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Posts posted by brandon10092

  1. Which iPod to get is really an easy question.If you're into a lot of multimedia such as music, photos, videos, etc. then the Video iPod is the only one that can fufill all your needs. One big plus about the iPod Video is that it comes in up to 80GB. That's enough to store 20,000 songs, just about 200 hours of video, or tens of thousands of pictures. And to play all of this, the iPod's battery holds a chargen of 16-18 hours (only 6 hours for videos and a little longer for photos because both use the backlight.)If you don't have a lot of music or photos and you just need something to listen to occasionally (or you can take advantage of its 24 hour battery,) you could probably get an iPod Nano. It comes in 5 colors: silver, pink, blue, green, and black. It's a lot smaller so you can also enjoy its size, and the tons of accessories that are made for it.If you only have a few or so songs to take with you wherever you go and you don't have a need for a screen, then you should get the iPod Shuffle. It is extremely small and easy to take with you anywhere. It comes in either 512MB or 1GB, so you can shuffle up to 240 songs on a very long battery.

  2. I think this new Google Checkout will be some healthy competition for Paypal after so many years of almost a complete monopoly. I've never personally had problems with Paypal, but for the people that did (I'm sure there are a lot because Paypal is huge) this will be an advantage for them. I would have never seen this coming though. But I will admit that Google is taking over the internet as we know it. I bet we'll all be driving a 2020 Google Vortex in about 13 years.

  3. Honestly I'm surprised that Japan still has yet to even get to the moon. With the technology they have developed over there compared to ours, it always seems like they're a step ahead of us. And since it's almost been 40 years since we went to the moon, why has Japan still not taken a trip to the moon? And just as they were planning to their plans are most likely going to be cancelled.As for the whole US-to-the-moon conspiracy thing, even though it's completely possible, I do not believe our government would lie to us like that on such a big scale. I'm not sure why anybody would think that. I know the government has lied to us on a few things, but what would be the point in it if they lied about going to the moon?

  4. I completely agree. I understand getting a good education is very important in today's world, but school is just horrible. I hate having to deal with teachers I can't stand and all the homework they assign every night. Being an Honors English student isn't exactly fun either, considering the fact that we get piled with a ton of confusing homework all the time. It's not the immature little brats I'm forced to learn with that annoy me, I can deal with their crap. It's quite the opposite: the teachers. They go on as if we have no lives and should be forced to study at ungodly hours every day, on top of all our other classes. I think it's time they realize that real life is hard enough but making our lives hard now isn't helping at all. Responsibilty comes gradually and shouldn't be piled on all at once.

  5. Yeah I just broke out underneath my nose a couple of days ago and I just picked up this stuff called AcneFree. I haven't tried it yet but I got it from Walgreens and it looks like it's pretty good stuff so hopefully for me it'll work really well.I'm not sure about using hydrogen peroxide for cleaning up acne but I can see it working. Has anybody tried that?

  6. USPS is a good way to get your auction items to whoever bought them. About the packaging though. You go to your local post office and you can pick out a package suitable to ship your items in, but the downside to that is that it costs money to buy the package that it ships in. I've used USPS frequently in the past few months and they've been a really good service for me to use.

  7. 1GB is good for any email provider really, since most likely you won't use it all unless you fill it up with attachments and tons upon tons of old or saved emails. But Yahoo! offers 2GB of free space, so if you're really in it for the storage capacity i'd go with Yahoo! MAil if I were you.

  8. 25% downtime? I get mad when my ISP is down for 2 hours, let alone 25% of the time! No matter what the money issue, if I was in your shoes I would drop that ISP and go with another if it isn't the only one available in your area. But one thing: you're luckier than the other people stuck with 28K and 56K connections, although the 25% downtime brings you down to their level unfortunately.

  9. 1GB of RAM would seem appropriate for you at first, but I'd say that you would have to add on to it as time progresses if you use your computer a lot and do a lot of file copying, downloading, editing, and a lot of other stuff (like me.) I put a 1GB stick of RAM in my computer that came with 512MB and now it's pretty fast, so if I were you I'd look at how this computer is to be used before you come up with an amount of RAM for it.By the way, that's a lot of money to shell out for an overly-decent graphics card. You must be a gamer.

  10. Personally, I think Yahoo! is better over Google. Even in the search engine aspect, I prefer Yahoo! because I used Yahoo! before I trued using Google, and when I use both when I'm searching the same thing my results are almost exactly the same. Also, Yahoo! is a much better resource for news, weather, and sports. Google can't really match up with that. So I'll continue to support Yahoo! over Google and still use it often.

  11. If you want to go pretty cheap, but you are still looking for a decent upgrade from your stock on-board graphics card, you could buy a GeForce Graphics Card. I bought one (can't remember the model number and everything) and it was $50, and it came with 128MB memory, even though most of the newer more advanced graphics cards come with 256MB of memory.

  12. I would not go with a TV Tuner unless the directions are easy to understand when you are going to install it and it's a brand you're positive you can trust. I got a TV Tuner for Christmas and it's called WIN-TV or something along those lines. It's off-brand and I only got it because I was going to by a RAID TV Tuner for around $100, but they were all sold out so I got its "rival." Not a good idea. I went to install it, and the hassle was I had to take out my unused modem since my PCI ports were all taken. After that, I install it and as I'm reading the directions I'm basically clueless on installing it. I get the drivers and software installed on my computer, but the troubles begin when I try tuning the c ard. THe instructions vaguely show how to do this and doesn't go into detail if you have a satelite box or something other than regular cable, which is my case.

  13. Not only will Iraq be a better place without Sadam, but the whole world will be too. After all the lives he's taken in the past couple decades, I'll be glad when he's gone. He should feel the pain and suffering he caused thousands when he was the "president" of Iraq. Although I'm not sure if it's very constitutional on our part to hang him, rather than lethal injection, the electric chair, etc.

  14. I'm not racist, but I think that people using their race to their advantage are just ignorant and beligerant in a way. If you don't like us calling you names and being racist towards you, then why do it to us? That's just asking for trouble that nobody wants and causing a conflict that shouldn't have to happen. Times have changed, and although there's still a lot of hate out there, you could be black, get a good education, go to college for a few years or so, and be just as successful as any white person could. It just takes a bit of effort and equality towards other races.

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