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Posts posted by 108SOC

  1. It is my opinion that Firefox is much better. Firefox offers so much more than IE ever has. If IE can find a way to make itself better or equal to Firefox, then I would surely rethink my decisio, but for now I stick with Firefox.Edit: I should have read the last two posts before posting. I agree with you that IE is trying to rip of Firefox, but it just proves that IE can never be better than Firefox.

  2. I to have faced the same problem in the past. I still don't know what to do about it, but I can agree with the other two. I have found that the best way to get your website noticed is to make it known; I mean as in going to forums that allow you to advertise such things. Another great way is to just put the link in your signature of any forum you are on, but only if they allow it. There are many good ways to get people to notice your site, and I am sure you will find them. Good luck.Oh, I havn't looked at your site yet because I don't use Yahoo Messenger, but I will surely look at it just for you. Who knows, I might interest me in Yahoo Messenger.

  3. I know a few people here have already heard of America's Army.

    I really don't want to get down into detail about the game, but I can say visit https://www.americasarmy.com/ and you can learn alot more about the game.

    America's Army is my whole reason for joining this Free Web Hosting forum. I need a host for our clan page, other hosts have been unreliable. I think I can also get something else from this forum. I might be able to find AA players who need a clan, and then they might join my clan. Plus I really want to talk about AA with someone; most people I know don't talk about it.

  4. All I can say is hi. The reason I joined was so I could find a good host for my website.Then I found out I had to do the forum, but it seems cool here. I may like posting on this forum alot.

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