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Posts posted by mtvoyagers

  1. Well ive got Vista release 1 from microsoft (no not beta, there past that stage) it works a treat you can buy it for about £10 so thats around $22.


    That is impossible, and probably illegal, Vista's beta testing new members acceptance closes tonight at 12:00, there is no way you can have a final copy, its not done yet. I am a beta tester and trust me, they can't be ready yet. Really, they aren't past that satge if they are still handing out betas, which they are. Just curious, how did you purchase it? Was it online or in a store.


    Go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you will see, as I quote "Get Ready for Windows Vista

    Getting ready for Windows Vista, available in early 2007, means choosing the edition that's right for you and ensuring that you have the right PC to enjoy the experiences you want."


    I think you might have waisted that money.

  2. WOW!! I would keep the Windows Customization Pack 4, I have Vista and it doesn't look that good (Aero Glass Is Disabled for Some reason). In fact if anyone knew how to reenable Areo Glass I would be very greatful to you if you told me, I'v tried, but it just isn't there for some reason. Oh and IE7 and Firefox are pretty much the same, only the layout and the fact that there are no themes for IE7 besides the base IE7.

  3. I was one of those beta testers and currently I have Vista. First off, the bigest disapointment I have had is that the Aero effects have been disabled, due to "Program Incompatability". Another disapointment is that currently it has bugs, which is a given , not to bad its just when there is a big one and Vista can't handle it you are dead, you have to re-boot and start over on whatever you were doing, but that happens on average maybe once in three days. As people said up there it does tie up ram, but you should be ok with 512mb. Its really easy to get a key and download legally, BUT it only lasts until June 1, 2007, then Vista and any files associated with Vista will be inaccessable, unless you buy the upgrade and install that over the beta. If your computer is a depended on computer I don't think its a good idea to download Vista, as you will be frustrated if you typing something like this when all of a sudden it freezes. Oh, the download took me about 3-4 hours to download on a high speed broadband connection (RR) and then it took I'd say 45 minutes to an hour to install as an upgrade. It works good, but to bad about Aero. If you want to take a look at whats to be offered with the new operating system but not actually download it, you can download the IE 7 beta, WMP 11 (which from mu pov ROCKS) or the Microsoft Office 2007 programs easy, legally, and for free at microsofts site. Someone also said something about System Requirements, if you go to the Vista Beta site, listed below there is a utility you can download that will evaluate your computer to tell you if your computer is Vista compatable. According to microsoft new beta testers who do not have a key for Vista yet have until well... today to download Vista, and after today, if you have a key you can download Vista until July 14th, GET YOUR KEY QUICK.

    Vista BETA:



    IE 7 BETA:



    WMP 11 BETA:



    Microsoft Office 2007 BETA:



    If you have any more questions you can pm me.

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