand the forum rules and make your topic title specific.
  8. Hi my name is Angela and I am new to this site. Could anone help me with it like tha basics. I really do not want to read the mauals for they are never any help. Because you cannot talk to a manual.But if a moderator could help me that would be great So I have hear of Buffalohelp he has been in many topics and forums But anyone else is free to help me!ThankyouSorry if this is off the catagory I am new
  9. THis might not fit in topic but here goes.....My cousin cuts when ever she is upset, but I do not think she has a reason to cut. She has a nice house a family that loves her. She has everything in the world. The only bad thing about her life is that she is a emo.(She doesn't have many friends ) I go over her house alot and try to stop her.She just ignores me or tries to change the subject. She kind of scares me becasue she likes to save her blood in a bottle. I think that she is a good person but she needs some help. Joelle(My cousin) She says that she wouldn't go as far as goth but I think that she is going much farther then goth. The truth is that her supposedly called friend Matt asked her to be emo. Matt is 13 years old she is 12. Matt went way to far at one time. I am sorry if I am telling her life story but only talking to people can help me to help her now.It was the day of the fair on one of the rides. He was being a pervert to her. I will not spill the details Brittany is my other cousin that cuts!! Why do people cut! When there is no reason I wish that there was no cuting.(Or at least when there was no reason for it) I hang out with Brittany alot she wears short sleaves. You would be able to see cuts and scars all up her arms. One of her best friends started to gross her out and started calling her things and said that she had no friends. She took her so called sucide box into the bathroom. She was trying to cut her self. We tried to stop her she told us all to leave. We left. One of her best friends came to the door and ask her if she cut she said yes. She said she was cutting. Can someone please tell me why people have to choose this way to calm themselves down? I mean it is so violent and wrong. Cut a three lettered word. And so much damage it has conflicted on my cousins. Can someone please help.
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