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Posts posted by Mjay06

  1. Now i'm a dedicated Xisto member of some 2? years.My rant is thus:Your forums are WAY WAY too complicated, you spend half hour trying to find where to post only to get there & find out you are not authorised to post anyway.You have people by the bollocks, they have to post & it seems you make it as hard as possible for them to do so.In the world of free hosting Xisto are lacking well behind, you might say 'who cares, its free' but everyone knows decent free hosting leads to paid hosting.I came on here earlier determined to get paid hosting, I had a simple question to ask then my credit card details would have been yours. Could I ask it anywhere? No. Everywhere I went I wasn't authorised, & yes I was logged in. I've never been banned, warned, anything here, so why?Tell me i'm wrong but isnt this forum's sole purpose to get people to upgrade? Why then make it such a *BLEEP*ing miserable place to visit?To finish this, ive got paid hosting where my temporary site is, ?2 a month, unlimited bandwidth, sql databases, email addies etc, you guys need to brush up on your customer service technique, seriously.

  2. Rubbish rubbish rubbish! Do you seriously think that if mobile phones posed a significant health risk they would be on sale? In the current health & safety climate we live in if there was the slightest chance they were dangerous they would all be buried 5 miles underground in reinforced concrete.People argue that if you talk on a mobile for a while it gets hot - don't these cretins realise that residual body heat will warm up anything if you hold it close to you long enough?Anyone old enough to remember the introduction of tv/video remote controls will remember the same thing happening, & again when microwave ovens were introduced. Who worries about them now? Admittedly radio waves & the body do interact, but not in a harmful way. Try this out: If you have a car with remote central locking if you place the remote to your head the click it will double the range it will unlock your car. Don't ask me how it works, but it does, & it won't kill you...

  3. I've had an iphone for some time now & have never really been totally happy with it. The camera is average at best & having no video shooting capability is so 1990's. Saying that, the user interface is very good.A friend bought a HTC Touch Diamond which i've had a good play around with & it beats the iphone hands down on every level. I've had HTC's before & they have always been good (if you ignore the buggy Windows Mobile 5 they used to come with). New HTC's all have Windows Mobile 6 which is a vast improvement - its like going from Windows 98 to XP.I don't think i'll be getting a Touch Diamond though, i'm going to save up a bit longer & get the Touch pro - identical to the Diamond but with a full slide-out keyboard. Expensive, yes. Nearly ?500 on ebay at the moment, but by a million miles the best mobile/pda you can buy.

  4. Excellent thread :lol:

    One extension in particular that I miss is webmail compose, which when you click an email link on a webpage it opens your gmail account, not your default email client.

    This is/was an excellent extension, & I hope someone gets around to upgrading it to Firefox 2 soon.


    I have just found what could quite possibly be the best Firefox extension ever.

    Basically it tricks Firefox into thinking all the extensions you have installed are compatible.

    All my 1.5 extensions now work with 2.

    Happy doesnt come close... :(

    Get it here

  5. most of the extensions are now updated to work with FF 2.0 too

    You say that, but out of the twenty or so extensions I have installed on 1.5 the only two that are compatible with 2.0 are Stumble & Adblock Plus.

    Its annoying as not only am I missing out on nearly all of them but every time I start up Firefox now it insists on checking for updates.

    I don't really want to turn the auto check off just in case updates are available at some point, so I guess I am stuck with it...

  6. Msn is the most convenient simply because everybody seems to have it. I have switched to aMsn now though as it doesn't use up as much of the processor when its running. Before I was struggling to run Photoshop, Firefox & Msn at the same time. There isnt really a great deal of difference between normal msn & amsn, apart from the smileys are a bit naff. So far it seems pretty good though.

  7. i dont have controll of the forums.. i dont have controll of anything.

    if you are refering to the argument about religious beliefs and stuff of that nature that was in the shoutbox and me trying to stop it

    I reported that to Bufallo myself. It was quite probably the most distasteful thing I have read on here.

  8. If you use a lot of forums & like your smileys, this is for you.


    Its an extension for Firefox, which when you have installed it gives you this in the menu bar:


    Posted Image


    When you click it, this appears:


    Posted Image


    Click any of the names & it automatically puts the smiley code into your post:


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    This apparently works on any site where you can type something in.


    You now have instant access to 1000s of smileys so you can annoy the hell out of everyone :)


    Get it here

  9. I can't say i'm a huge fan of my space, but then I work for profileheaven.com - one of their competitors.


    Unfortunately, (& I dont exactly approve) we are going down a similar road to myspace in an effort to keep up.


    We are now offering members the facilty to code their own profiles with css, they can upload up to 1,000,000 photos to their albums, we have a video upload section, livechat, forums etc.


    One big difference between us and them though is that you actually see staff members on the site, that you can talk to - we dont have a fictional Tom-like character like myspace.


    This is an article I read about their operating methods - its quite interesting.





    What News Corp. doesn't want you to know about MySpace


    1. MySpace is NOT a viral success. MySpace was advertised on mass levels to reach the public. MySpace was created by a company named eUniverse (who later changed their name to Intermix Media). eUniverse was a marketing and entertainment company who had over 50 million e-mail addresses in their databases, as well as over 18 million monthly web users. eUniverse leveraged their resources to proliferate and advertise MySpace.com. eUniverse went as far as telling 3 million users of their paid dating website, Cupidjunction, to sign up for free MySpace accounts.


    2. MySpace.com is Spam 2.0. MySpace has spawned an incredibly successful twist on the age-old art of self-promotion, allowing--even encouraging--the marketing of everything from bands to businesses on their site. Essentially, they've opened up a channel through which to solicit and promote everyone and everything, most importantly the individual. The whole site is, in essence, a marketing tool that everyone who registers has access to. Users constantly receive spam-like messages from said bands, business, and individuals looking to add more "friends" (and therefore more potential fans, consumers, or witnesses) to their online identity. A testament to this strange new social paradigm is the phrase "Thanks for the Add," a nicety offered when one MySpace user adds another as a friend. Best yet, to use the site, members must log in, causing them to inadvertently view advertisements, and then read their messages on a page with even more advertisements. In the world of MySpace, Spam is earth, air, fire, and water.


    3. Tom Anderson did NOT create MySpace. Most users don't know that Tom Anderson (pictured) is more of a PR scheme than anything else--the mascot designed to give a friendlier feel to a site created by a marketing company known for viral entertainment websites, pop-up advertising, spam, spyware, and adware. As MySpace's popularity grew, the MySpace team moved to create a false PR story that would best reflect the ideals and tastes of its growing demographic. They wanted to prevent the revelation that a Spam 1.0 company had launched the site, and created the impression that Tom Anderson created the site, and the lie worked. According to Anderson, the bulk of his initial contribution is as follows: "I am as anti-social as they come, and I've already got 20 people to sign up."


    4. MySpace's CEO Chris DeWolfe is connected to a past of spam and shady business associates and brought those connections to eUniverse/MySpace.



    5. MySpace was a direct assault on Friendster.com. The major key players in the ultimate development of MySpace have friendster accounts, and name Friendster and its founder in their original business proposal. The current CEO of MySpace, Chris DeWolfe has been a member of Friendster since June of 2003 (MySpace was not conceived until August of 2003).

  10. From what I can make out it was this bbcode plug-in that was causing the problem.

    Reading the comments on the download page from it, it would seem someone else has had problems using it on the recent releases of Firefox too, but it also messed up on 1.5 for me.

    Maybe it was just conflicting with another plugin or something.


    To save me making a new thread - does anyone know why I can no longer see images on ipb forums now?

    I dont see signatures or staff icons (I just get 'ipb image', but I can see avatars. I've been into my controls & checked everything is set correctly there, but i'm having no luck.

  11. I just disabled every plugin I had installed in 1.5, & it seems to have cleared up the problem - now I just have to find out which one was causing it.The weird thing is that whichever one it was it must have been compatible with 2.2 aswell, as I was having the same problems with that version. Oddly though, 2.2 wasnt showing as having any plugins active.Tis a weird one thats for sure.

  12. This has me a bit stumped, when using either of my Firefox versions (1.5 & 2.2) in here now it takes an age for the characters to appear when I type.I thought it may have been a plugin which was affecting things, but most of my the plugins for 1.5 dont work with 2.2 yet, so it cant be that as both versions have the same problem.I've cleared cache/cookies/clear all cookies set by this board, restarted twice - once in safe mode, but its still the same.It only happens on IPB forums, and only in the text entry box - not in the title/description boxes.Im now reduced to using Internet Explorer which apart from being generally rubbish works fine.Anyone got any ideas?

  13. no you would have to do a restore to get the post back. Or do this create dummy forum and then use the back up db and put all the info on there and then grab hte results from there.
    If you do that you won't have to worry about losing anything from the current board and when you grab the results and such take a print screen and then post it on the current topic then delete the dummy forum.

    Thats an excellent idea. Cheers guys :)

  14. Wow... that's some ouch you got there.
    I suppose you can look through the backup (not restoring) and see if you can isolate two polls before the merge.

    Then edit the current merged topic and manually enter missing values. Under ACP it will show which mod, time and topic titles merged. Use it as an anchor and search the backup for the search point.

    Perhaps OpaQue has better procedure...

    The poll as such isnt the most important thing unfortunately, its the actual results which are needed. I suggested pulling the particular table from the backup & then restoring that into the active database, but i'm not entirely sure that will work.

  15. Its 2.1.7It was a new mod who wasnt too sure what they were doing.The poll had in the region of 7000 votes, & is pretty important.It isnt really practical to do a full db restore as the site would lose thousands of posts & hundreds of members. Is it possible to find the relevant poll sql file & restore just that? Or get the figures from it maybe?

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