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Posts posted by D.BOY

  1. BannerConnect

    :: PROGRAM TYPE ::

    :: COMMENTS ::
    This looks like a young company. I have talked to their support and they seem very much dedicated. Customer support is good. Their system had some problems when I contacted them. I have started serving their ads and now awaiting for their interface to come online so I can check my pay per impression ( CPM ) statistics.

    They have claimed to fill up not only US/UK/Canada traffic, but also Asian traffic which very less Advertising networks support. Anyway, I cannot recommend them at this stage.

    Can't Comment. Very few details on the main site.

    :: PROS ::
    Have min. CPM rate. So you are assured that your CPM amount will never go below that rate.

    :: CONS ::

    :: PAYMENT TERM ::
    NET 45



    Advertising Network Contact Details :
    Andrew Chou
    Director of Business Development
    BannerConnect U.S.
    (347) 245-8000
    AIM: BannerConnectus
    MSN: BannerConnectUS
    Yahoo: BannerConnectUS
    tel: +44 (0)20 7631 4600
    fax: +44 (0)20 7631 3122

    -> Completely Satisfied with the CPM rates!

    ( we havent been paid yet, so the payment part is still under review )

    :: LINK ::
    Pay Per impression Program : BannerConnect

  2. why doesn't google let us use our adsense valid earnings in a way of internet wallet where we could spend that money for adwords (maybe would result more MFAs though), so if not for adwords for other simmilar stuff like buying domains, buying to paypal, etc... Think when google introduces something like paypal that it will be most simple, protected etc. way of internet buying/selling method... what you think? also there are hundreds of options google could implement to adsense... like font change, ads choosing, etc... Google please do somthing about those MFA's where every website would have to be allowed before placing ads on it. I think MFA's do you only bad promotion on long term... linking to an ad that brings you to another website with ad, clicking on that ad, go to next ad website...? what's the deal?!

  3. It has probably come to your mind to open a web site with goooooooooooogle.com as a domain name. Well, if you haven't, you did now But no, somebody has thought of that earlier - Google! Try this two links and see where they lead:https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=RtwwVPiMFKiH8QfO1YHABQ&gws_rd=ssl - 3 letters "o"http://wwwgoggle.com/ - 5 letters "o" Yes, both lead to Google :) It's interesting, however, that Goooogle (4) doens't lead to Google :) As far as I got, there are no more google domains - only the 3 and 5 letter ones.

  4. One of my friends just sent me a link about the neem tree, which is the source of many cures and treatments in India (where he's from). We started talking about dental problems, which is one of the things that neem trees can treat, when he started telling me about the other things that scientists are discovering.Would you believe, for example, that extracts from this tree can be up to 100 percent effective as birth control? Or that it repels athlete's foot, psoriases, herpes, etc.?Yeah - I wouldn't believe it either if it weren't for the fact that scientists are researching this (i.e. it's not a bunch of witch doctors trying to get people to buy the stuff from them).Anyway - check it out at about.com - the second page is where it really starts to get interesting.

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