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  1. what none of you seem to get is that it says in Revelation that there will be many signs before the end. Do you see any martyred prophets? any super-infulential leader brainwashing everyone? any strange, supernatural occurences? no, me neither. theres supposed to be the Rapture first anyway. i supose a lot can happen in a week, but still.also, 666 is the number of the devil cos thats what it says in Revelation u moron. the ideal is Satan or Lucifer personified is a Christian one, and the number '666' is sited as the 'number of the beast' in REvelation. so, to answer your question, GOD says '666' is the number of the devil.and the number of God is [not] '999', although its a good idea. its 777 because it also says that in Revelation. i think if we're speaking in terms of the Apocalypse as the Christian faith sees it, then we should use the bible as a reference. thats what its there for isnt it?
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