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Posts posted by rapidget

  1. Politicians:"They shouldn't. Religion has its own place. Politics has its own place." — Yessuneh Aman, Riverside

    "Politicians have a right to freedom of speech like everyone else." — Charles C. Williams Jr., Beavercreek

    "Why not? I don't want politics that's not spiritual." — Paraneice Nalls, Dayton

    Yes. We need someone who believes in God." — Kathy Short, Dayton

    Should politicians discuss religion during campaigns?

    There is notihing wrong with a politician having strong religious beliefs, however they should leave those beliefs out of the politics. They are supposed to be there to represent all of their constituents. Many times they harp on what a good “insert religion” they are and their consttuents of other faiths end up feeling like they are being thrown aside. Politicians need to stop preaching and preachers need to stop politicking!

    When candidates makes their religious beliefs a highlight of their campaigning they alienate voters who do not subscribe to the belief system to which the candidates subscribe. Ethics and morals can be discussed without the patina of religion covering it.

    Insofar as his or her religion provides voters with a more complete picture of a candidate’s political philosophy, it is often useful for the candidate to discuss it. A more interesting question is: what sort of religious views (if any) are desirable in a candidate? Keep in mind that we are presently at war with an enemy arguably much more religious than the typical American (politicians included).

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    COPIED CONTENT from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Quotes added. Rapidget previously BANNED. so other members, don't follow rapidget's efforts to plagiarize. Xisto staffers will catch up with you soon enough and you'll lose your hosting.

  2. A few of them:

    -The homepage of your browser is changed suddenly, and you have no clue as to how it happened. This is commonly called a browser hijack, and one of the most notorious of these infections is CoolWebSearch.
    -You suddenly notice an 'extra' toolbar on IE and once again you didn't install it. Toolbar infections are of a wide variety, coming in many forms and names.

    -Your firewall alerts you to an unknown program trying to access the Internet. This usually means something has already gotten by your defenses and you need to take action, and in many cases most infections rarely travel alone. Another firewall indicator is that it is actually turned off by the malware. Many aggressive malwares target multiple av\anti-spyware applications.

    -New shortcuts appear on your desktop or your task bar, or even your system tray that you didn't put there nor know what they are.

    -New entries appear in your favorites folder that you didn't put there.

    Notice from serverph:
    COPIED CONTENT from http://temerc.com/sympsinfctn.html
    RAPIDGET already BANNED for PLAGIARISM. to others, please review Xisto forum rules & TOS so you don't get banned yourself.

  3. Time is a vector, being unidirectional like a one-way street. That's why we can't travel backwards thru it in some kind of imagined time-machine. Although it could be argued in theory, it's possible to move forward (leap) faster than at our customary natural progression. But to accomplish that, you'd have to be able to accelerate the expansion of the universe for at least a brief moment. Should that ever occur within our lifetime (which is highly doubtful) we'd very likely be unaware it was even happening (as it was occuring) regardless of whether it was for a second, minute, hour, day, month, year, etc. During the interval in which this theoretical "leap ahead" were to occur, time as we perceive it WOULDN'T seem to accelerate for us, for the same reason and in the same way we feel we're stationary or not moving (inside) a car that's traveling at definite and varying rates of acceleration. The only thing we'd be aware of would be a sudden onset of (natural) changes that occured faster than they should have, for which we have no reasonable explanation. For example, our hair might grow a foot long and turn gray seemingly overnight or even right before our eyes, if we happened to be looking in a mirror at the right moment. The expected changes (such as aging) that would've otherwise occured at time's "normal" rate would still happen, but at a much accelerated rate for some period.
    Time isn't a dimension, at least in the usual sense, although it's useful to conceptualize it being mapped over some dimension, being the 4th as pondered by Einstein. Time (change) is continually ongoing and affects everything around us in profound ways. So it has to be reckoned with in some sort of model or other that's convenient to deal with.

    It's merely a tool we devised based on the amazingly consistant intervals of planetary motion. A time measurement interval always having some chosen starting and ending points. It's purpose being to keep track of and have a way to monitor CHANGE, presumably of our expanding universe and all the other things changing within it.

    Time, by definition, can't "run backwards" since it's vector-based. But we can certainly choose the interval's starting and ending points to be ones which have already occured sometime in the past. In that way, we have the ability to examine some event or events which have already passed. We can record some event that's occuring in the present using some form of media (paper, film, DVD, etc) and play it back any time we choose, at some later date in the future.

    Notice the process doesn't work the other way around, however. An interval's starting point sometime in the future and whose ending point is even further in the future can't yield any useful information, until that interval of time has elasped. Just as in the example of recording a movie or TV show that's not going to air until tomorrow.

    If the theory of the expanding universe is accurate and there comes a point where it stops expanding and begins contracting (consistant with Newton's law) time would then run in an opposite direction, relative to the direction it's now moving. But that doesn't mean what we know to be our history would run backwards like a movie played in reverse. It simply means time would progress in the exact opposite direction of the original time vector. Other than that, it'll just be a continuation of where it left off before the reversal occurred. A kind of game half-time, so to speak.

    The unpleasant thing to ponder is what will happen once THAT vector comes to and end. Game over? Some argue the "big bang" will reoccur in an implosion of all matter in the universe, as it reunites. We were taught "matter can neither be created nor destroyed" (presumably by any of us) which implies the whole process must unfold again in it's infinite glory. But certainly "the creator" (or whomever you believe) did accomplish the creation of all the matter in our universe and by implication, could well be capable of it's destruction in whole or in part.

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    COPIED CONTENT from http://www.wellstonforum.com/4d/view.php?message=7168
    QUOTES added. MEMBER SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY after repeated violations, and still failing to follow this simple forum rule: NO PLAGIARISM.

  4. Yip Man was born in Fatshan (faht sŕan), China into a wealthy family. In his youth he studied Wing Chun Gung Fu from a gentleman who rented a space from the Yip family. This gentleman was Chan Wah Shun (chahn wŕh seuhn). Later on, when Yip Man was sent to attend high school in Hong Kong, he displayed his skills learned from Chun Wah Shun by coming to the aid of a Chinese gentleman who was being beaten for no apparent reason. Yip Man's classmate witnessed this and relayed the event to another Wing Chun teacher named Leung Bik (lčuhng bďk), the eldest son of Leung Jan (lčuhng jaan), the teacher of Chan Wah Shun. Leung Bik then arranged to see Yip Man and later became his second teacher. Yip Man spent several years in Hong Kong studying with Leung Bik and greatly increased his skill. He returned to Fatshan after finishing school and remained there until the Communist takeover of China in 1949. At that time he was forced to flee back to Hong Kong as he had worked in the police force of the Nationalist government and would certainly have been killed had he stayed.
    Upon returning to Hong Kong permanently, Yip Man began teaching select students the Wing Chun style and his name quickly spread. Yip Man was a humble teacher of traditional values who's goals were not of fame or fortune. However, as his abilities became known, it was clear that he held profound knowledge of the Wing Chun system and was a very capable teacher. It was only a matter of time before he had produced many famous students including Bruce Lee and the recognition of Wing Chun Gung Fu became widespread, reaching around the world.

    One dream that Yip Man had and was not able to realize was that of a place where Wing Chun players and students could call home. This was to be a place for fellowship, a place to learn from, and a place to show respect for those who had come before. This idea was initially conceived in 1968 when Yip Man expressed his desire to establish a Wing Chun Tong (wihng cheůn tňhng). However, due to the staggering cost of real estate in Hong Kong and the taxation levied, there was simply no way at that time of dedicating a place for the Wing Chun Temple. So, instead of the temple, the Ving Tsun Athletic Association was born and still functions today in Hong Kong.

    One of Yip Man's students never let his Sě Fuh's vision die. Moy Yat (můih yaht) was very close to Yip Man and spent countless hours discussing and acting upon his Sifu’s ideals and dreams, thus achieving fame in his own right; a recognized Grandmaster in all areas of the world. Moy Yat taught in Hong Kong for many years and he moved to New York in 1973 following his Sifu death. He has produced many skillful and famous students. Not only has Moy Yat become famous as a Grandmaster of Wing Chun but also as an artist, known worldwide for his paintings, stone carvings, writing, and other works of art. He passed away in January of 2001.

    Moy Yat, like his teacher, had traditional roots. It could be said that he was proud and sentimental about his Wing Chun history. He continued to strive to assure his Sifu’s dream of establishing a Wing Chun Tong by carefully searching for the proper time and place to make it a reality. Grand Master Moy Yat kept Yip Man's dream alive for over 30 years. During a trip to Dayton, Ohio in October, 1993, he began discussions with his Disciple, Benny Meng (maahng hing fůng), about the creation of the museum. After many meetings with Master Meng, his disciples, Yip Man's sons, and the Ving Tsun Athletic Association, Dayton was accepted as the site and Yip Man's dream became reality.

    In 1994, the Ving Tsun Museum Planning Committee was formed and began the planning of the Museum. Three Grand Masters of Wing Chun; Yip Chun (yihp jéun), Yip Ching (yihp jing), and Moy Yat as well as Master Benny Meng attended the groundbreaking ceremonies on July 26, 1995. This was the first time all three Grand Masters were together in the United States.

    In November of 1995 construction of the Museum began and was completed by June of 1996. The Museum held its First Annual International Workshop from May 2nd to 4th, 1997, conducted by two Grand Masters: Yip Ching and Moy Yat, nine Masters: Benny Meng , Sunny Tang (Dunn Wah), Leo Imamura, Jeffrey Chan, Henry Moy, Mickey Chan, Pete Pajil, Miguel Hernandez, and William Moy; it was attended by 150 Wing Chun enthusiasts from various parts of the world. Since that time, major strides have taken place including much historical information being gathered, the transcription of tapes, the boo--The Voice of the Ving Tsun--being published, the collection of more Wing Chun artifacts, and the physical completion of the building that will house the museum.

    When the elder martial arts brothers of the late Bruce Lee decided to introduce the Ving Tsun Museum in Dayton, Ohio to martial artists from all over the western hemisphere, they agreed to a series of historic events planned by Master Benny Meng, the museum's Curator, culminating in the Grand Opening of the museum itself. Each event represented a "first of its kind" achievement in the history of Wing Chun Gung Fu.

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    Xisto forum rules & TOS.

  5. Over 9 hours of high-definition (HD) video on a 50GB disc. About 23 hours of standard-definition (SD) video on a 50GB disc.TDK recently announced that they have created a working Blu-ray disc capable of holding 200GB of data (six 33GB data layers).


    The codecs are compression schemes used to store audio and video information on disc. For video, all BD-ROM players must be able to decode three codecs: MPEG-2 (the standard also used for DVDs); MPEG-4's H.264/AVC; and VC-1, a codec based on Microsoft's Windows Media 9.

    All Blu-ray movies released so far have chosen to use the ten year old MPEG-2 technology (that all standard DVDs use) rather than the much newer VC-1 compression technology that most HD-DVD movies use. A 25GB single layer Blu-ray disc using MPEG-2 holds two hours of high-definition video content, just like a 15GB single layer HD-DVD using VC-1 would hold two hours of high-definition video content. Most HD-DVD movies released so far use dual-layer 30GB discs that hold four hours of high-definition video content, while all Blu-ray movies released so far use a single-layer 25 GB disc that only hold two hours of high-definition video content. This is the main reason why Blu-ray discs have far fewer special features and bonus content than HD-DVD or standard DVD movies.


    For audio, BD-ROM players are required to support Dolby Digital and DTS, and linear PCM (up to 7.1 channels.) The standard has optional support for Dolby Digital Plus and the lossless formats Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD. The linear PCM 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1 formats are mandatory, meaning that one of them may be used as the sole soundtrack on a disc, because every player will have a decoder that can process any of these three bitstreams.[2] For lossless audio in movies in the PCM, Dolby TrueHD or DTS-HD formats, Blu-ray discs support encoding in up to 24-bit/192kHz for up to six channels, or up to eight channels of up to 24-bit/96kHz encoding.[3] For reference, even new big-budget Hollywood films are mastered in only 24-bit/48kHz, with 16-bit/48kHz being common for ordinary films.

    For users recording digital television broadcasts, the Blu-ray's baseline datarate of 36 MB/s is more than adequate to record high-definition broadcasts. Support for new codecs will evolve as they are encapsulated by broadcasters into their MPEG-2 transport streams, and consumer set-top boxes capable of decoding them are rolled out.

    The choice of codecs affects disc cost (due to related licensing/royalty payments) as well as program capacity. The two more advanced video codecs can typically achieve twice the video runtime of MPEG-2. When using MPEG-2, quality considerations would limit the publisher to around two hours of high-definition content on a single-layer (25GB) BD-ROM.


    At the 2005 JavaOne trade show, it was announced that Sun Microsystems' Java cross-platform software environment would be included in all Blu-ray players as a mandatory part of the standard. Java will be used to implement interactive menus on Blu-ray discs, as opposed to the method used on DVD video discs, which uses pre-rendered MPEG segments and selectable subtitle pictures, which is considerably more primitive. Java creator James Gosling, at the conference, suggested that the inclusion of a Java virtual machine as well as network connectivity in BD devices will allow updates to Blu-ray discs via the Internet, adding content such as additional subtitle languages and promotional features that are not included on the disc at pressing time. This Java Version will be called BD-J and will be a subset of the Globally Executable MHP (GEM) standard. GEM is the world-wide version of the Multimedia Home Platform standard.

    And the Region Codes are differents... There are less than before...

    A North America, South America, East Asia except for China
    B Europe and Africa
    C China, Russia and other countries

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    tsk...tsk...tsk... another COPIED CONTENT.
    from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc
    quotes added. credits reduced.

  6. Both have done interesting signs... The best one from toykoldkilla is the second ryu sign... That one I REALLY enjoyed.I'm not sure about how much have you done on these signs, confessionalchrissite, however they are very nice... and that one from Avril Lavigne with "Fall to Pieces" lyrics... No words... I wouldn't imagine it was Avril Lavigne, not used to see her like that =D... It's really nice!

  7. I didn't understand what would you be interested on doing... I use these programs related to video: VirtualDubMod / Nandub / AVIMux Gui... However they do only work for encoding and stuffs like that... I suppose it's not what you meant. However VirtualDub can do some things that you might do with your video... I guess you have already heard about it... It can crop movies and those things which would edit video...

  8. Good job... I would only tell you not to add too much (I forgot the name hahaha... Similar to shadow...) on those small fonts... It makes the fonts becomes blured and it's hard to understand what's written... I do like your "Genelia | Indian Actress" font / color... Why don't you try to use Image Ready to make some small gifts? Something like 20 frames...

  9. what is Ragnork??? and what are the features of this server???? i really not don't know about it

    Ragnaroks is a very interesting MMORPG Online... I found a story about it which I found very interesting... Read it, you might get interest on playing it.

    STORY OF RAGNAROKAfter the long and gruesome war between God, Humans,and Demons...Scarred during the dangerous moments in battle, and avoiding total destruction altogether, the Humans, God and Demons entered a long truceThe 1000 years of fragile and forged peace...In the land of Midgard, the existence of peace eventually led the humans to erase their memories of the scars and hardships of the wars in the past. Not remembering the faults of the past, culture was spreading throughout the land along with selfishness, corruption, and arrogance.Then one day, strange occurrences started happening, breaking the balance that once existed in Midgard. There came a strange howl from the boundaries that divided the humans, God, and demons; creatures began attacking; increasing earthquakes and hail - and...The mysterious legend of demons...As the fragile peace began to fall apart, stories about the parts of Ymir, protecting the peace, began to spread among the adventurers. Forgetting the true nature of it, people set out to seek each of the pieces for their own selfishness, and the wealth that would come with it...

  10. I'm currently looking for online flash games such as battleon or something like that to play on my university on breaks... Does anybody know? I was enjoying battleon even with its video quality however for you to be able to do something nice you must pay and I can't afford that... 10$ for me is kind expensive... I don't earn on $ =D... Thanks in advance... Anything would be good... But please, no Tibia / Runescape... Played it a long time ago and I don't really want to play it again, nothing against it.

  11. I watch movies every week =D... I'm a big fan of movies... I don't remember exactly the last movies that I saw... At (on/in... I don't know =D) cinema, the last one was garfiled 2 (blah... I had to see it cause I was with my girlfriend's sister...) however I bought a Portable Divx Player so I can watch movies that I grab from the internet on my TV... I do only download DVD-Rip ones... It should have been Inside Man, or Freedomland, or Godfather (I can't tell in words how this movies is awesome), or She's The Man...In fact, today I was watching Prison Break... This series is awesome!!... I'm currently watching Prison Break and My Name Is Earl... I wish I could watch more however I don't speak english too good (fluenty?) so I miss some words / phrases without subtitles... which takes me to download subtitles... However I got brothers and sisters which also want to watch so I can't just grab the english subtitle (which would make me understand more)... I have to download the portuguese one (I'm brazilian) and it's easy to download from common movies however from series it's a pain in the **bottom**... Because when you find, when you CAN find it, there are a lot of problems such as ortographic ones and timming...Does anybody know when Prison Break Season 2 is going to start? And what about Supernatural? I heard it's going to be released by another TV Company, is it true? Thanks in advance.

  12. In my opinion, a $200 pen does not worth only for the name, okay, it could be much more cheaper, however it will last much more and the ink is much better... There are no comparissons... I'm not saying that I have or that I'm going to buy one, however if you can a cheap and nice quality ink pen for cheap and by easy steps... I found it interesting.About wrong section, I'm sorry... I didn't know where else to put... now I know =D... Sorry and thanks!

  13. Collaborative DIY site Instructables shows us how to convert a $3 pen into a $200 Mont Blanc pen by filling the shell of the former with the innards of the latter.

    The whole thing is pretty simple: All you need is a G2 Pro pen (~$3) and some Mont Blanc refill cartridges (~$12). With a little bit of trimming of the plastic on the refill cartridge, you should be able to fit it easily into the G2, and voila - expensive pen gets super-cheap. I love it!

    12 STEPS

    Transform a $3 pen into a $200 pen in just seconds. Mont Blanc pens are the worlds finest writing pens but they make specialized refills so you must buy their $200+ pens to use their amazing ink...until now. This is the easiest hack/adaptation to give anyone the king's writing ink.

  14. If you've given the newly-released Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 a spin, you've probably noticed that there aren't a whole lot of eye-popping new features. However, there are a few subtle improvements that make it a nice upgrade.

    In addition to built-in spellchecker, Firefox 2.0 also has close buttons on every individual tab - a much-needed feature (especially on Mac OS X.)

    There's also better (but still not great) RSS integration. When you click on a site's feed icon (at the far end of the address bar), a preview page with the option to choose your feed reader appears.
    You can bypass this page by permanently setting your feed reader of choice, to automatically subscribe to a feed.

    The new History menu maintains a list of recently-closed tabs with the option to re-open them. (as there already has on the plugin: Session Saver (and more).

    "Power extension users will note that most of this functionality is available in 1.5 with a few extensions, but now that these features come by default and are supported by Mozilla, more users will benefit from them."

    If you haven't yet installed the Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 because you didn't want to lose your extension functionality, reader Brad reminds us how to fake out extensions into working. I haven't tried that myself so do proceed with caution.

    If you're feeling like a bold tester who's willing to give up all extension functionality, you can go ahead and install FF for yourself. I'm feeling more "wait till it's a bit more stable" myself - because honestly, it doesn't look like that drastic an upgrade just yet.

    Video Preview

    Video: Firefox 2 is in alpha [CNET]
    Bon Echo Alpha 1 Milestone [Mozilla Developer Center]

  15. Many sites have been down since the police started to "hunt" those trackers... And not only public ones such Suprnova (the biggest tracker I've ever noticed), torrentit has also closed and it was closed... I feel bad because of torrentit... It was my favorite... Skin was awesome... and contents / users / staff... no complainings... Nowadays I use only closed trackers... I don't like to use public ones... many problems... Have you guys read what really happened to suprnova? The owner wrote a letter after he got out of jail... It was chocking... If you haven't, I suppose his letter is still at suprnova.org... Take a look at it...

  16. Firefox is faster and safer than IE. Rather than making IE faster, why don't you just switch to Firefox? xD

    I do use firefox, used to use Mozilla before Firefox comes to final version.
    However, I've read that firefox has been facing many problems and for once it had had more insecure than Internet Explorer (about two months ago), nowadays it's more secure than Internet Explorer (again).

    P.S.: I don't have english as my main language, so can you guys tell me if "nowadays" is written right? Thanks in advance! <_<

  17. Template has been changed, and about the error, i didnt find any on the site maybe you could tell me which page you saw the error on.

    Well, about the template, I saw it had changed after I register however I had to go to a class so I had no time to reply... My bad... However, when someone loads your torrent tracker, it stills comes with that green as default, only after your registration is that you can see the new default one (blue).

    About the error, is that for me? Because what I said was not an error... I just said that when you sign up for your account, the message appears in a red color text which I, personally, don't think that matches with the tracker color style.

    Edit: Now it comes with the black skin as default =D.
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