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Posts posted by rapidget

  1. I, personally, don't link opera browser... About Internet Explorer, people tell it's slower however that's also not my reason for not using it... The main one is that it has no plugins... And I have to use it for many things... I have even created some for my own interest.... About IE 7.0, firefox will launch a new version also... I don't remember when but I guess it will be nearby Windows Vista which should have its final version released by the end of this year for enterprises and the home edition by next year... I'm waiting for big updates on Internet Explorer also. Also, as it already have, multi-tab bar which Mozilla / Firefox has since a long time ago... If you don't know what it is and if you are a IE lover, just wait and you will see.P.S.: I only defend what's better. =D Not a fanatic.

  2. * Contact me by PM so I won't be a target of spams =D. * I got more than 50 invites... feel free to contact me. * I don't really want anything... However I accept gifts =D... Kidding... I just wanna help you guys... I mean, I didn't know gmail haven't allowed people to sign up by their own yet. * Just don't forget to help others when you become able to. "One hand washes the other one".

  3. It seems to be interesting as it should have more funcionalities and a cheaper price as Microsoft wants to become a challenger... What I could realize is that it's really similar to a Ipod... That black style got me... I haven't heard anything about it yet, but does anybody know if it will need a program such as Ituner (of something like that) to transfer musics (create database) or is it going to be like a MP3 Player which you don't need anything like that... I got a MP3 Player as I use its Pen Drive on University without cable (different from Ipod) and I prefer ir because it doesn't use "batteries". So if it's out of charge I can buy one easily...

  4. Why do you mean by MSN Ranking Check? It's something related to search? I mean, a way for you to know your site position when searching for some words? If that's it, it would be very interesting to know... Some said google has it, so, how do I check on my website's position? Is there a URL that you could spare with us? Thanks in advance! Hope I'm not talking bull *BLEEP* =P

  5. These links should help you out a bit:


    Build your own PC at PC Mechanic

    Build your own PC from Tom's Hardware


    Those are interesting links... I mean... I had never heard about a site like this before... I'm currently doing a computer science university and one of my friends doesn't know anything about computer (doesn't know why in hell is he doing this matter) and I will pass this links ahead to him... I'm from Brazil and he doesn't speak english very well so I hope he can understand it =D... Well, I also don't speak english very well however I can understand it a bit =D <_< ... Thanks for those website links... As they have helped me I'm sure they will help you... Do you know any website teaching you how to do casemods? Begginer / Intermediate / Advanced? Thanks in advance!

  6. I also use my computer without turning it off and I have never faced a virus or anything like that... In my opinion it's really hard to get something like that if you understand about computer... I mean... Why would you open a unknown file? If you are used to warez you won't download files from certain websites so you don't even need a antivirus programs as you know the website you are going to download things from... However if you are still young on some matters you must be more carefull by using a antivirus and by checking the file online (some websites do this)... The only thing that I don't like about letting my computer online 24/7 is that I have already lost 2 HDs... they were maxxel... At least, I've learned to keep a backup from time to time... You should do that also if you have important documents or if you have waste some time on creating a script... Always do backups.

  7. "I use HTTP proxy = http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
    Anyone use that also?"

    I'm not an expert, but is that really a proxy? because is like "your computer adress"... I guess it's not a REAL proxy.

    "Why would we want to use a proxy server? Is it better or faster to use one?Do some sites need a proxy server to access it?"

    There are many reasons why people use proxy. For instance: There are some hosting sites that does not allow people from certain country to register there and you could use a proxy to fake it. It's hard to find a proxy as fast as your own IP however some sites do work better with a certain country proxy so that's another reason do use it. I mean, I download things from certain FTPs that downloads much faster using a asian proxy however it never goes higher than my connection limit.

  8. I would never pay for it... I won't pay for anything that I can get by some other way for free. I mean, if google goes paid someday, I'll find a way to break it through... And why would you pay 5$ for a search if there are so many others sites with search? Many people would stop using google if that happens... So others sites will grow up... I use google because I like it however altavista is a great site and my brother loves it... I wouldn't mind on using it... I always use it when I want to translate websites / words and I know googles has it (kind hidden) but altavista's is much better...

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