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June 6th 2006 - The Devils Number Possibly the end of the world?
JaxDevil replied to Kubi's topic in General Discussion
Exactly Pink, there is no reason why anything special will happen on June 6th, 2006. I mean its even going to be a Tuesday of all days. NOTHING ever happens on Tuesdays, no good nightclub events or nights, no special day of the week for sporting events. Its not the begining of the work week, or the end, or even the middle. The only reason anything will happen on June 6th, 2006 is because we humans who are into religion/spirituality will want to take advantage of the novelty of the day. I myself am opening the doors on a new website, a directory/database for Florida DJ's (which will include a nightclub events calendar, classifieds, and a forum among other things) which really has no religious or spiritual relationship. I just thought that would be an awesome idea to use that as the opening date for the new website. Good basic shock/awe value and great for word-of-mouth advertising. Its interesting to some people, 'evil' or 'bad' to others, funny to some, and a lot of people think its pretty cool (most people who are not religious but like to thumb their nose at the 'establishment' like to joke about sacriligous things or things that are harmless in and of themselves, but that those people who are religious will take offense to) I was looking for a date to open the site, its been done for while but I wanted to allow people (mainly DJ's) to be able to access the site, sign-up prior to the opening day that way when the general public and non-DJs first enter on the 6th the site will not be empty of any DJ listings or forum posts. It also gives me time to allow a few people to be BETA testers and I was able to find all the little problems and iron them out, so now when the site goes live to the public on the 6th there should not be any problems pop-up out of the blue. So when I was thinking of a date I thought, man, that would be perfect! 06.06.06 , anyone who knows about promoting, or advertising, etc. knows that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Its a great, catchy date to use, people perk up when they here and think about the date 06.06.06 (just look at the number of posts/responses to this thread!). Those people who are 'evil' or who are just irreligious, their ears perk up when they hear about something happeniong on that date, and those who are religious will not forget about something occouring on that date, they just think 'Those heathens! That is just awfull!' and good for us, ebcause they mention it to others in a complaining manner, but during their speaking of it someone can overhear about it, or the other person may actaully be irreligious and that religious person does not know it. In any event it has already drawn some good pre-opening traffic for it. Plus we just received our new flyers for the grand opening and received a lot questions and looks when disbursing them today. Here is a scan of the new flyers.. -
June 6th 2006 - The Devils Number Possibly the end of the world?
JaxDevil replied to Kubi's topic in General Discussion
The 'bible codes' you speak of I am unfamiliar with. The finding of words hidden in other words is a trick you can do in any written text. There was no rhyme or reason to that information that the person pulled from 'Moby *BLEEP*' he just found words and connected them together. The coding I am refering to is not even in the Bible, not the one most people on this board read. Do you realize that bible has litteraly no correlation to the original 'word of god' that was 'passed down' to the hebrew/habiru. Those words were translated into latin during constantine's time, the words were not even direct translations. They translated the ideas and forms that were being spoken of into their own interpretations and gave them their own words. The words were then translated AGAIN into english in the King James Version of the bible, also not direct translations, and also edited for content. In no way does Satan ever get refered to as 'Lucifer' or 'Morning Star' as it has in the bible, those are interpretations done during the first translation. The terms 'Lucifer' or 'Morning Star' should have been the term for Jesus. Jesus is refered to as the morning star, as well as the 'light bringer' (Lucifer) in the original hebrew/habiru text.Let me note here I do not belive in the Devil, nor do I belive in God, I do not belive in any external entity with more power than myself. In the whole of the universe there is no being that is greater than that of the human mind and spirit. If I fall short of perfection, of divinity, of truth, it is my own doing. From the time we became sentient beings we became the most powerful forces within this universe. There is nature, and there is man. Nature is a force unto itself. It can create life, destroy life, create matter out of nothing, do the seemingly impossible. Man, however, can beat nature. We are a force unto the gods. Most of us are feeble and meek. We are to scared to accept the truth. The truth that we are alone, with no morality other than what we make. No grand design or reason. No karma, other than what we make, no life beyond death, no reason for life, no great illusion other than the illusions we have made for ourselves. This makes us weak. The few among the masses who can embrace the truth and stare the great void in the eyes and laugh, the ones who can remove their delusions about safety and security and eternal life are the ones who can progress beyond the confines of our primitive ideas.I do not hate anyone except those who hate others themselves, and by hate them I more pitty them than find them loathsome. Hate is breed by fear, and we are all afraid in some way, it is what defines us, it is what keeps us from walking into a car when we lose our puppy dog as a child. It is human instinct. Without it we never would have evolved. Most people who hate, hate what is different from themselves. I do not expect, or even want the majority to belive as I do. Of course, we as humans desire comraderie, we want others to turn to and converse with about our knowledge, people to learn with and grow with. But if you know the truth, the ultimate truth, whats the point of everyone knowing it? Doesn't it lose some of its value, its uniqueness? There are enough people who find there own way to the right path to not have to 'convert' anyone. You just have to keep your eyes peeled from those special people. I do not hate Christians, I actually find the majority of those of the christian beliefs to be those who are the nicest and safest of all of the cratures on the earth. They have virtues, their religion holds them to high. They care, they are the scaredest of all of being 'bad' or 'evil' or 'doing wrong', their religion trains them that these thigns will lead to 'eternal pain and suffering'. Christians try their whole lives to be 'good' and 'nice' and 'geniunely care for others'. These are good things, we should all hope to be as godlike in our ways. Most other religions follow suit. Budhist, Hindi, Muslim, Hebrew, Sikhism, etc. they all share fundamental truths (Actually most of them share key bakgrounds to their religious beliefs, a young savior, born of a virgin birth, the savior is the physical imbodiment of god, he rose from the dead, he died for everyones salvation, eternal reward for good, eternal damnation for bad, etc, I mean, when the religious scholars find a good thing...). Anyone one who is positively spiritually religious I personally consider a safe, nice, good person who should be protected from harm and should be respected.Anyone in a negative spiritual religious beliefs, this includes the 'false' christians and others who pervert the religious ideas to say it is ok to bomb a building with innocent people, burn a witch, stone a *BLEEP*, etc., this also includes those who believe and follow 'reverse' religions, satanism, Yezidi, etc. i.e. religions that are based on the negative aspects of other religions. Also know as 'I hate christians so I am a satanist/devil worshiper' these people just have major issues that need to be dealt with. They are the true eveil, they take a book that is preaching good and right (albeit for those of simple minds) they have somewhat of a mentality to see past the lies/falsehoods of that religion, and feel offended/hurt/confused and instead of looking for answers elsewhere, these people have been spoonfed this religion their whole life. Now all they are sure of is that 'the religion is right, but thwta they are teaching me is a lie' so whats left for them, the alternate side of that religion, the con side, the alter side, the bad side. So they follow everything it says 'not' to do as what they should do. These people are the real danger, they are the ones who rape children, kill them, kill people, do horrible things. I do not belive in 'bible codes', I do not belive in the devil, or god, I do not hate christians or love satanists. I believe we are the peak of sentient beings in the universe. I believe we are a pariah of nature. This is an existence ruled by nature, every aspect of it, we are the alternate force here. We can turn the tide, reverse gravities pull, create new life, modif existing life, modify our own lives,extend oursleves synthetically beyond our natural longevity. Look at any aspect of man, any aspect of man in correlation to his environment. We are what is wrong (to the world, to nature), we are whats out of place. I also believe mathematics is built into everything, our speech, or brain, nature, the stars, the atoms, time, dimensions, and space. There will be codes, both those that are seen and written down by those looking for 'universal truths' (religious founders) so you will find mathematical province in all religious text, you will also find mathematically acurate predicitions spanning all cultures, religions, and races. What I hope everyone else is looking for is a glimpse into the unkown, the ability to see 1cm beyond our peripheray, even for a moment (we have the ability to see everything, as it is, crystal clear, right now, the only thing stopping us is ourselves, our fear). I think you have to look at religions, all of them, I think you have to look at religious scholars. The truth we are looking for is hidden in their ideas, their ideas and science, mathematics, and physics. I am only guessing as to 2012/2013. I have not attained any 'super sight' I am not professing to be a seer, or a prophet. I am just a student, a researcher. I piece together what little I have and look for correlation. I look everywhere, I do not discriminate, I read the satanic text, the hebrew text, I read the ancient text, modern text, fringe cult text, roman catholic text, its all good. What I belvie to have found I already have written down on aprevious post. Time will tell if I am wrong. But if I am right, the only thing I will be 'right' about is putting the peices together. If I am right though, I know what pattern I went through this time, next time will be that much easier. I did not desing the puzzle (I wish) I did not cut the peices up (I wish) I did not do any of this. I am as much in the xeper now as I will probably ever be. But I would rather be here, than following blindly. -
June 6th 2006 - The Devils Number Possibly the end of the world?
JaxDevil replied to Kubi's topic in General Discussion
As far as the world ending on 06.06.06, I can guarantee you that will not happen. For starters it says in the bible the apocoloypse will come when we least expect it. I think we are expecting something on 06.06.06 . I can give you a general idea of when the world will end. Now when I say the world will end I dont mean the 7 horsemen of the apocolypse will come, or an asteroid will hit earth with aerosmith "I dont want to close my eyes, I dont want to fall asleep, I still miss you babe.." playing in the background. But if you look at many. many religious and cultural prophecies, the end is very, very close. I am currently planning on or about 2012,2013, somewhere in there. The Aztecs were mathematical and astronomical titans, even by todays standards. They created a perfect astronomical calendar. Every major comet or astral occourunce from lunar and solar eclipses, to near major collisions, they had predicted to the very moment on their calendar. They predicted these things thousands of years before they occoured. They had plenty of time to continue the calendar but did not. The common theory is that the world goes through natural harmonic states and the Aztecs knew this. The next harmonic convergence will occour, according to the Aztec's , on 12.12.2012 . A harmonic convergence is where the world will go through a rebirth, there will be cataclysmic tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. This is theorized to have occoured over and over again going back hundrfeds of thousands of years. The world will lose most of its current land masses, gain new land masses, the mass of the planet will grow smaller (with more of the internal magma being ejected to the outside) gravity will change, the mean temperature will alter, the earth could actually flip on its axis (north becoming south, south becoming north). 'The End Of The World As We Know It" (TEOTWAWKI). So that is the viewpoint from a thousands of years extinct meso american civilization. Nostradomus, his predictions all point to towards the world turning into a perfect utopia, or living hell within our very near lifetimes, as in the lifetimes of someone currently diagnosed with AIDs will still be around when TEOTWAWKI begins. Christianity, the bibles prophecies in revelation all point to the end times and their signs. The jews will regain jerusalem, "men will lay with men." , there will be wars in and near the holy land Iraq (which was once Babylon), Afghanistan, Iran is coming next, the book of revelatrions speaks of famine, plague, war, and disease. No point in human history can boast as much as we have today, AIDs, Bird Flu, Mad-Cow, West Nile, etc. Thern there is the prediction of St. Malachy, (d. 1148) Irish Bishop and Seer, who produced an accurate list of future popes which began with Pope Celestine II in the year 1143. His list consists of a single line which gives a clue to the characteristics of each pope. From this list of 112 popes there are to be just 2 more after Pope John Paul II who passed away on 2 April 2005. His predictions regarding the popes have been for the most part pretty accurate regarding the identifying characteristics that each line reveals. St. Malachy doesn't give any predictions or information about what happens after the last pope. According to some other seers, we will have arrived at the end times. The fact that most popes are Pope for only a short period before passing away due to their age, it would seem that within the next 6 or 7 years this pope would be replaced with the final pope (the average length of a papacy reign is 7 years) so if this pope lasts the average length of time, then by the same time that the Aztecs have predicted the end times, so too does the prediction of St. Malachy. According to Sun magazine for 1999-DEC-21, Pope Leo IX (1513-1522) wrote on 1514: "I will not see the end of the world, nor will you my brethren, for its time is long in the future, 500 years hence." (this would be refering to the year 2014) Terence McKenna predicts that at "the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic center, levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase." The results of this "ultranovel event" are difficult to predict, but may include "Hyperspatial Breakthrough, Planetesimal Impact, Alien Contact, Historical Metamorphosis, Metamorphosis of Natural Law, Solar Explosion, Quasar Ignition at the Galactic Core." Some of these don't sound too healthy for life on earth. I am personally hoping for the latter, because it would take many years for any effects of that ignition to impact earth -- long past my life expectancy. This date would fall on December 21st, 2012 There are multitudes of ancient civilizations, christian religions, non-christian religions, prophets, etc. that are totally unrtelated that just so happen that all of their predicitons are coming to fruition at the same time. I am not a christian, I am not a satanist. I belive in Xeper. But I do study religions and belive there is signifigance to them all. I believe most all religions have a spiritual insight to the deeper meanings. I believe Jesus had major insight, so did Edgar Kacey, so did Prince Siddharta, John the Baptist, Anton LeVay, Michael Aquino, Mohameed, Nostradomus, and others. The problem, I believe, is that the human mind is not designed with the right functions to be able to properly interpret 'seeing' outside the box. I belive we can all rise our brains to see beyond that which is within 'reality' but is still 'real'. The problem is preception, to see beyond you are looking through dirty, warped, stained glass. You can only interpret what you see, you can not verify your visions, you will not have an objective thrid party looking with you. So some people subconsciously paint the visions they see in a certain light, others consciously paint them in a certain light. Specifically those who have used their visions to deify themselves (Jesus, Siddharta, etc.) understand that their visions are subjective and consciously mold them to their benefit. Hell, right of the bat with Jesus. the Ten Commandments "Though shalt worship no gods before me" then Jesus comes along "To get to my father you must go through me". The holy bible is extremely contradictive. But the original point here is that we do have the ability to see into the 'beyond', many have, and many will, but you have to look at continuity between the visions/prophecies. What I see, across the board, is a cataclysm happening around 2012/2013. I believe the world will go through major upheavel, physical destruction and rebirth, floods, fires, volcanoes, etc. I belive for some period of weeks, or months, or possibly years, the world will either be hit by an asteroid (I do not have any reason to disbelieve that but I do) or there will be internal plate tectonic and pressure issues, maybe the polar axis will shift. Whatever the case may be most of the life on this planet will end. Most of our technological advancement will end. I think it is important that we all learn how to build some simple things, like hande crank generators, homemade batteries, etc. Learn as much techonologically as possible, the fundamentals. Computers, no, wiring, power, homegrown medicines (penicillin, etc.) yes. My plan is to have a amphibious blimp in a break away garage and to live high on an elevated plain away from any current volcano or fault line. I want to stock my blimp with lots of long term storage food, seeds, etc. and be able to launch within a few minutes. Always stocked and ready to go. Large enough for my family and with enough supplies to start over with. I think being on the ground anywhere would be suicide. By 2010 I want to have multiple LCD screens on my home walls hooked into seismic activity monitors from the USGS, radar from the national weather service, CNN, etc. As soon as something happens my family and myself will load up, flick the switch, our RV sized blimp will inflate the knock out roof on the attached garage we store it in will be designed to break away, once we are airborne we should be able to ride out the worst of the catastrophe. The blimp should be amphibious, flotable, so we can land in the water if need be and can manuever to land after that. Maybe that will not work, but I can not think of a better idea yet. I have many years to revise it though. I have learned how to build my own solar cells, handmade batteries, manual friction electrical generators. How to purify water, moisture farming, poison testing. Some may call me a nutter, maybe I am, but I am just looking at documentation from many cultures and taken precautions. When it is all said and done I think anyone left will have learned enough about our situation to let people be, all of the worlds problems boil down to people not minding there own business. If you think that a certain way to live is the right way, live that way. In todays society what we do is think of the best way to live (in our eyes) and shun and punish those who do not live that way. Nudists, drug users, atheists, pagans, other races, homosexuals/lesbians. There is no problem there, nudists are not telling everyone that 'you have to not wear clothes' drug users are not saying 'you have to use my drugs' (serioulsy, who wants to give up drugs, its more for them!) homosexuals and lesbians are not telling people 'you have to be queer' pagans are not telling people 'you can not believe in god. I am not a pagan, but I am happy for anyone of any religion, as long as it makes them happy. Hopefully when the world is reborn we have all learned to accept one another as we are and to mind our own business. Thats the problem with war, hate, and murder. Its important though for everyone to learn how to do some basic things themselves (building solar cells, making hand power generators, making homemade batteries, synthesing penicillin, purifying water, etc.) We take these for granted. If most of the world dies, what if everyone who knows how to make electricity dies? That whole realm of human technological revolution will be gone, for who knows how long. If you want to place a bet on the end of the world as we know it, its pretty safe to say 2012/2013. JaxDevil Jax Devil Internet Services http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 1(800)71-DEVIL -
JaxDevil started following June 6th 2006 - The Devils Number Possibly the end of the world?
June 6th 2006 - The Devils Number Possibly the end of the world?
JaxDevil replied to Kubi's topic in General Discussion
There seems to be some confusion and questions about why the devils number is 666. It is not the devils number, it is the 'sign of the beast'. The numbers 666 are a numerical symbol. Everything in the bible has mathematical roots. Christianity is an offshot of judaism, and there is major mathematical issues involved in judaism (i.e. Cabala, etc.) everythin in the bible has mathematical roots. The number 6 represents the number of man in the bible. God created man on the 6th day(see Genesis 1:24-31), it also symbolizes that man falls short of perfection (7 is the symbol of perfection, divinity, man being just short of this.) Anything in sets of 3 is a representation of god or the divine (the holy trinity, jesus rose on the third day, there were 3 nails attaching jesus to the cross, there are three letters in the word GOD. In other religions and ideas sets of three also follows a divine meaning (expressive of beginning, middle and end. Mythology ascribed the rule of the world to 3 gods: Jupiter (heaven), Neptune (Sea), and Pluto (Hades). Jove holds the 3-forked lightning, Neptune the trident and Pluto the 3-headed dog, etc.) 666 numerically indicates a man turning himself into a god (i.e. the antichrist) the fact that the symbol for the beast is a numerical value should clearly show it has numerical meaning, and by reading the bible and the hebrew/habiru text it should be clear that this is the case. This is what 666 means, a man making himself into a god. Also known as the beast or the antichrist. JaxDevil Jax Devil Internet Services http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 1(800)71-DEVIL