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Shadow Knight

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Posts posted by Shadow Knight

  1. Ive heard of this theory on a movie ive seen, its unknown to most but i understand what your saying but this may be hard for those who beleave in other religions to understand this. I for one some what beleave in this theory but then again i dont. Its very difficult for any old person to understand this but an open minded person would get it right away.....hmmm.....great now ill be thinking about this again and again. :)

  2. You may all think im crazy for sayin this but its proven fact....We have had over 20 ice ages that we know of, as time goes on so do these ice ages. What scientists beleave is that we will be heading into and ice in withen the next 100 years. Every 20,000 years or so the earth has this phase that it must complete. We have survived many of these ice ages and each ice age creates new land and new life. As said in previous posts humans will not be here forever but thats nots true. The fact that we over populate the world will never change, yes we will be killed in large numbers but we will never go completely. Anyways back to what i was saying, the earth is getting ready for its ice age phase meaning it will cause the ice caps to melt and flood all the current lands. Then our O-zone layer will strenghen and block the sun a lot more and we all know how cold it gets without the sun.....whuch means ice. No one really knows how long this phase will last but i can tell you now, it will be a few life times before its over and i dont plain on becoming an icecube anytime soon. With all this war and stuff going its going to be difficult for the earth to have this phase and im sure im not hte only one who noticed this but has anyone seen the increase of tornados, hurricains, earht quakes, and giant waves? This year all our records were broken...meaning withen the next years they will continue to get worse. All i can say is the world will be here forever.....we on the otherhand wont. I hope my strory explains enough......im a big thinker and i like learning.

  3. I would say it would be much better, for the fact that all they do is cause drama and problems. They are always fighting about who is true religion and who the real god is, personal i see this as stupid.....they act like littles kids fighting over a toy. They cause wars, death, brainwash, hate, drama.....what more can i say. They do nothing good for the wolrd but cause problems and create hate against one another.

  4. One day you finally knewwhat you had to do, and began,though the voices around youkept shoutingtheir bad advice?though the whole housebegan to trembleand you felt the old tugat your ankles.?Mend my life!?each voice cried.But you didn?t stop.You knew what you had to do,though the wind priedwith its stiff fingersat the very foundations,though their melancholywas terrible.It was already lateenough, and a wild night,and the road full of fallenbranches and stones.But little by little,as you left their voices behind,the stars began to burnthrough the sheets of clouds,and there was a new voicewhich you slowlyrecognized as your own,that kept you companyas you strode deeper and deeperinto the world,determined to dothe only thing you could do?determined to savethe only life you could save. Hope you enjoy it, i wrote it a long time ago.

  5. This is so simple, I won't even post images. This tutorial is for GIMP users but is so easy to apply to PS. Good luck and read carfully!1.Okay, after you have finished your sig flatten all layers, now make a new layer.2.Change the main color to black.3.Right click->Select->Select all.4.Edit->Stroke selection(Or something like tat)->Have it on 9.5 Pixels->Click okay.5.Repeat #4 except have the color on white and the pixel on 7.5.6.Repeat #4 again with color black and 5.0 Pixels.7.Put the layer on overlay.8.And voila(French for "There you go!") You have a border.ON a side note:Duplicate the border layer as needed.

    Notice from electriic ink:
    Moved from normal tuts section.

  6. I will try, i like the templates that your hosting service provides! Everything works well and its great. Ill be sue to get one, they look great and my site would be much better with one.Im really glad i found this place and i plan on making more freinds and learn a few things and hopfully ill get better with making web templates and learn to code better. :)

  7. I have msn messenger 7.5, i did upgrade to live but my entire PC and freinds were getting messed up. Then with 7.5 i still half to deal with annoying, "you must upgrade to have full access* stuff..and the toolbar thing it adds to the browsers. Anyways ill never use the new verion cause its crap...

  8. Hmm....i thought this was my intro topic. I learned a bit more about you then you did me. :P Ill be sure to read the rule and thanks for the complements on my graphics. Ill be sure to post some for the public to veiw and hopefully they will like my work.....*hides*....owell they will half to learn to like it. This place like i said has many things i can learn from and hopfully i can share some of my knowlege with others. :)

  9. Thanks, ill continue to contribute. This place is great though, there are things ive never seen or heard of here so i can learn much from this forum! I also like the layout for the place, and the navigation is good! Glad to meet you and ill be sure to have a good time here.

  10. Im known as shadow knight and im gonna let you guys know a little about me! I have many freinds and im the owner of the graphic chamber. Some of my best talents would be making sigs, banners, emotions, and avatars. Im also good with coding, i know a lot of php and html....i can make web templates and even scripts! I found this forum on google and the plce is great1 I also figured i could find some more freinds and have a great time while im here. Enough about me....i would like to learn about you and also learn about more people here! This place has great tutorials to. :)

  11. Step 1 : Start by opening a new file with size of 400x130. Then fille the background with black.


    Step 2 : Then choose a brush of your choice and make some designs you like.


    Step 3 : Add your render and then resize if necessary.


    Step 4 : Desaturate by pressing Ctrl+shift+U .


    Step 5 : Hide all the layers except for the render layer. Then use the magic wand tool to select


    the transparent parts around your render. Right click and go to feather and select a radious of


    5. Then hit delete twice to blend the render in.


    step 6 : Make a new layer and select the gradient tool and choose once with 3 colors. Pick your


    colors and then overlay that gradient by dragging it from the top left to the bottom right. Then


    set its blending mode to soft light


    Step 7 : Make a new layer then press Ctrl+A to select. Then go to Edit, then stroke and make it


    3px white and click the center button. Then set it to overlay.


    Step 8 : Add your favorite text and lower your opacity to a blend you like that will match.


    Step 9 : Make a new layer then go to image > apply image. Do a Gaussian blur at 2 px. Finnally


    set it to soft light and your finished!



    Heres and example of it.

    Posted Image

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