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Posts posted by KasinoKing

  1. Being a complete novice to Web design & stuff, I built a complete & successful web site just using Word2003!However, some of my pages take ages to load into my browser (they are quite big, with a lot of HTML banner links to other sites).I'm wondering if it's due to Word working in a 'clumsy' way & having loads of unnecessary code etc...If I switched to FrontPage (or similar), do you think page loading would be significantly faster?Thanks for any help!KK.PS: Anyone tried CoffeeCup software? Apparently cheap but good...?

  2. I personally think its how you feel and if you are happy with yourself. We have to stop looking at the magazines and the abnormally skinny models, wishing we were them. Love yourself as you are, that is how you were made. I'm not perfect by any means, some people may call me fat, others may say i'm average, but i'm happy with the way i am and people must love me for me and not what i look like on the outside. As soon as you accept yourselves you will find that you will become alot happier with life and not trying to live up to other peoples expectations.

    Great post - now can you explain that to my wife? ^_^

    I'm about 2st overweight, and if I even smell food I put on 7lbs.
    She is literally half my weight and eats twice as much (no exaggeration) but never puts on an ounce.
    It's just not fair! :lol:

  3. Here's a rule of thumb, there is no such thing as "FREE MONEY". It just doesn't exist, there is no reason someone is going to give away their hard earned money to someone for free....

    That is simply not true - there is plenty of FREE MONEY to be had on the internet.

    But not by 'program running' or similar scams - this is legal & legit.

    I make $100's every month! I do have to work or rather, play for it! But it's simple stuff anyone over 18 can do.

    (Actually I made over $1,000 in November! :) )


    And I have personally given away $100's of my own cash to other people to (in the form of online Poker freerolls).

    Obviously I do this as a way of advertising and attracting people to my website.

    There they find loads of places to get more free cash, and guides on how to make even more money with a little investment.


    Sounds too good to be true I know - but in my case, it's not.

  4. I live in Sussex, England. Overall rating... 7/10



    Freedom to do pretty much anything I damn well please (IF I can afford it!)

    Not too hot in summer or too cold in winter

    I live by the sea - very pleasant environment.

    Serious crime were I live is very low.

    Unlike the USA - I can gamble at any online casino I choose! :)



    Cars everywhere - it's like everyone owns at least two each!

    Therefore most roads are gridlocked 50% of the time.

    The average house costs on average EIGHT times the average salary = LUDICROUS!

    Our petrol is probably the most expensive in the world.

    Beer (in pubs) is also pretty close the the most expensive too.

    We have tax on everything - even our tax has tax on it!

    Cheap reliable frequent public transport is a long forgotten memory.

    Our government prefers to spend money fighting wars in countries that have nothing to do with us, rather than helping the millions of Britons struggling below the poverty line.

    Travelling to the nearest other country (France) costs ?100's

  5. All these scammers just make it harder for the genuine offers to retain credibility.I personally have tried several times over the last few years to give away free money - and hardly anyone believed it was true!Only my current Poker freerolls have attracted many takers.I sometimes think it would be easier to sell my information than give it away free!I'm now pretty much resigned to the situation - people can take it or leave it.I make enough money online for myself not to be bothered any more.

  6. Anyone fancy trying online poker to win real money, but for free?Its' completely free, no cost, you pay nothing, not one penny, honestly!(Why don't people believe that? :P )Anyway, up to $960 to be won in a series of freerolls starting Sep-24th.These games will have low numbers of players - probably 10-20 max!(Gives you a great chance of winning).Details on my site!I'm not allowed to advertise, but my name is KasinoKing and I'm a CO from the UK! :) Note: Over 18's only.

  7. I pay poker online. You are not looking for making money from those games, just a way to kill time.
    I wonder if there are really someone out there being affiliates and making money though. It seems like only the operators are the money makers, affiliates are only helping them to spread its money machine to a wider range.

    Have fun, kasinoking!

    I have been pleasantly surprised how much income my affiliate links have generated!
    Took a while to get going (about 6 months), but looks like all my 100's of hours work is starting to pay off.

    Anyone interested in totally 100% free Poker tourneys with very few players (Under 20 probably), and REAL cash prizes should check out my website like now! :) (First event Sun, Sep-24th).

  8. I've been using Word2003 to make web-pages (cheapskate!) but am getting an annoying problem with big files.If the file is over ca. 450K when I open it I get a error message something like 'Word has insufficient memory - you will not be able to undo this action. Continue yes/no'The strange this is, whether I click Yes or No it still opens the document and the 'Undo' feature does still work... ? :) But when I save it I sometimes lose some of my data, and sometimes Word 'crashes'.(I would expect Word to be able to handle any size file - maybe I am being unrealistic).Does anyone out there know if there is a way to overcome this irritating problem?Cheers.

  9. I am not a great gambler, I do bet on football matches but thats all. Gambling with card games for me is an addiction, I will not want to stop and that could cause me to lose all my money, so there is a way to earn money online without gambling, I would really like to try it

    Yes - it's called working! But it's not as much fun.

    There's gambling and then there's gambling with an edge - that's what I do.
    Anyone who has ever seen an online casino's homepage will almost certainly have noticed them offering a juicy bonus to encourage people to sign up.
    Some of these bonuses are very good and give you a great chance of beating the casino, and some are just plain awful.
    Similarly, most casino site operators are above-board, honest & trustworthy. But again there are unfortunately also dozens of 'rogue' operators who will pull all sorts of tricks to hang on to your money.
    I have been making use of the good casinos & their bonuses for over 5 years now, and have averaged around Ł200 profit every month. Of course - I have made mistakes as well!
    I have developed my website on all my 5-years experience, and give free honest advice on the best deals around & the safest places to play.

    Gambling certainly is not for everyone. It's not for the feint hearted, the weak-willed, or the under 18's! (Under 21's in some countries!). But for me it's an enjoyable, relaxing & profitable hobby! :D

  10. E-bay warning!I was shocked that last week someone 'hacked' into my e-bay account & started advertising loads of motorcycles in my name! (How did they know I ride one???)I presume they changed my bank details to theirs, so they would run off with the cash & I would get the blame! <_< Anyway, somehow E-bay spotted this fraud very quickly & restored my account.Something for people to watch out for though...KK.

  11. I use E-bay as a means of advertising my website / service.But I have to admit I find it very complicated & confusing to use!(Probably my own fault for not investing enough time reading the instructions! :) )As far as I can tell (which is quite hard) it's been fairly successful.

  12. Great post Kservice - very useful information. Thanks! :P


    One more I didn't see listed in anyone's posts:-


    Spell Checker: ieSpell.com

    This free tool is great as it sits on your IE toolbar & can be used to check anything - even when submitting posts like this!

    VERY useful for me - and I've seen other's who would benefit too! :)

  13. Normally all Webbased Email and EMail Clients have Carbon Copy(CC) fields and Blind Carbon Copy fields(BCC), so there is no need for a seperate e-mail client to use this feature.

    I'm using Outlook Express at the moment - but that does not do blind copies... :)
    (If you set up a group they can all see each other addresses in 'Properties')

  14. I'm looking for e-mail software that enables sending mail to multiple recipients, but totally blind (i.e. so none of the recipients can see anyone else's address)I know there are quite a few free-ware ones (e.g. listed at fivestar) - but I can't tell if they have this facility without downloading them all!Anyone have any useful tips please?Thanks,KK.

  15. In your address book, you can create a group where it contains email addresses of your choice.
    You can then send to that group email and the recipient would only see the group email "alias" rather than all emails in listing....

    Well I tried that - but sadly it is not good enough. :)
    Anyone receiving the e-mail can just go to File - Properties and see everyone else's address.
    I guess I'm screwed trying to use Outlook Express...

    Anyone know of any free / cheap e-mail software with truly blind copy facilities?
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