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Posts posted by tdm

  1. I Believe they are doing a danm good Job. With all the abuse and anger that is aimed at them. I've been a moderator to forums before and found it extremely hard. You would come across people who just think you are stupid and know nothing. You cant seem angry or annoyed even. You are Continuosly judged on how you speak to people.This Forum's mods are particulaly good. They know what they are looking for.

  2. I play call of duty, not 2 though, it lags too much on my computer. My opinion on 2 is that activision wanted money, fast, so they threw something together, horrible maps, not much has changed, laggy graphics... the usual, kinda like AOE III.
    But... CoD I is a great game, perhaps one of the best ever made. Certainly the best FPS game I've played, not too much hyped about CS, it wasn't that great in my opinion.

    Anyway, I have a clan in Call of Duty one, we're knew though, based on a british regiment.

    Great Game!

    What clan may i ask? And is it on 1.5 or 1.4

  3. I personally dont think what will excite vistors. i think of some thing that i enjoy then go from there if it excites people then bonus if it doesnt, they can move along. A site should be based on it's users but not defined by them. Pick something you enjoy, it will be alot easier to create and wont take as much research.

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