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Posts posted by joshua132

  1. Antivirus protection is extremely important, even if you don't have a high speed connection. My personal favorite is Kaspersky Antivirus. Although they don't have a free version they do have a free trial. Kaspersky has an easy to use interface as well as real-time scanning and automatic scheduling. Many of the features can be customized to allow for less intense scanning, less frequent updating, etc. The program is also light on the resources (8MB for me). I would reccommend AVG if you want free protection, but it doesn't handle some trojans well. My experience with programs like Norton and McAfee is that although they provide a few extra features, they are resource hogs.
    I see that a lot of people I help have obtained viruses from p2p sources. P2P can be dangerous in this way. You just have to watch what files you download and open (primarily .exe). Another obvious way of contracting a computer virus is through email. If you already have a virus and know the name of it or can describe it, Norton and McAfee provide free tools (available on their website) to purge the virus. Many viruses can be prevented from spreading by blocking the ports they use through the use of a firewall (preferably a hardware firewall). Most wired routers come with a firewall option built in. In the end, being smart and aware, is the best vaccination for computer viruses.

  2. I am currently a senior at Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, MO.Two years ago I transfered from a private Christian School to the public school Icurrently attend. The transfer was the best decision of my life. I have recently come to realize how much the private school hindered me. I was quite anit-social while at the Christian school and I don't know what would have happened to me if I had not transfered. At Rock Bridge I am socially involved and there is a class for just about any of my interests. The Christian school had about 100 people, Rock Bridge has nearly 2000. Another plus to attended a large high school is experience with all the people....rant ...rant ...rant

  3. ok b4 reading ,reader discretion advised! :D


    im in high scool now,in grade 9 nd in my old elementry scool i had 2 good freinds i used 2 chill wit,one of dem is a real ***** hiz name is ricky nd he is really *****!

    if u say anythin bout his parents his mom,him or anyonehe justs listens and make a gay face dat looks like this  :D or sumtin like that,now the other guyz name is jesse nd hez relly cool wit me so we chill durin lunch an shyt,this ricky guy acts dum and hez relly ***** so we ditched him n we dun chill wit him no more coz he baited out our scene and got us in shyt,so hez a loner now and sits in d libraray at lunch lol,but das not the problem hiz friggin parents come 2 my house and start askin me y i dun talk 2 him,rofl like wtf! whose parents do that,his parents are forcin me to talk 2 him and be his freind,i kno this sounds childish like being freinds and not,but if we are his freinds he takes advantage does stupidness and gets us in shyt,sumtimes i thnik hez abonormal,his parents keep talkin bullshyt bout me all d time and want me to chillw it him and dey are forcin me to now,anyone kno wat do other then jump him :D?


    omfg! You can hang with whoever you want. I have been in a similar situation. One of my friends ditched me for my sister. Instead of *BLEEP*ing I just stopped associating with him. It was my choice against the wishes of his parents and my parents. After a few years my parents are starting to understand. Hanging with people you don't like sucks.


    Also, after reading your post, I realized how much I hate ebonics. People should be decent enough to use English! Acronyms and most incorrect punctuation is okay. But if every other word is spelled like you talk then you need to fix something.

  4. I use Mozilla Firefox 1.0. It is the best browser on earth. I have used IE 6.0 sp2, Opera, Netscape, and previouse versions of Firefox/Firebird. Hands down Firefox is the winner. Previous versions of Firefox sucked but 1.0 is basically unbeatable. It is not only free, but it doesn't have any ads. It has hundreds of add-ons, a pop-up blocker,and a download manager among other things. I wouldn't use anything else.

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