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Everything posted by 6yd.net

  1. Hi, here is all I know: (well... a brief, selected excerpt) A site needs to have history. Google likes a site that they can see has changed. You won't become no. one straight away! DO NOT DO ANYTHING RISQUE! You think it could be wrong, you had best stay away from it. Google Bombing is a great example. Changing content is good for search engine results. Get an RSS feed up on your site for instance. optimise for only 1 keyword, not many Put that keyword in your meta keywords tag ONLY ONCE Include the afore mentioned keyword in your meta description as much as possible (don't go overboard though, or google will think you are spamming them i.e. keyword, keyword, keyword is bad!!!!) Include the keyword as many times as possible in your main body. Obviouslly again, in context of the content, and don't go overboard. NO LINK FARMING WHATSOEVER Search engines don't like duplicated content. Do not just copy and paste articles off the internet for use on your site. SEs will lower the importance of your site because it is the same as another one, even if not graphically. Try to avoid using long, dynamic urls for scripts (eg: domain.com/script.php?s=adhhd&ssid=uausuud&this=that etc...) a good alternative would be to use the mod_rewrite rule for apache Sorry, that is all I can remember at the moment Tom PS: Yahoo and MSN are out to build a diverse list of websites - Google are out to build an informative list with a more relevant search script than the other search engines. Their algos (don't even ask me to spell that word) are different to MSN and Yahoo, but are much more diverse. They also use Pagerank to help with their algos, which also helps with links. This dosen't mean MSN and Yahoo are bad, but then again, you definitely get better results on google.
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