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Everything posted by nuttysquirrl

  1. Amen to that Sinari! And I agree if you arent old (or mature) enough to watch certain types of movie dont go and let there be peace for everyone else in the theater who can handle the movie and are enjoying it.
  2. AMEN!!! I also have a hotmail account and it ticks me off when I get new messages and think its from my friends and then suddenly its a a pit hole of all these worthless JuNk e-mail that has absoulutly no object of even being made into this world like the ever so lasting email such as... POINT
  3. I've heard a bit about the fourth dimension in my Math Applications class. I haven't heard much of course because there isn't much on it, you see. I saw how they were using computer data and binary coding to make the hypercubes and I even tried my hand at trying to create a hyper cube, (not pretty,) but I never actually heard the full method to creating one. The fourth dimension- sounds like something you would hear about in a science fiction movie doesn't it? I think that if we could access this rare and hard to find dimension, that we could open up a whole new method of seeing things and we might be able to access better technologies. What do you think could be helped by this discovery? I truely am not sure.
  4. My computer won't let me enter for it either. My version of flash or something is too low or some other strabge thing. So what is the prize for the US? I'd like to play it and I'd probably have fun playing it so it doesn't really matter if I won or not. I'm looking forward to the movie coming out anyway. Did any of you read the book? I did. It was really addicting and suspenseful. The movie is going to be excellent if it follows the book even remotely. Is anyone going to see the movie the exact day that it comes out? If so, tell us how you liked it without the plot of course.
  5. Thinking to much could be very painfull while it can also get you into alot of big trouble. Just the other I was taking a test at school and I couldnt get past one question and in the end I wasted 30 min. just trying too hard to think of the answer. So I ran out of time and just slopped down an answer and got a C+ on it. In the end, you'll get over it the same way I got over the C+ With hard work, dedication, and definently less thinking than was at the time considered humanly possible. Once you accomplish that, the world is at your fingertips and you'll never have that problem again. My mind is always idle and I'm not afraid to show it. Congrats on finding out that your mind is idle as well and accepting it. LOL. My sharing is over...
  6. Ok... This is some weird thread but I go along with it anyway. Well everyone here is right nose hair is a pest but picking your nose? If you are that bored that you have to stoop to that level than you really got to get some help. Back to nose hairs... If your that desperate to follow somthing maddona does with her armpit hairs than you should do it painfully one by one with the tweezers.
  7. Hello people! I'm a new member here obviously and I'd like to say a formal hello to all of you here at Xisto. I joined here from my sister Sinari and I'm looking forward to getting my website hosted like she has. I've heared how fun this site is and how nice the members are to other people from my sister as well. I hope that I get to meet you as well as soon as the shoutbox gets put back up and people reply to this thread. Well, I guess that's all to say for now, I'll answer questions and stuff if needed and I'm always willing to chat with people. Well. See you around this awesome site.
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