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  1. NOTE: Wikipedia.org is a public domain where any person can edit the content. Because of this, the information found in wikipedia may not always be accurate. To Kubi, the person who started this post... you said... Honestly, Kubi it is impossible not to turn this into a religious discussion since 666 or 616 was been deemed by God to be the Devil's marking or number as interpreted by John in the last book of the Bible, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" also know as the "Book of Revelations." Not including God's written word in this discussion is like saying you won't include an author in on a discussion about the meaning of a book he wrote. According to the book of Revelation the Antichrist can be identified by the number of the beast (the devil). The Antichrist will be the one to start the End Times prophecy (The Second Coming of Christ) rolling. In the book of Revelations John received two visions from God and interpreted them there. There are many different religious interpretations to the true meaning of the book of Revelations, however it can be summarized like so.. and this is how I and a large majority have interpreted it... The Second Coming of Christ will occur in stages. The Antichrist will come offering peace to a very troubled world... according to Daniel, chapter 8. But, he will, through peace, destroy many people, the prophecy says. Revelation, chapter 6, has the Antichrist coming as the rider on the white horse. He has a bow in his hand, but has no arrows. This symbolizes that he has might but offers peace. This is deception because he is, by nature, a conqueror. The Antichrist will, no doubt, be the most attractive, charismatic world leader to appear on the world stage. He will come speaking great words that will mesmerize most people. Eventually, persuaded by the devil, he will enslave most of the world and require that they wear his mark on their hand or forehead. He will require that all must wear his mark and worship him as God, or be killed. He will proclaim a temple be built in Jeruselum and claim to be God and sit there on the throne. This is the beginning of the Tribulation. The Rapture will happen and Jesus will remove all TRUE Christians from the Earth, to protect them from the Antichrist. He will "snatch us" out of harm's way. At the end of the Tribulation Jesus Christ will physically return. All nations (non-believers on earth) will take up arms against the Lord and be defeated. This is the beginning of the campaign called Armageddon. After defeat, Satan will be bound and Jesus will set up the Millennial Kingdom in Jerusalem and reign for a thousand years. God will then judge all who ever lived (in heaven, hell, and those who still remain on earth; giving rewards to some and casting the non-believers into a lake of fire to grieve and writhe in pain for unending eternity. At this time, God will create a new heaven and a new Earth and put those who were saved on the new Earth, and rule it forever. BTW... a TRUE Christian is a person who believes that God gave his only son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we may repent and enter eternal life in heaven with Him. The only way to God and eternity in heaven is through believing in Jesus Christ. And there you go... so June 6th, 2006 will not be the end of the world... unless of course the Antichrist builds a throne in Jerusalem and recruits a million believers within the next six days. Grace Notice from KuBi: Please refrain from signing off in posts. Since you're new, verbal warning.
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