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Everything posted by aka-2

  1. I found Xisto from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I was looking for a goog free hosting without ads. In the seach engine of the page i mark the options domain, no ads, php, mysql, and I found a few sites. I tried some of them, but in the most of hostings the "request time" was very slow, and most of the time the hosting was down. Trap 17, from my short experience using it, its one of the best.
  2. Thaks T100, thats realy the problem. When I changed the format of the urls, changing the permanlinks, the wordpress rss feed cant read the link. I have tried to change the url modifing the .htacces file, but i am not very sure about how to do it. I dont want to get wrong, and at least, i have only change this: <a href="feed:<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a> to <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a> and now it can be readen -http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/- . I have implemented feedburner too, but i wanted to mantain the original feed of wordpress for the "autodiscover option", and i am learning how to do this correctly. Then, I will try to explain the process here if nobody does it before.
  3. Its no so complicated, surely I am explaining things in a wrong way. Sorry about that. A clear example: -Go to any Blogger blog and click on the feed icon. The browser will show you a .xml page with the content into tags. For example: xml feed file of this page -Go to any Wordpress blog and click on the feed icon. For example: wordpress xml feed file, The link goes to a page with feed format code. -But in my wordpress instalation, when I click on my feed link, it give me back the error. This is my page (my signature) google-posicionamiento.info/ Probably its not really an error, just my blog configuration, but �which is the reason ? In any case, thanks for your interest.
  4. The message is something like "The protocol is not associate to any program ". Its no really a problem, the feed works well with feed tools. I am getting started with Wordpress. Using other blog plataforms, when you click on the feed link, apears the xml page, but not in Wordpress.I just would like to know if this is normal in Wordpress, and why, or maybe i have a bad blog installation or bad configuration.But its just curiosity.
  5. I have installed Wordpress in my site and feeds seem that dont work. When i click over the link give me an error, as if the feeds were not running. But when i sindicate the site with any feed-tool, they work ok. ?anybody knows why? Thanks.
  6. Google has said very little about the Smart Price, a characteristic that can cause that in adsense, Web sites make more money than others for the same click. The Smart Price works of the following way: "We continuously analyzed data of our network of publicity and if our information indicates to us that a click has few possibilities of becoming business (for example: a sale in line, subscription, telephone call or subscription to a news bulletin), It's posible that we reduce the price that pays by that click." For example, a click in an ads of digital cameras in a page Web on photography advice can be less profitable than a click in the same announcement appearing next to a critic of digital cameras. Google considers that it is little frequent that click turns for sale from page of advice of photography and therefore advertiser does him discount to, whereas in the Web of critics (reviews) it is easier that clicks becomes for sale, therefore these clicks do not take no discount. Some series of inquiries on smart price, some already known: * The Smart Price affects all an account, is not by page nor by site. * A very poor conversion in a site can cause that the Smart Price affects all the account, even in the sites that are totally different from that they have this low conversion. * The Smart price evaluates every week. So if we eliminated the ads of the sites that we think that they have low conversion we can have an increase of the Smart Price in very just a short time. * The pursuit of the Smart Price takes control of a cookie of 30 days, so you can be compensated with new conversions in your site after 29 days to see the initial price of click. * The image ads are also affected by the Smart Price * With the Smart Price, an advertiser (of adwords) can pay less than the minimum bid., and the ones that use adsense, to gain less by those clicks * The conversions of the Smart Price for the sites that have adsense are followed by those advertisers (of adwords) who use the conversion tools (Conversion Tracking Tools, ROI?) For those who have more of a site with adsense in the same account: Theoretically if we eliminated those sites where our conversion is lower, we will make that increase our Smart Price, and therefore the gains in the other sites. The problem is that Google does not offer any information nor data on our Smart particular Price, therefore, can occur the case that we eliminate the announcements of a site that report the more benefits to us, that those that we pruned to gain with that increase of the Smart Price. What can we do then? The best thing would be to be able to obtain one second account of adsense, this way we could pass the sites with better Smart Price in an account and the rest in the other., but i dont recommerd this because I think that Google say that this is illegal. ?Any ideas?
  7. The most popular contextual ads companies ad the most used are AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Network and Chitika. This companies offers text-based contextual-based ads. If you are getting started better use Adsense first.
  8. The faster way to be indexed by Google, I think, is to obtain some links to your site. Whatever more links and more important (high pagerank) they are, faster (and better) be indexed your new domain.
  9. Another thing that works is that the big ads formats pay more, so to choose a big format. If you obtain any improvement, share it here please!
  10. Thank you jlhaslip, i didn't know that feature. Really, I have never had to use these tricks, but it's a good idea to keep people from robbing you of your bandwidth. Usually, people who do this are people who begin blogging and who don't know that they are making something bad. Ok, the code would have to be: RewriteRule .*\.(gif|jpg)$ http://your-domain/name-of-substitute-image.gif [R,NC] or maybe just: RewriteRule .*\.(gif|jpg)$ http://your-domain/image.gif [R,NC]
  11. I hope these tips help to get your Adsense CTR up by at least 100% if not more. Good luck! Notice from mayank: Copied from these places :http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/CTR.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Warning issued
  12. Sometimes, some people link directly to images in your host. This people is robbering you bandwidth. To avoid this only have to write some code lines in your .htaccess file in your host root: There is another thing you can do. You can also show an image you want instead linked images. So the people that has been robbering you bandwidth will take a surprise. Just ad this to code: I hope you enjoy this.
  13. I recently changed my graphic card, and after read a lot of reviews I bought The Asus PhysX card. I needed a graphic card with not very high price and for a top-line gaming PC. I think this is a good option, goog resutl, in spite of this -The Asus PhysX card is an interesting piece of hardware that makes supported games look very impressive, however there are a number of caveats. This is new technology and so far the list of games is very short. It costs over ?200 and you need a top-line gaming PC to make it work properly. We have little doubt that Unreal Tournament 2007 will look spectacular with PhysX, but until then the jury's out.-Other good option is Asus - EAX1600XT Silent features - This is a useful card for those people interested in building as quiet a PC as possible, offering fairly good games performance too.-
  14. I use dreamweaver, i think is great tool to build the pages. Write the code it's really simple and the progran helps you a lot to do it. But i have had many problems with the FTP server working online, not with internal server localhost. So i write the code with dreamweaver, but i use CuteFTP to upload files into my host. The problem is basically that the upload rate is very slow, i don't know why, maybe i have bad configuration of server.I have tried EZ-Generator, and i think is one of the best site maker that uses templates.
  15. Other way to count how many site has linked your site, or preferredly your blog, is Technorati. Usually it?s fast, it depends on the popularity of blog.Google shows your incoming links when index the new content, and show less links of those than really you have. Yahoo, however, shows all the links you have, and i don't know why.
  16. With a little planning and a few hours of work it's easy to be indexed by Google, Yahoo, and MSN before your site goes live. The key to getting your site indexed in the big three is getting links pointing to it from sites that are already indexed. When the search bots crawl those sites they will inevitably find the link to your site and your site will be added to their index. Follow these five steps a month before you launch and you'll be a step ahead of the game. - Register your domain name. You'd be surprised how many people wait until the last minute to do this. The sooner you register your domain, the sooner you can get some quality links pointing to it and get it indexed. - Put up a home page. Make a ?coming soon? page with your logo, information about your site, and expected launch date. You can also add a form for people to sign up for email updates about your site. This starts building your email marketing list before you even launch. - Start a blog and sign up for Feedburner. Put up a blog at http://ww38.yoursite.com/blog. It doesn't matter if you use WordPress, Blogger, or whatever blog platform you prefer, just make sure you host it on your site. Make a few posts about your site, what people can expect when it launches, and why your site will be unique. After your first post, sign up for a Feedburner account. Under 'Publicize' in your account make sure to sign up for 'Ping Shot'. This will notify blogging directories of your posts which hopefully will result in a few links to your site. - Write a few articles and submit to directories. Regardless of what your site is about, there is certainly a topic relating to your site that you could write an article about. For example, if your site is going to sell fitness equipment, you could write an article about how to build a home-gym. Or if you are going to rate and review new cars, you could write an article about how to shop for a new car. After you've written and proofread your articles, submit them to article directories like Ezine Articles and iSnare. Be sure to include a description of your new site and a link back to it in the resource box. Again, this should result in a few links to your site. - Get a link from an indexed site. Steps 3 and 4 should result in some links from indexed sites which should then ensure your site to be indexed. But it can't hurt to get a few more on your own to be certain. When I launched my last site, I linked to it from my personal blog, which I knew was indexed. If you don't have that option, you can ask someone with a blog or site related to yours to mention it. If you can't find anyone willing to do it for free, you could offer them some free advertising on your site when you launch in exchange for the link. Getting yourself indexed before you launch gives you a head start on your SEO and will allow your site to have a more immediate impact. Why wait until you launch? Get started a month early and you'll reap the benefits when launch day rolls around. ?What do you think about this?
  17. Today metatags aren?t really important to optimize your pages. Google not use this tags to index a page, because people write nonrelated words to the page. But many other search engines still use them, so, just in case, it does not cost much to put them. Here are some tips to write correct metatags, found in a page or Microsoft: What they look like: Description Meta: <META NAME="description" content="This would be your description of what is on your page. Your most important keyword phrases should appear in this description."> Keywords Meta: <META NAME="keywords" content="keywords phrase 1, keyword phrase 2, keyword phrase 3, etc."> Where they belong: The correct placement for both meta tags is between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags within the HTML the makes up your page. Their order does not really matter, but most people usually place the description first then the keywords meta. Tag limits: * We recommend that your Keywords Meta not exceed 1024 characters including spaces. * We recommend that your Description Meta tag not exceed 250 characters including spaces. Meta description tips: * Make sure you accurately describe the content of your page while trying to entice visitors to click on your listing. * Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases. Especially those used in your title tag and page copy. * Try to have your most important keywords appear at the beginning of your description. This often brings better results, and will help avoid having any search engine cut off your keywords if they limit the length of your description. Meta keywords tips: * Aside from what we mention in the other tips below you should only use those keyword phrases that you also used in the copy of your page, title tag, meta description, and other tags. Any keywords phrases that you use that do not appear in your other tags or page copy are likely to not have enough prominence to help your listings for that phrase. * Don't forget plurals. For example, a travel site might have both "caribbean vacation" and "caribbean vacations" in their keyword meta tag to make sure they show up in both searches. * If you know of a common misspelling of a popular keyword that could be used to find your site you should enter it in your keywords meta tag. For example, a travel site might use "caribean " in their keyword meta since it is a common misspelling for "caribbean". * Watch out for repeats! You want to include your most important phrases, but when doing so it can be difficult not to repeat one word many times. For example, "caribbean vacation" and "caribbean vacations" are two different phrases, but the word "caribbean" appears twice. This is okay to do in order to make sure you get the phrases you need in there, but becareful not to repeat any one word excessively. There in no actual limit, but we recommend that no one word be repeated in the keyword meta more than 5 times. * If your site has content of interest to a specific geographic location be sure to include the actual location in your keyword meta.
  18. The success of Google is, precisely, that is free. If i?d have to pay to use it, i probably would use another free service. Google has great services, Gmail, search, google earth... but there are many others of payment as good as google's ones in the case I want to pay.And I probably use this Google services bacause are free, and when I use Gmail, in the right sidebar appear ads that I don?t like, and this is the way I pay to google by his services.Google offers me a service. After that google offer me some other sponsored products. This way works well.
  19. It?s no easy to get rich online, but not imposible. There are many people that have made a lot of money only with adsense (Google's ad).You have to work hard to do it. Make a web that has:-Popular topic-The best content-Million daily visits-And the best paid ads (you?ll need to know the secrets of adsense, and this is, at least, as dificult as the previous points)If you want to become rich online, better become a plumber.
  20. PHP it's the best language to learn easy and quikly I think, but I would always use CSS to desing the web, xhtml or PHP, and some javascript taken from published scripts. If you have any doubt, you can read this article "How To Pick A Programming Language"
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