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Posts posted by static

  1. Yes I will probably get tired and restless, but then again you have to look on the brighter side. Now a days unemployment is kind of a big thing, but you actually have a job over the thousands that don't. So being happy that you have one and getting paid for it even though you may get tired and annoyed by it is better than not having one at all.

  2. My least favorite sport is Golf. I cant stand theĀ  consentration it just ticks me off. I like more motion games like hockey, basket ball and tennis. Games like this is what makes me a better athlete. But that is my opinanĀ  thoe. Im sure you guys have differnt answers


    My least favorite sport is probably baseball. Watching it on TV or even live at the game is boring because there is action every now and then but most of the time it is boring. When I did play baseball I played catcher and in the summer with all the gear it can get pretty hot. I like action sports like basketball. This is my opinion and others may differ or agree.

  3. Half-Life 2 is going to be awesome. After watching the trailer of it I was just like wow. The gravity gun looks pretty cool also. Another plus when I get half-life 2 is I get Counter-Strike:Source with it. Graphics look sweet and can't wait to get it. I will however continue to play Counter-Strike for the most part.

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