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Posts posted by keri-j

  1. I HATE IT!!!! :)

    Let me explain why: It would be a great search feature, except it has one flaw..... the four letter word thing. Basically, you cannot have a keyword for the search that is under four characters. This means that you would not be able to search for something e.g. I had a query about the e-mail system on hosted sites, I tried to search for "how to access emails", and couldn't. The worst thing is, when you use a word under four letters, it doesn't exclude these words and use the other keywords for the search. No. It gives you and error message! :) And it's not always easy to change your keywords.... like if the most important one is under four letters you're..... going to get frustrated like me. And when you start a topic to ask this question and are told to search the forums first, you may have already tried but failed because of what I see as a flaw in the design of the search feature.

    The only way around this I ahve found is to get google to search the site. Use your common sense to modify the bellow url, tested.


    Check the option of what to search to "search http://forums.xisto.com/; Tip: try putting quotes(") around your search terms for more accurate results, as this will search for the keywords in the exact format presented apart from capitalisation eg: a search for "I love Saint_Michael" would onlt return results that contained the exact phrse "I love Saint_Michael", no matter whether it's in capitals.

    Hope this helped :P

  2. Hmm, very nice. Very simplistic, and the blue is a nice peaceful color, i can imagine that feed on my mobile lol. An issue that probably wouldn't be a problem: be careful how long lines of text are, as the screen resolution might not be that big, resulting in the line being wrapped, which doesn't look too pretty. keep it uniform. Apart from that, keep up the good work :)

  3. I think it's all a question of choice.

    If they choose to be fat then you shouldn't treat it as a disability or give them any kind of preferential treatment. However, if they can't help the fact that they are fat, say for instance they have a serious eating disorder or a physical ailment that means that they don't have control over their weight then they should be helped and given preferential treatment like the elderly. It's all a question of whether they can't control their weight or just choose not to.

  4. I have just pretty much finished the bulk of my site... that is i've uploaded most of the pages and updated/edited them until they look okay. I still need some tips on design etc. all the styling is done in the HTML document and i haven't used CSS, although am considering doing so; if i did, what designs would i use? i'm just generally looking for some design tips for my site. So feel free to explore my site. feedback is much appreciated. :)

    NB: My friend Robbie's pages are still in development.

  5. I'm fine with Muslims, my mate's mum is muslim and we go to a catholic school..... he gets bullied for that quite a bit, some very hurtful comments were made. "You can't be catholic, your mum's a terrorist!" was the worst of it, I had my say in the argumentwhich turned in to a punch-up.... But the point is: I've nothing against Muslims. :)

  6. I know the feeling, i myself can get random attacks of acute paranoia, even if i'm not carrying anything valubale (sp?). I'll think people are following me, out to get me or are creeping behind me to take my freedom and do things against my will. It can get quite horrible when these random attacks of paranoia start to take over your life, stopping you doing the things you want, going to the places you want etc.


    What you described is definetly very weird though.

  7. Thanks for all the replies, it's great to see that some people understand me! Did I mention I hate christianity? I've got nothing against christians as people, just the the ones who think that anyone who isn't christian or doesn't conform to christianity is sinful and will go to hell and should be physically abused. :)


    Argh, I know. I am 16, and people have actually suggested to me that maybe I am just confused about my sexuality, and have been for the past 8 years. :) When you know, you know- regardless of age- but for some reason people don't understand this. I think that perhaps people are reluctant to admit that people don't 'turn' or 'decide' to be gay/bi/asexual suddenly, rather than it just coming about as naturally as being straight does for others.

    I get this so much! Especially when they say that kids my age can be straight but not bi or gay! Which is totally hippocritical seeing as just before saying that they say that I'm probably confused as no one knows their sexuality at my age!

    I just hope the world can grow up!

  8. I'm having troubles with the background colours on the HTML pages on my site keri-j.trap17.com Basically, the colors are hex codes and i'm no HTML n00b, god no! But, I just can't figure this one out!

    I have the background colour in the body tag (duh) "<body bgcolor=00CCFF>" on all my pages but on some of them the background is white. This might be to do with some javascript i have recently edited in each page or certain errors but whatever it is i can't figure it out!

    This is my homepage with the correct background color

    This is my poetry page with the faulty colour codes?

    Looking through the source code may help, although i can't figure it out!

    Help would be greatly appriciated!



    Issue resolved. Twas a stupid error in attempt to conform to XHTML, Exhstensible[sp] Hyper Text Mark-up Language. I would say thanks for the helpful replies..... but I got none, the issue was resolved nethertheless though, feel free to visit my site in it's newfound glory!


    Notice from truefusion:
    Closing topic. Problem solved.
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