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Posts posted by imbibe

  1. I have a addon domain in my account (ramansingla.info): imbibe.inAll subdomains on imbibe.in work fine but one.ike.imbibe.in isn't working. It's more than 24 hrs that I created it.Also when I tried to change Nameservers for ramansingla.info at GoDaddy for Primary Nameserver I enteredNS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM& GoDaddy said Invalid.Kindly help as it is urgent.Thanks & resolved ...

  2. Processor Mode - the various ways in which the processor creates an operating environment for itself. (See my other article for details under Hardware section)


    Dynamic Link Library - an executable file that acts as a shared library of functions. (for this too I have an article published in the forums)


    Graphics Device Interface - provides functions and related structures that an application can use to generate graphical output for displays, printers, and other devices. Windows provides GDI for all graphics output by applications and then maps it to intended devices using drives.


    Object Linking & Embedding - compound documents containing embedded objects or linked objects that retain the native data used to create them (or a link to that data) as well as information about the format. Like you can insert a Excel Sheet in a Word document.


    Virtual Memory - a method of extending the available physical memory on a computer.


    File System - the overall structure in which files are named, stored, and organized.


    Message Queue - system passes input and control information to a window procedure in the form of messages. Messages are generated by both the system and applications. These messages are maintained in the form of a queue. It's the method by which Windows informs applications what input has been given by the user and the system.


    Device Independence - applications can draw and print output on a variety of devices. Applications print to Device Contexts provided by GDI Layer & the rest is handled by GDI Layer.


    Component Object Model - is a platform independent, object oriented system for creating binary software components that can interact. It is the foundation technology for Object Linking & Embedding (compound documents) and ActiveX (Internet enabled components) technologies, as well as others.


    Distributed Component Object Model - extends the component object model to support communication among objects on different computers - on LAN, WAN, or even the Internet.

  3. Processor modes refer to the various ways that the processor creates an operating environment for itself. Specifically, the processor mode controls how the processor sees and manages the system memory and the tasks that use it. There are main three different modes of operation.
    The 8088 chip could only address 1 MB of system memory, and the original versions of Disk Operating System created to work on it were designed with this in mind. This is called real mode. When a processor is running in real mode, it has the advantage of speed, but it otherwise accesses memory with the same restrictions of the original 8088, a limit of 1 MB of addressable memory, and slow memory access that doesn't take advantage of the full 32 - bit processing of modern processors. All processors have this real mode available, and in fact the computer normally starts up in real mode.

    Starting with the 80286 chip a new processor mode was introduced called protected mode. This is a much more powerful mode of operation than real mode, and is used in all modern multitasking operating systems. This mode provides full access to all of the system's memory. There is no 1 MB limit in protected mode. Also the ability to multitask, meaning having the operating system manage the execution of multiple programs simultaneously. Plus support for virtual memory, which allows the system to use the hard disk to emulate additional system memory when needed. And faster (32 - bit) access to memory, and faster 32 - bit drivers to do Input Output transfers. The name of this mode comes from its primary use, which is by multitasking operating systems. Each program that is running has its own assigned memory locations, which are protected from conflict with other programs. If a program tries to use a memory address that it isn't allowed to, a protection fault is generated.

    The third mode of processor operation is actually an additional capability, an enhancement, of protected mode. Protected mode is normally used to run graphical multitasking operating systems such as the various flavors of Windows. There is often a desire to be able to run Dos programs under Windows, but Dos programs need to be run in real mode, not protected mode. Virtual real mode was created to solve this problem. In essence, it emulates real mode from within protected mode, allowing Dos programs to run. A protected mode operating system such as Windows can in fact create multiple virtual real mode machines, each of which appear to the software running them as if they are the only software running on the machine. Each virtual machine gets its own 1 MB address space, an image of the real hardware Basic Input Output System routines, everything. Virtual real mode is what is used when a Dos box is used or a Dos game is run in Windows. When a Dos application is started, Windows creates a virtual Dos machine for it to run under. Virtual real mode was introduced starting with the 386 family of processors.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Plagiarised from: http://www.pcguide.com/ref/cpu/arch/int/modesVirtual-c.html
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  4. Has there been undetected reboots of the server. The cause might be the failing File System. Red Hat versions are known to have this problem & as CENT OS is based on Red Hat the issue is there. Though it has been fixed in the latest release. Try booting from the recovery CD.

  5. Here's my story. I had a CPU. A Pentium 4 which I bought from a local Dealer. The CPU got some problem. I took the CPU to that dealer. And to my surprise the local Dealer broke one of its pin while finding out the root cause of the problem. And then soldered it & gave me. The CPU got overheated in just a minute when ever I turned my system on. After putting a lot a pressure on that dealer I finally got a new one which is working fine.Lesson: Never visit a local Dealer.

  6. Microsoft seems determined to get the same respect in the online world as it enjoys on the desktop world. And Google has everything in BETA. Both have huge resources. This battle is a long one. Both parties will make their moves. Let's see how the story unfolds.

  7. All my life, I've been using Windows. From 95 to 98 to 2000 and then XP..Finally I also used Windows Vista and went back to XP after a few months, because I didn't like it anymore - it just didn't work for me. I use Dell Inspiron 6400, so until recently it was impossible for me to have a MAC. But some time ago, it became possible for computers with SSE2/SSE3 processors, to install a modified version of Mac Leopard or Tiger...

    Same story till "impossible for me to have a MAC". I too have Inspiron 6400 & now will try out the Kalyway.

    Till then Windows XP rocks.

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