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Everything posted by apache

  1. Instal the phpbb by przemo! In a 300 addition all in admin panel. phpbb by przemo Its realy good. Install is language polish and english.
  2. I trying to got my c++ from my friend!He's got this in last year. He borrow to my a C. It's realy bad. i'm not like the C but he like this.
  3. COOL! Thear be good music from all gta and new. The polish seays: Translate:Thats by good music! SOme new music and some older music! HIP-HOP and 80's
  4. Wats the program is beter?C++C
  5. The shark tale is good movie!Good is this he dance on the table (the music is MC hammer : can't touch this)
  6. My:1. Chainsaw teksas masacre2. wronglyfull acusdet3. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason4. AVP: Alien Vs. Predator5. The Incredibles
  7. Its lok for realy!I recive this mail!
  8. I uses a simens sl45iIts good phone for my.I'm sending the sms for my friends.
  9. At last the 3g is on the poland, but the price is 1000zł (250 $) and bill 999zł (250 $)Only for biznes!
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