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  1. Ok, first off - the music. Argh! If you're going to have music on your webpage then at least let the visitor have the chance to turn it on themselves and not auto-start, especially since there's no start/stop button that I can find. It doesn't go well with the NIN I have blaring out my speakers at the moment.I don't know if it's intentional, or just my browser/resolution settings but the content seems miles away from the image of the girl and it's sooo tiny, it's hard to read inside the box. A longer, full length content box would work better - even if it's empty space as scrollbars inside a page are annoying. I love the colour scheme though - it's sort of summery with the green/blue. But, you're links are default blue and don't match the rest of the colour scheme :)I love that you have hundreds of content, especially tutorials, for your visitors to keep them at your site and busy - that's always a good thing. I think there's a few issues with browser/resolution positioning in your site, which should be ironed out if you test in different browsers and resolutions - think IE, Opera, Mozilla et all Great work though, I like it.
  2. Try google.Although I don't agree that flash makes a better website - websites are better when they're just text/image as some computers don't show flash etc. Simple=Better, in my book anyway! Think along the lines of valid coding, AAA standards and BOBBY. But maybe that's just me...I prefer knowing that everyone can see my site.
  3. That is amazingly simple and sooo effective. I'm impressed - I've tried a few different ways to get a rain effect going on and none look as great as this one. Thank you so much
  4. Thats really good, made me want to play Sonic again.I can't see any choppiness either. Great work
  5. That's a great tip, thank you. Every page loads a lot quicker now. Damn, I'm so impatient - whats a few seconds? But hey, thank you again. Great tip!
  6. Ooh, that's certainly a quicker way from the way that I do it and a lot easier to do than using masks that can be confusing when you start. Great idea - I'll certainly use this one next time I need this effect!
  7. That's a great way of going about these things. I got my free iPod mini a while ago using this technique and it didn't cost me a penny, like my friend who forgot to cancel the free trials and ended up owing a lot of money for DVD rentals and stuff! Anyone who's skeptical (sp?), just do it the way shown above and REMEMBER TO CANCEL THE TRIALS!!!
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