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Posts posted by khmerneed

  1. Oh, Yes i forget to tell everyone about my website.
    But what's pitty it still not working as the admin are being install the additional services for me.

    It will work very soon, so, i will post some source code there.

    I hope everyone will post your servlet/jsp here for beginner so, one who need to know servlet/jsp would also happy to find the lesson and sample.

    Thanks & Best Regards,

  2. Dear All Members!I really love Xisto, This is a good site which provide the free hosting service, One i love is install the addition script for running on my free server.First of all, i would say thanks to Xisto and all staff of Xisto. I wish Xisto can be for ever host, so, i can have free hosting for ever too.... haaaaaa!Well, now we start our topic, this is for everyone who starting into servlet/jsp.I am also a beginner of servlet/jsp, so, i would sugguest anyone who have experience in begining of servlet/jsp. I have build a small project which similar to guestbook and hosting on my free server with Xisto. the thing i love so much is navigation page, like previous | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | next ...I will post it here for everyone, so, now we start our servlet/jsp.- myfirstjsp.jsp<%out.println("Hello members of Xisto");%>- mydate.jsp<html><body><!first trying>Hello! the time is now <%= new java.util.Date() %></body></html>Good Luck!Thanks & Best Regards,khmerneed

  3. // send email to
    function sendmail($from,$subject,$body)
    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r \n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \r \n";
    $headers .= "To: $to \r \n";
    $headers .= "From: $sender \r \n";
    if(isset($send)){ return 1; }
    else { return 0;}

    //Contents of form

    //mail() function sends the mail
    if(sendmail($email,$subject,$comments)==1){header("Location: thankyou.php");}
    else{echo "Sorry! we got a problem with sending email, please try again later";}

    This is what i have done.

    I hope you love it.

    Thanks & Best Regards,


    find out for more source code with a small and easy stuff.

  4. Dear Admin!I would like to ask you about servlet/jsp. I would like to deploy my servlet/jsp anyway i need to share a source code and build a community too. but i don't know how to activated my free webhosting to have servlet/jsp support. as i can not see it anywhere. I wish you would provide some information about it.Your kind response is very highest appreciated.(Some members or hosted member may need to know about this. So, i create this topic for all.)Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei :D

  5. Dear Admin!I would like to ask you some question. I have login to my control panel and i did not see that i have servlet/jsp avialable for my account. Should i request to have servlet/jsp hosting account? What should i do with this problem?As i have asked admin on shout box and him/her have response to me that jsp have all package of free hosting. Your kind response is appreciated.Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei

  6. Well, O.K Thanks for your replyDo you have any experience in making money online?You seem to be a good experiencing in it. I used to be a member of pay per click, when i meet the minimum payout.. i can not login to my account. so, i wonder if all site of making money online are always that.I need to know the free membership result. this mean the members who meet a successfully in making money online , make sure this members is a free member. All the site which you provides seem to be good.I am going to be a member there soon.Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei( If another one have any question about how to make money online you would post it here so, all members which has some experience in this will provide you the full information.)

  7. Well, I already build up a relationship, as you may have seen, primarykey and foriegnkey.the output is the data which we need back... for input we are exactly know as wellwhen putbox: usernamebox: passwordslect: groups (multiselect)so, it would be TABLE table_userUSERID | USERNAME | PASSWORD1 | test1 | *****2 | test2 | *****3 | test3 | *****TABLE table_groupGROUPID | GROUPNAME1 | Group12 | Group23 | Group34 | Group4TABLE table_ursingroURSINGROID | USERID | GROUPID1 | 1 | 1 2 | 1 | 23 | 1 | 34 | 2 | 2 5 | 2 | 36 | 3 | 17 | 3 | 28 | 3 | 39 | 3 | 4I hope you make sence now...So, the out put which we need is:username | password | grouptest1 | ***** | (group1,group2,group3)test2 | ****** | (group2,group3)test3 | **** | (group1,group2,group3,group4)Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei

  8. Dear All Friends!


    I have create this topic for everyone who have some problem with query analyses. You could post all your problem with database. We all would have and find a solution for you.


    Now let me start my small problem. This i have fixed but i just think of the best way.


    I got 3 tables:

    table_users (user_id,user_name,user_pass,user_group)

    table_group (group_id,group_name)

    table_usersingroup (ursingro_id,user_id,group_id)


    I need output like this:


    username | password | group

    test1 | ***** | (group1,group2,group3)

    test2 | ****** | (group2,group3)

    test3 | **** | (group1,group2,group3,group4)


    I hope anyone may solve this problem


    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Dorei :D

  9. Thanks OpaQue for your reply. I hope every members here may reply or post their successfully of making money online. I know there are more way. but i am not sure which is the best way. I have check out all the site which you have provide me and it look good. I don't think they do a trick with their members. Any reply and instruction are welcome for my topic. Many people may need to know it. and many people may have experience. So, start share your idea...I would be rating to OpaQue for reply to this topic.***** ( you got 5stars of your reply )Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei :D

  10. Dear All Friend!Everyone may heard about money online before, i have build up this topic because i want to share some experience on making money online. Even if i don't have any experiencing in make money online, but i post this for asking any sharing information. 1/ How to make money online?2/ What do we have to do?3/ Where do we start?4/ How to get success 100% of making money online?I hope anyone will reply all all my questions, also someone other will post and share any informations on this.Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei :D

  11. I am a beginner of servlet/jsp. but i have build a function which may be very useful for a developer, i am asking Xisto for free hosting account for servlet/jsp. and i will post many source code on my free hosting account.Now i would like to post my small function which useful here. It was call navigation page it is the recordset paging which i build up myself. this one has three language. The first one is PHP, then i convert it to ASP, Now i convert it to Servlet/JSPpublic String navigation(int totalrow,int start,String referer) { String result=""; int totalpage=0; int previous=0; int snext=0; int pageleft=0; int sdnbp=0; int sdnap=0; int ddpp=20; int dnbp=10; int dnap=10; if ((totalrow % ddpp) == 0) { totalpage = totalrow/ddpp; } else { totalpage = totalrow/ddpp + 1; } if (totalrow < ddpp) { result+="Page 1"; } if (totalrow > ddpp) { if (start==1) { result+=" "; } if (start!=1) { previous=start-1; result+="<a href="+referer+"?start="+previous+">[Previous]</a>"; } if (start < dnbp) { sdnbp=1; } if (start == dnbp) { sdnbp=start-dnbp+1; } if (start > dnbp) { sdnbp=start-dnbp; } for (int i=sdnbp;i<= start-1;i++) { result+="<a href="+referer+"?start="+i+">["+i+"]</a>"; } result+="["+start+"]"; pageleft=totalpage-start; if (pageleft < dnap) { sdnap=start+pageleft; } if (pageleft == dnap) { sdnap=start+pageleft; } if (pageleft > dnap) { sdnap=start+dnap; } for (int i=start+1;i<=sdnap;i++) { result+="<a href="+referer+"?start="+i+">["+i+"]</a>"; } if (start == totalpage) { result+=" "; } else if (start < totalpage) { snext=start+1; result+="<a href="+referer+"?start="+snext+">[Next]</a>"; } result=result; } return result; }Please enjoy my code.Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei

  12. Dear Friend!I am new to java. and i have tried the below problem. as a usual time i use ms-dos to command java, javac it look like thisc:>\java\bin\javac test.java (this i do a compile for my java file)c:>\java\bin\java test (this i do a run for my class file)I wonder if anyway just double click on test.java then it compile for me without going to ms-dos and run javac?I also wonder if anyway just double cick on test.class then it will run to let me see the work?I hope everyone may response to these two problems.Thanks & Best Regards,Dorei

  13. Everyone here may have more experience in traveling, but for me. i never. I wish i can travel around the world. haaaaaa, well, would any body give me some response for the below question?1/ do you feel tired when you are at the destination?2/ do you feel afraid everywhere out of your native place?3/ when you walk around where the place have many people and you don't know anyone. do you feel lonely?4/ do you feel home sick?the fours question below is what i am thinking of my travels. I wonder if anyone here never feel like me... and if you can tell me why or give me some reason to be normal mode.thanks!dorei

  14. I need to buy flash drive for 1G with mp3 support, I also need radio fm include too.I am not sure how much for it. anyway i suppose it have upgrate to a new face with full functionality as below:- storage up to 20 G- mp3 player with timing- remote control for TV users.(this mean you can use it as a remote for any brand of TV)- radio included especially for FMThanksDorei :D

  15. I would say sorry to all friends.

    I am from Cambodia, i am not a native of english, so my english is very bad.

    I do have a mistake with writing, listening and speaking. but what ever i am trying so hard to explain what i want to say.


    if you met all these thing just post it here so, every members will see and understand. they will not do the same as you .. because the site is warning up.


    for example the site send a warning message to you by saying that:

    Your account will suspended on 15, dec, 2004. because you have in*active for 2 weeks, if you need to continue to be a members of Xisto you must login and post some topic.


    So, you have to post this warning here for other members to see and understand so, they will not inactive like you have done if they need to be a members on Xisto.


    If everyone still not understand please email me or pm me:

    email: asydoreipry@everyday.com.kh

    yahoo id: psydorei


    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Dorei :D

  16. This is the infomation which provide to all members , they could be voiding from spam actions or suspended account.If you have more action which has been warned from Xisto. you should post it here. so, every members can findout and voiding all mistake with trap 17. Please find the below message and tell me if you have experience with this.Hi khmerneed, [ The Email is for only those members who have been HOSTED at Xisto ] Please check the following at the forums :- 1> Your username at forum must be identical ( atleast the first 5 characters) to the Cpanel Username. 2> Your Group at the forums should be "[=HOSTED=]" and not "members". Please check the forums and see the group label in your profile. If you are not in the [=HOSTED=] group but have a hosting account, REPLY to [ webmaster@Xisto.com or support@Xisto.com ] only. !!! DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL !!! Regards- OpaQue. Administrator (http://forums.xisto.com/) I got this email after i request a free hosting account from Xisto.1/ Should i be a hosted first before i ask free hosting? 2/ What should be try to be a hosted?Everyone will make sence to what a mistake and warning from Xisto here.Good Luck with Best Wishes. Dorei :D

  17. Hi Friend!I am a member of Xisto.com. If you have some problem or got some alert from Xisto.com.Please post it here so, all members and new members will see it and know the instruction. But if you don't seem to have any problem. Please do not post here.*** What i got is post 5 shout in a shout box i got the name spaming. ***So, what you voiding is don't post up to 5 shouts in a row.for example:you: shouting..........you: shouting..........you: shouting..........you: shouting..........you: shouting..........this you got a name of spaming.Thanks !Dorei :D

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