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Posts posted by sumaru

  1. What is ?OM?In the spiritual world in India, there, OM is a weight full word, used in the beginning of hymn and ?mantra? ( spell like words used in good purpose). ?OM? is the first sound and the seed of all sounds of the world. It came in to existence with the birth of the universe or the beginning of great creation. The great world is on motion from it?s birth and there is humming like a motor in motion. This humming is OM , in fact , there is three unite of dimension in the OM, as O-U-M , ?O? is he (god) , ?U? is you , and ?M? is me / I . ?Om Soham? Sumaru A devoted disciple member of Bikashpath.

  2. What is yoga?Yoga means union or unite. Like ?one? and ?one? equal to ?two?. But in higher level of yoga, there is ?one? and ?one? equal to ?one?, being single by mixed up. In practical yoga, ?yoga? term is used as a way or process or procedure of being united. It happens according the demand of individual, such as, union of mind and body, union of conscious mind and sub conscious mind, union of one?s mind and another?s mind, union of individual?s mind and god mind. An active effort to fulfill one?s demand through yoga procedure is called yoga practice and worship. The internal truth is disclosed to a ?yogi? I mean yoga performer, when it happens the right union between ?yogi? and his subject. An yogi also get the control on his subject of yoga. There is the success of yoga. ?Om Soham? Sumaru A devoted disciple member of Bikashpath

  3. Rishi soham–the great sage of the modern age. ‘Rishi’ means sage, and meaning of ‘Soham’ is [so=that/he(God),ham=I] it is he who is I. We know, he is existing always in all of us–his devotees and disciples, though he is living out of sight , hardly he comes in public .Most of times his stays in Himalayas. Some times he lives incognito among with us. Even he do not wants to publish his photograph. We do not know what his age is. We see him as ever young. I am one of the lucky man who had seen him twice. As a man he is an extraordinary self- educated, science-conscious, generous, modern, spiritual guide an philosopher. Language ––Bengali (Indian). He has knowledge in fine arts, literature, yoga, meditation, art of healing, music and film making etc. Specialist in mental disease. Good adviser a book on his own philosophy will be published very soon. MD (Doctor of alternative medicine). But there will be some wrong if we see him as a common man. We, a few persons, know that he has extra ordinary supernatural good power, which he wants to hide always .He is god to us. You may get his compassion in many ways without his visible presence. By practicing Soham’s ‘Bikasyoga’ (‘the art of better living’ and ‘pure meditation’ included in soham’s self development program). You will get more beautiful and happy life. To enjoy the life more nicely, for self realization and self development, to get a healthy and prosperous life, you will have to practice regularly. By putting his picture (painted or copy of painting ) at home or office, in open place, decorated with garland of flowers, increases peace, happiness and prosperity. Putting in cense and lamp in front of his picture and by praying regularly twice a day, will be fulfilment your heart’s desire. You may make your life more bright and delightful, being a member of ‘Bikaspath’ and being a follower of Soham. You may get his compassion and good luck by such advertisement in any media, what I am doing .You may host a web-site on this program. Any time, in any situation by remembering him and silently muttering his name ‘soham’ repeatedly, you may get his compassion. ‘Om Soham’ Introduced by –– Sumaru A devoted disciple member of 'Bikashpath'

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