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Everything posted by kvarnerexpress
We have to maintain few applications (on Cold Fusion / Sun Solaris (or NT) & Informix) which are at the remote site. From our office, we have the network connectivity to the client's place. We wish that we are able to access the development environment at the remote site itself for maintaing this application so that we do not maintain source code at 2 locations. And, at our end here in our office, we just want to load the Cold Fusion clients on the machine. My question is: a. Is this possible? b. What all should be loaded here at the client's machine (in our office) and what all servers / other system software should be loaded at the remote site? c. Is there something special that we need to take care of while accessing the development environment at remote site? d. Is there any special Configuration Management tool? Or can we use Visual Source safe as the Configuration Management tool? e. What all types of files exist as the source code in Cold Fusion? like in Microsoft Visual Basic we have Forms, Modules, Class Modules and so on... Please help
I'm making a script for making images animate while a link is "OnMouseOver".I've made 20 images for the anim.The reason for not just making an gifanim and replacing the still image(original image) is that when the mouse leaves the link it should stop in the middle of tha anim and begin from the place it sstopped at the next time the link is "OnMouseOver"
Ok my program is supposed to read in from a file and create a linked list of chapters and each linked list is supposed to have a link to a binary tree that holds words that are related to each chapter so eventually I can code a search function the input file is as follows 3 Drop_Box 10 need to drop box with secure box emergency drop urgent Carpet_maintenance 7 grease remove immediately cover floor laundry man Smoke_alarm 8 please floor scene urgently scene battery scene box there are only 3 lines the top number indicates how many chapters there are and then each line contains the title of the chapter (which goes into the linked list) and the number of words to add to the tree and then the words follow Code: #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct tree_node //Declaration of binary tree{ char word[20]; int w_freq; struct tree_node *left; struct tree_node *right; };struct list_node //Declaration of linked list{ char title[50]; int num_words; int height; struct list_node *next; struct tree_node *tree_link;};struct list_node *list;struct tree_node *tree;FILE *fp;struct list_node *add_chapter(struct list_node *list);struct tree_node *add_words(struct tree_node* tree, char[]);void print_tree(struct tree_node *tree);void print_list(struct list_node *list);int main(void){ char file_name[50]; int num_of_words; int num_of_chapters; char word[20]; printf("Enter the name of the file: "); //Prompts the user to enter the name of the file scanf("%s", &file_name); fp = fopen(file_name, "r"); if(fp == 0) { printf ("\nCould not open file!\n"); return 0; } fscanf(fp, "%d", &num_of_chapters); while(num_of_chapters > 0) { list = add_chapter(list); fscanf(fp,"%d", &num_of_words); while(num_of_words > 0) { fscanf(fp, "%s", word); tree = add_words(list -> tree_link, word); num_of_words--; } num_of_chapters--; } print_list(list); }struct list_node *add_chapter(struct list_node *list){ struct list_node *p_new = NULL; struct list_node *p_cur = NULL; struct list_node *p_pre = NULL; char title[50]; p_new = (struct list_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct list_node)); fscanf(fp, "%s", title); strcpy(p_new -> title, title); p_new -> next = NULL; p_cur = list; if(list == NULL) { return p_new; } if(strcmp(p_cur -> title, title) > 0) { p_new -> next = p_cur; p_cur = p_new; return p_cur; } while(p_cur -> next != NULL) { p_pre = p_cur; p_cur= p_cur -> next; if(strcmp(p_cur -> title, title) > 0) { p_new -> next = p_pre -> next; p_pre -> next = p_new; return list; } } p_cur -> next = p_new; return list;}struct tree_node *add_words(struct tree_node* tree,char word[]){ struct tree_node *p_new = NULL; p_new = tree; if(p_new == NULL) { p_new = (struct tree_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)); strcpy(p_new -> word, word); p_new -> left = NULL; p_new -> right = NULL; } else if(strcmp(p_new -> word, word) > 0) p_new -> left = add_words(p_new -> left, word); else p_new -> right = add_words(p_new -> right, word); return p_new; }void print_list(struct list_node *list){ struct list_node *p_cur = NULL; p_cur = list; while(p_cur != NULL) { printf("%s", p_cur -> title); p_cur = p_cur -> next; print_tree(tree); }}void print_tree(struct tree_node *tree){ if (tree !=NULL) { printf(" %s", tree -> word); print_tree(tree -> left); print_tree(tree -> right); }} my problem is it's crashing giving me a status access violation and I'm not sure why. I'm having trouble linking each node of the linked list to the binary trees that correspond to them. if anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it Notice from cmatcmextra: Timestamp altered to a more reasonable time/date
I run PWS on my work computer but cannot get it to run at home. Everytime I try to run a perl script at home, I get a 500 server error. It gets real old loading the scripts onto the live server, checking them, making changes loading again...I copied down the way I have everything set up in PWS at work and took that home and made sure everything was the same. I had to make a few changes, but for the most part everything is the same. Still the 500 server error. I tried changing the sha-bang line from #!/usr/local/bin/perl to #!/usr/bin/perl, still get the 500 server error.Then, I went to My Computer and navigated to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory, did a right click on wwwroot to see properties, click on Web Sharing and get this message:Microsoft® Internet Information Server is not started.Okay, now I can't figure why/how I'm running IIS instead of PWS and how to make the computer know to run PWS instead. I can't find any trace/folder, etc.. of/for IIS.Please any ideas. I have exhausted my resources here. They all run PWS and don't know anything about IIS.BTW, I'm running Windows 98 both places. As far as I can tell right now, Perl 5, ActiveState is installed properly
I've got 3 drop down lists. The first one changes what appears in the second two. For some reason the code below is only deciding to show me the first two items that appear in the two drop down lists in question. So, this leads me to believe the problem shuld be quite simple to solve! but i've been stuck on it for a couple of hours now! If someone could help me out here I'd be extremely extremely greatful!!!! <select name="free_item" onchange="relate(this.form)"><option selected value="0">--Please select--</option><option value="test1">test product1</option></select><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--// Dynamic product sizes + coloursvar supported = (window.Option) ? 1 : 0;if (supported) {var active;var opt = new Array();opt[0] = new Array();opt[0][0] = new Array();opt[0][1] = new Array();opt[0][0][0] = new makeOption(" - - ", " - - ");opt[0][1][0]= new makeOption(" - - ", " - - ");opt[0][0][1] = new makeOption(" - - ", " - - ");opt[0][1][1]= new makeOption(" - - ", " - - ");opt[1] = new Array();opt[1][0] = new Array();opt[1][1] = new Array();opt[1][0][0] = new makeOption("Size", "Size");opt[1][0][1] = new makeOption("Small", "Small");opt[1][0][2] = new makeOption("Medium", "Medium");opt[1][0][3] = new makeOption("Large", "Large");opt[1][0][4] = new makeOption("Ex-Large", "Ex-Large");opt[1][1][0] = new makeOption("Colour", "Colour");opt[1][1][1] = new makeOption("Black", "Black");opt[1][1][2] = new makeOption("White", "White");opt[1][1][3] = new makeOption("Blue", "Blue");}function makeOption(text, view_opt) {this.text = text;this.view_opt = view_opt;}function relate(form) {if (!supported) {load(form, "free_item");load(form, "free_colour");return;}var options = form.free_size.options;for (var i = 1; i < options.length; i++) {options[0][i] = null;}var curAr = opt[form.free_item.selectedIndex];for (var j =0; j < curAr.length; j++) {options[j] = new Option(curAr[0][j].text, curAr[0][j].view_opt);}options[0].selected = true;var options = form.free_colour.options;for (var i =1; i < options.length; i++) {options[i] = null;}var curAr = opt[form.free_item.selectedIndex];for (var j = 0; j < curAr.length; j++) {options[j] = new Option(curAr[1][j].text, curAr[1][j].view_opt);}options[0].selected = true;}function load(form, name) {var view_opt = form[name].options[form[name].selectedIndex].value;return false;}// --></SCRIPT> <b>Size : </b><font face="arial" size="2"><select name="free_size"></select> <b>Colour : </b><select name="free_colour"></select></form> Right that's it. See what you can do!
Okay webmasters, please put your wizard hats on and work your magic. I have a great little slide show that I am working on. I just about have it done, but I have a problem that is driving me nuts!!! The problem is my "back" button. Once the back button hits the first image and the user clicks back again, a javascript error occurs (it states: That my variable is not defined). I know that it is defined otherwise the back button would not work at all. The "next" button does not have this problem it will loop continously. I have been researching others slideshows and a lot of them use seperate html pages or have an alert appear when the user tries to go past the first image. Here's the code: Note** imageDB is the array for all the images. function next() {if (boardNum < imageDB.length - 1) boardNum++;else boardNum = 0;document.selections.cached.selectedIndex = boardNum document.thumbnail1.src = imageDB[boardNum].src boardSpeed=6000;}function back() { if (boardNum < imageDB.length - 1) boardNum--; else boardNum = 0;document.selections.cached.selectedIndex = boardNum document.thumbnail1.src = imageDB[boardNum].src boardSpeed=6000;} // This is the function for rotation of images, call for this in the body<tag> onloadfunction rotateBoard() {if (boardNum < imageDB.length - 1) boardNum++;else boardNum = 0;document.selections.cached.selectedIndex = boardNumdocument.thumbnail1.src = imageDB[boardNum].srcsetTimeout('rotateBoard()', boardSpeed);} My goal is for the back button to jump back on image 1 and go to the last image and then continue to count down from there. I have tried using an if statement, it removed the error but the back button would only go to the first image and that was it. Also, would you happen to know of a good reliable tool for compiling javascript in. A watch/debugger utility, where I can run a script and watch how it plays out with the variables and functions. I thank you in advance for any help...
I recently installed virtual cd which is a program designed to allow you to run cds from your harddrive. It creates a virtual drive in my computer that is related to the program. I later uninstalled the program. The problem arises when i try to map a different folder to that drive (I. instead of showing the network drive icon, it shows a blank white icon. Sort of like the one when you have a file windows doesnt recognize. If i map to any other drive, the correct icon shows up. is there any way to restore the icons. I guess the program didnt unlink the icon or whatever. Thanks for any help
his may be a CSS question, but it's the XHTML not validating that's giving me a problem. I'm working with the most out-dated shopping cart software (Click Cart Pro) ever and I'm trying to get it to validate XHTML 1.0 Transitional. All the XHTML I've supplied is good and validates fine, but where I'm falling short at the moment is with the linking. ClickCart Pro - by default - spits out HTML from 1996, and the links are supplied with ampersands - not the XHTML character entity "&". Par l'exemple: Code: <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;... etc. I'm wondering if having this XHTML not validating correctly will break my CSS layout at all? I can't see how it would, but ye never know... I'm fixing it as we speak, but I'm just wanting to know why my layout's going t*ts up when the rest of my XHTML and my CSS validates fine. Thanks
hi all ! I have 3 tables in my JSP, now the prob is that when I get some result from my server the tables seems to invade the other table's space, for example table number 2 goes up and gets to the right of table 1. (see atachments). Here is the code, all 3 tables has the same code except the variables. Code: <table border="1" align="left" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="5" id="normales"> <tr> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">Nº de factura </div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">Fecha</div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">Nombre</div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">DNI / NIF</div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">Servicios</div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">Descuento</div> </div></td> <td class="style13"><div align="center" class="style22"> <div align="center">IVA</div> </div></td> <td class="style22"><div align="center">TOTAL</div></td> <td class="style22"><div align="center">Opción Pago </div></td> </tr> <c:forEach var="fila" items="${requestScope.reporte_facturanormal}"> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td class="style13 style15"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center"><span class="IndexColumn1">${fila.id_Reportefacturacion}</span></div> </div></td> <td class="style13 style15"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.fecha_Reportefacturacion}</div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.nombre_Reportefacturacion}</div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.DNI_Reportefacturacion}</div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.servicios_Reportefacturacion} </div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.descuento_Reportefacturacion}</div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center" class="style15"> <div align="center">${fila.IVA_Reportefacturacion}</div> </div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center"><span class="style15">${fila.total_Reportefacturacion}</span></div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center"><span class="style15">${fila.opcionpago_Reportefacturacion}</span></div></td> </tr> </c:forEach> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td class="style13 style15"></td> <td class="style13 style15"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17"><div align="right"><strong>Sub-total </strong></div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center">${requestScope.subtotal_servicios}</div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center">${requestScope.subtotal_descuento}</div></td> <td class="style17"><div align="center">${requestScope.subtotal_IVA}</div></td> <td class="style17 style33"><div align="center">${total}</div></td> <td class="style17"></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td class="style13 style15"></td> <td class="style13 style15"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17"></td> <td class="style17 style33"></td> <td class="style17"></td> </tr> </table>
So I have this little program that has a server side and a client side. Basically, the client side just connects to the server, and then closes. The server, when it gets a request, runs through a script that maps a couple drives, deletes old files, then copies a new one, then disconnects the drives and writes a log.When I run this as a normal application, it works fine. I found a tutorial on making it a service, and it shows up and everything, but it doesnt do anything. All the permissions are right, so I don't have a clue what the deal is.Does anyone know an easy way to make a program act as a service in vb 6?__________________
aving some problems taking in the Java at Uni,Was wondering if anyone could shine some light on it for me.My task is to write a program that will ask you to enter 2 words. the program will then print out both words on one line. However the words will be seperated by dots that will make the total length of the line 40. so if your first word was turtle and the second was abc, the output would beturtle...............................abcThe program should check for certain conditions:1. a word can not be longer than 37 characters;2. there must always be atlest 2 dots in a line.The program should ask for the first word till a word of acceptable length is entered. it then does the same for the second word.once both words are input the prgram will either output an error message if the words are to long when combined;or output the required line with words.I have to write the program using while and/or do-while loopsIt also says something about the length of a string can be found out using myString.length().I can understand the basic of what I need to do but with regards to word length and adding the required number of dots im fooked.Any pointers would be appreciated.Cheers.
Hi, I'm trying to upload rather large jpgs files (2560x1920 and ~ 2 megs in size) to my server via PHP. The problem I am having is that when I upload and attempt to resize by creating a new image, the new image is always black. Code I'm using is: PHP Code: if( !empty($thefile_name) ) { $query = "INSERT INTO coldwell_images (imagename) VALUES ('insertimage')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed"); $query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() as maxID FROM coldwell_images"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed"); $line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $newID = $line['maxID']; if ($thefile_type == "image/gif") $thefile_name_new = $newID . ".gif"; else $thefile_name_new = $newID . ".jpg"; $aNewName = "/xxx/users/u60/nbcom/public_html/images/upload/" . $thefile_name_new; copy($thefile,$aNewName); $image_size = getImageSize($aNewName); if ($thefile_type == "image/gif") $new_image = imageCreateFromGIF($aNewName); else $new_image = imageCreateFromJPEG($aNewName); unlink($aNewName); // Create large image if ($orientation == "horz") { $tmp_image = imageCreateTrueColor(385, 240); imagecopyresampled($tmp_image, $new_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 385, 240, $image_size[0], $image_size[1]); } else { $tmp_image = imageCreateTrueColor(180, 240); imagecopyresampled($tmp_image, $new_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, 180, 240, $image_size[0], $image_size[1]); } imagejpeg($tmp_image, $aNewName, 100); imageDestroy($tmp_image); $query = "UPDATE coldwell_images SET imagename = '$imagename' ,imagefilename = '$thefile_name_new' ,folder = '$folder' ,orientation = '$orientation' WHERE id = $newID"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed"); $largeImage = $thefile_name_new; imageDestroy($new_image); }else{ $errorMsg = "No File."; } I also have my memory limit set high ,ini_set("memory_limit","100M"), just in case it was something to do with the filesize. If I lower the filesize to ~ 1800x1300, then everything works fine.
i recently installed virtual cd which is a program designed to allow you to run cds from your harddrive. It creates a virtual drive in my computer that is related to the program. I later uninstalled the program. The problem arises when i try to map a different folder to that drive (I. instead of showing the network drive icon, it shows a blank white icon. Sort of like the one when you have a file windows doesnt recognize. If i map to any other drive, the correct icon shows up. is there any way to restore the icons. I guess the program didnt unlink the icon or whatever. Thanks for any help
I was wondering if you could refer me to some articles where they mention good html design principles. I have currently created a complex page, and it looks great when the browser is fully maximized, but when I minimize the browser the page does not have a pretty topple effect. It just basically loses most of its structure. The same goes when I stick it into a frame. Whenever you minimize your browser your page is supposed to squeeze together, but it should look natural not go in all directions. I would like to be able to correct this. I am currently using a table layout not a tableless layout. I would like to stick to the table layout if that is OK for now. I believe it is still possible to achieve this effect.How can I create a more pretty topple effect when I minimize my browser? What design principles should I follow? Please refer me to an article, or shed some words of wisdom of things to try more or things to avoid.Thanks a bunch. Much love.
Hello to you all not been here before but hear ed good things and pointed here as I have a problem.Briefly I have a site I am in the process of building based on a borrowed structure which I have slowly dismantled and am putting back together. I took this on knowing very little about HTML but believe you have to try. The site is now around 10 pages and I was advised to put it through the W3 verifier to see how it looked. Well it looks fine until I put it through... the verifier is not too keen it would seam . My problem is that I am not conversant enough to understand the result or how to correct it.Is there someone that can lend me their experience and take a look please ???Regards kvarnerexpress
I want to be bale to poistion certin parts of my code in specfic places. I need to be able to disaply this quickly. As a temp measure I have started and stopped php tags. Now normally this will disaply a php block on my dreamweaver. However it is not. Is there a reason why?? My code is; PHP Code: <?php $db = @mysql_connect ("localhost","root","andy"); print "Database Connection gained"; echo '<br>'; mysql_select_db("disertation",$db); $query = "SELECT questions.Question, questions.Option FROM questions"; $result = @mysql_query($query,$db); while($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {?> <?php echo $row['Question'] . '<br>'; ?> <?php switch($row['Option']) { case 'R': ?> <?php echo "<input name='" . $row['Question'] . "' type='radio' value='radiobutton'>"; echo '<br>'; ?> <?php break; case 'T': ?> <?php echo "<input type='text' name='" . $row['Question'] . "'>"; echo '<br>'; break; } }?>Thanks,kvarnerexpress
I'm trying to learn asp using vbscript and am specifically trying to connect to a database. I am getting the following error from the following code: Quote: The code is as follows. Code: set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("C:\Documents and Settings\jk\My Documents\testdb.mdb"))set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")rs.Open "SELECT Companyname, Contactname FROM Customers", conn Would very much appreciate any help as to where i'm going wrong here. Many Thanks,kvarnerexpress
The only way I can get to the desktop is in Safemode, which I am in now. I start my computer up normally and when it gets to the Windows loading screen, about after 5 seconds it reboots and then it says there is a problem with it. (I'll try and get the exact message but it's really, really long.) And it gives me the options to start in Safemode, Start Windows normally, or start Windows with my last good recent thing. I choose the last one (start Windows w/ last good thing) and it starts up, I see the desktop and everything until everything loads up then all the icons on my desktop disappear and the bar down below with the start menu and time on it disappears.This really shouldn't be happening, I mean, c'mon, it's a brand new computer.Thanks,kvarnerexpress
I've got the following line in an html page before a table that has lots of rows and columns: Code: <div style="HEIGHT: 500px; WIDTH: 1000px; OVERFLOW: auto"> That works perfectly in IE and FF to give me vertical and horizontal scrollbars. But what I really want is to size the horizontal scrollbar so it takes up 100% of the screen regardless of how big the screen is. So, I tried changing 1000px to 100% like this: Code: <div style="HEIGHT: 500px; WIDTH: 1000px; OVERFLOW: auto"> Well, that works the way I would expect in FF (perfect) but in IE I do not get any horizontal scrollbar. Any idea how to tinker with it (without using frames) so I get the horizontal scrollbar in IE too? kvarnerexpress __________________
Hi,i have one more query:i have created a MS-Access database with my table having two fields: Name and Id. i have added around 5 names and corresponding ids in the table.Now using VB, i have created a form that has a List view control. i have a button named 'Show' which when clicked should display the data in the list view from the table in the database.can anyone help me out with pseudo code or some useful links/sites??thanks in advance,kvarnerexpress
I have an assignment that is due tomorrow that I am struggling with. I want to be able to click the next button in this applet, and then repaint all the graphics. Board contains an array with all of the chess pieces on a board, and when the button is clicked I want to be able to get the next move, but for now I just wanted to call a function to move one piece just so I know it's working. Here is my applet code, I could post all the other files, but I am almost positive they all work correctly, and I am just having trouble with the applet. Code: import java.awt.*; public class Test extends java.applet.Applet{ Button nextButton; Image board, bp, wp, bn, wn, br, wr, bb, wb, bk, wk, bq, wq; Board currentBoard = new Board(); public void init() { board = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/board.jpg"); bp = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/bp.gif"); wp = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wp.gif"); bn = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/bn.gif"); wn = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wn.gif"); br = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/br.gif"); wr = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wr.gif"); bb = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/bb.gif"); wb = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wb.gif"); bk = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/bk.gif"); wk = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wk.gif"); bq = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/bq.gif"); wq = getImage(getCodeBase(), "../images/wq.gif"); nextButton = new Button("Next"); add(nextButton); } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { if (evt.target instanceof Button) { getMove((Button) evt.target); return true; } else { return false; } } void getMove(Button b) { changeBoard(); repaint(); } public void paint(Graphics screen) { // Draw Board screen.drawImage(board, 0, 50, 900, 930, this); String hi = "hi"; for(int y = 1; y < 9; y++) { char tempX = 'a'; for(int x = 1; x < 9; x++) { if(currentBoard.colorOn(tempX, y) != 'n') { if(currentBoard.colorOn(tempX, y) == 'b') { if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Pawn") { screen.drawImage(bp, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Rook") { screen.drawImage(br, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Knight") { screen.drawImage(bn, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Bishop") { screen.drawImage(bb, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "King") { screen.drawImage(bk, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Queen") { screen.drawImage(bq, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } } if(currentBoard.colorOn(tempX, y) == 'w') { if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Pawn") { screen.drawImage(wp, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Rook") { screen.drawImage(wr, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Knight") { screen.drawImage(wn, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Bishop") { screen.drawImage(wb, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "King") { screen.drawImage(wk, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } if (currentBoard.typeOn(tempX, y) == "Queen") { screen.drawImage(wq, convertX(tempX), convertY(y), 100, 100, this); } } } tempX++; } } } public int convertX(char a) { return ((a-97)*(100)) + 90; } public int convertY(int a) { return ((a-1)*(100)) + 90; } public void changeBoard(){ currentBoard.move('b',2,'b',3); currentBoard.move('b',7,'b',5); }}Thanks,kvarnerexpress
I?m working on an Invoice page. The user may edit some of the vars on the page. Then The user will want to re calculate the totals. Then after seeing the re calculated totals then I will want to submit this info to the next page where the data will be put into a DB. The question is how do I do this without using 2 forms, It looks like you can not put a form with in a form. Yet it looks like that?s the only way to be able to pass the vars iEither to the page where were calculate the vars, or the other page where we submit the data to the DB.Thanks for the help,kvarnerexpress
My book that I am reading gave us an assignment that I dont fully understand. Quote: A structure called planet that includes a name, a distance from the sun and the diameter of the planet. This I understand. Code: struct Planet { string planName; double planDistSun; double planDiam;}; Quote: Does my book mean something like this? What type of array should I use? Could I use a char array? Code: Planet Mars;Planet Earth;Planet Jupiter;char planetAry[3];planetAry[0]=Mars;planetAry[1]=Earth;planetAry[2]=Jupiter; Quote: How would I do this? I understand that I can do something like: Mars.planDiam=50000; Mars.planDistSun=9000000 but how would I allow the user to enter a name for the planet then make a structure object though. I could just preassign the planets but thats not how he wants it. Quote: I dont know how I would go about doing this? Any ideas would be helpful. kvarnerexpress
I'm trying to install courier-authlib on OpenBSD 3.7but when I do the "make install" I see this messages:*** Warning: linker path does not have real file for library -lvpopmail.*** I have the capability to make that library automatically link in when*** you link to this library. But I can only do this if you have a*** shared version of the library, which you do not appear to have*** because I did check the linker path looking for a file starting*** with libvpopmail and none of the candidates passed a file format test*** using a file magic. Last file checked: /home/vpopmail/lib/libvpopmail.a*** Warning: libtool could not satisfy all declared inter-library*** dependencies of module libauthvchkpw. Therefore, libtool will create*** a static module, that should work as long as the dlopening*** application is linked with the -dlopen flag.The problem is that when I start courier-authlib it does notwork because it complaine that he can't find libauthvchkpw.so.00 and this is the true, I don't havelibauthvchkpw.so.00 in /usr/local/lib/courier-authlib onlylibauthvchkpw.a and libauthvchkpw.la.I'm sorry, but I can't understand the error message above.I need for courier-authlib to work with authvchkpw, that's all.I didn't have this problem on freebsd.kvarnerexpress
Hey all. I've used "colspan" many times to span columns, but I've never used "rowspan". I've never had a need to until now. The layout for this website absolutely requires that the main content cell (on the right) span two side content cells (on the left). That's because of the way I have the side background setup. The side background actually matches on the top and bottom (and boy was that a chore, getting that to happen!), so when the side background has to repeat itself, it looks ok. The problem is that the cell containing the image of the saddle on the left adjusts vertically in size, evidently to match the cell below it. And when this particular sell adjusts in size, it leaves a big black gap where the cell containing the leather background should begin.I assuming it's ok for me to place a link to this website on this page. I'm going to have to for you to be able to see the problem I'm referring to. Mods, I sware I'm not trying to get any of the viewers here to buy a saddle. I just need everyone to be able to view this website, so here it clairsaddleshop.com And just in case the forum bot messes with that, the URL of the website is the name clair + saddle + shop with a .com on the end.I'd really appreciate any advice on this, as it's driving me crazy. Thanks in advance,kvarnerexpress