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Posts posted by teob

  1. i used phpbb... i think it is simply and easy to used i guess...so i used it in the first place...and continue...i might try invision board for future site..but for now i would continue with phpbb...i dun really think about paying for them...so Vb is not my option....maybe someday when i have some cash in hand i might try ...but the functions and etc sounds good to me...except i need to pay for it.,,,so depends what sort of board u need it for...

  2. i think water-cooling is really cool....think about it ....i looked at that picture....i felt dangerous....u see....a water bucket next to a pc is really dangerous...i think...yes i know a whole water-cooling system is quite expensive....but safety is quite important for a pc .....i think a Radiator should replace the bucket....which can cool down the water quicker...and safer...if radiator is too expensive...try use a bucket that the water is not open to the surrounding...i did try to build a radiator by myself b4...with some metal tube...is quite easy if u did metal D&T at school b4....dun really want to talk so deep about everything...so i stop here...

  3. I have the same problem b4...but forgot how it suddenly got better....i think i just reinstall the windows...what i think the problem is the control of the motherboard by the OS...have some kind of system file missing ...or damage...what i would do is...updated the newest service pack...if u did...try norton system doctor....if still there is problem ....maybe u can go to yr motherboard company website...and maybe there are some new drivers...or like what i did ...reinstall OS...hope this help u ...maybe i'm talking rubbish....hope u dun mind

  4. for myself , i dun really care about the look of the computer itself ... i only think a computer is kool when the inside is kool not the outside of it..so for me there is no use if yr computer looks kool but u can't upgrade it easily, for gamer , ya if yr computer looks kool and fit the style of yr game..but once new game is out , and need more and better hardware to support..and u can't upgrade yr pc easily , or need to pay a lot again..i think it will give me a headache....so i prefer a kool as in inside , can change and updgrade easily,and with optimzed performance...

  5. my pc is connected to the internet though a 3-com 11g wireless router..with firewall...i'm using fileZilla ftp client..the log just say socket error..can't login to my ftp..i'm not good at setting the firewall in the router...is there something i need to set up..? so i can connect to my ftp thought the firewall?please help ...is so troublesome to upload files thought file manageri have set my router DMZ to my ip...edit:i found out that is not my router set up...is my sp2 windows firewall that stopping,,=.= anyway ....thx...if u started replying...

  6. If i had such a thing in my system I would want it to understand what I mean (even if I'm somewhat unclear) and to adapt to my needs/moods etc. It would need to be a pretty powerful AI.

    but what i think AI is ...is a totally independence oneself.. just like a ppl, but he is a virtual being, he have no needed to serve u or anyone, if he dun like u, then u can just ignore u , ppl only try to design AI in a way to serve human, Yes i know this is a bussiness , not just science or whatever,

    anyway i think AI is not about adapt to yr needs/moods, is AI itself can adapt to its needs/moods, if it will just follow what u need , and follow what u want, then u won't open yrself to let it/him to understand yr moods, coz u will think it is stupid, such as, if u have a stupid friends, i mean stupid enough to hardly understand anything about love, would u like to chat about yr problem about love with him?

    and there is no point to be nice to an AI , since u can control its life, if he hate u , then kill him just simply press uninstall..=.=

  7. all my frd said that i'm good at all the thing...except love...i never can handle love...some weird feeling happen when i'm in love...just like my present girlf... i suddenly want to hurt her feeling in someway...i dunno why....but all my girlfrd told me the same things..."you have thousands of personality ...i can never know which one is you""you change so fast then i can never catch u up""how can u contain sad angry happy and cool ...within just 15 minz...""i only love one out of those thousands of personality u have""i dunno should i accept those other ppl contain in u .for just the one i love in you"when they say those...i will try to think if i really like that? i dunno ...i dun understand myself either....one of my frd said."yea...u r like that...i think u should see a doctor actually"omg do i really? i dunno....nevermind...someppl said just coz i think too much ...i should think less...but i want to ask how can a ppl stop thinking...yr brain works 24 hours a day ...except when u have deep beta sleeping...

  8. firstly i agree there r a lot of weird things happened...but u see...things that can't be explained by science...it count as weird things...think about it..if we light a lighter in front of an ancient ppl and they wil think u do witch-craft...but i didn't say i dun believed in ghost...just depend on what standard u believe in...do u belived that ghost have free-free?ghost can attack or affect living things...or non-living things?for my sense i will believe it as a lower tem plasma ....or radioactive gas...ppl said when u see ghost ..u will feel cold ...and ghost will glow in the dark...will follow the wind...these all the things that radioactive do....right? i maybe wrong...but that what i believe... supernatural combined with chinese religion....when someone is dead...in the surface of their skin and within the body ..they are radioactive substance leave by....from tv from surrounding..those radioactive substance will somehow assicated with yr soul<---if there is ..or yr free-will center.... then somehow the radioactive gas will contain yr memory and yr free-will... so it will tend to do the things u do when u r still alive...like go back to yr home...and etc....there are more about it...like radioactive can become magnetive...and become really heavy .... which can causes a lot of thing happen ...like if magnetic..somehow it can make non-magnetic substance flow in the air..i will stop here....there are so many i can talk about in this ghost topic....

  9. i think sims is great b4....but then after seeing those sims expansions...i've stopped thinking about buying any of them...they are just too many expansion...and each of them cost a lot..but if u dun buy the expansion packs...yr sims will become boring and more boring...looking at yr sim running across the house...and waiting for him to wake up ...etc...without the expansion pack...yr sims will be back to real life..no money no life... u pay more...yr sims will become everyday excitiment....without paying... u will start to think of a way to kill yr sim...eg...make a swimming-pool and ask him to go out...then delete the stair...watch him tired to dead....then u can feel like "oh finially something new happen....my sim is dead...lets make a new one..." omg i have enough of this game... sims 2 is just another trap to make everyone poor feel more poor...and those ppl who have enough money to buy all expansion to show off how exciting their simis is.... " oh did u try the new expansion? it was out yesterday ...and i got it today ...it is amazing... i got a magic ball for my sim...and can review the future..." =.= omg...i hope i can see yr future .....sorry to those ppl who actually like this game...or u r the one who bought all the expansions... i dun mean to depress u or make u angry ...this is just my personal feeling to this game....since i bought the 4th expansions pack....

  10. looking at yr post....i didn't actually read any of the link u posted...firstly...this is a free web hosting forum... i think and i hope this will be a good enough hosting site...secondly .. yr post is like a mess...organize it b4 u post ok?thirdly.....there are a lot of free-web hosting web list web site in the net..why do i need to read yr post..?etc etc ...finailly i only can say...is this count as a SPAM post...?i think i can just copy this from some other forum or website..and post it here...=.=maybe not spam but rubbish post...=.= agree?

  11. b4 i'm goin to say anything...just want to say....how can i create a web page?is a simple questions..right?go to any html editor and press New document...then save it...then u have a blank web page...=.=sorry i'm being a stupid...ok...i will say depend on what kind of web page u look forward to create...a personal site...a bussiness site..personal site...need to know what u want the site for...for yr own stuff so u can share with yr frd...for review on what u think about somethings...etc...bussiness site...so depend u work for yr own ...or a company...if so...they should tell u the aim b4 u started...ok lets talk about...personal site as i dun think u goin to build a bussiness site now...it is easier depend on what is yr standard of a good site...a beautiful with a lot of animation and etc...or a plain site with full of detail informations...but anyway ...first u need to choose a type of coding to learn...php html cgi etc...read some internet magazine...which have quite lot of information about which coding is fit what kind of site...but now i think the most common coding for personal site is html and php...as most ppl have some knowledge about html...and php and associate with html ....if u dun want to learn coding...then just use m-word to make a nice document then save it as web-page...m-word should help u change all the things into html..which is fast and easy...if u r lazy enough....personal i hate it.....it is always nice to learn something then build something from nothing...it feels good....^^ good luck

  12. i gotta say hotscipts.com ...i learn most of the php coding from looking and following examples writen in php...and also in that site ...provided a lot of tutorials also.so check it out..and other way i learn php is... buy a php book...coz it can be more handy when u planing on yr site...an non-relative comment: Always plan yr site b4 starting yr script....otherwise will become a mess ...

  13. dreamweaver.....o well...depend on what u want to learn...coz i didn't actually learn how to use it...i just USE it...i dunno what u want it for...coz the main problem for me...is not about the editor i used...but the script itself....i will just start using it...and check things up in Help in dreamweaver...i think the help in dreamweaver have most of the things u will be needed...and soon u will can handle it quite easy...for myself i usually use PHP ...and i prefre using HTML-kit.....which is free...and quite good ...but i use html-kit only for the scripting...for layout or graphic stuff...i think dreamweaver do the better job....

  14. but for myself i will use Maxthon browser...coz it have built in pop-up blocker...and i think 90% of ad will be block..and there are a lot of buid-in function which is really good...it contains the goodies in opera and IE which can link or yr Favourites from original IE...unlike opera ..which have seperated favourite list...and even not pop-up just ads within the site can be blocked too...try it out ..u will be suprised...

  15. i don't really understand what do u actually asking for...but my comment is...if u want fast and stable pc for games...i will comment u to buy ATX mother board...not M-ATX...and u will need more then 8MB display card....cheap one i recomment Radeon..and ofcoz u need more RAM at least 128MB..after buying a new display card...ie..in CS option...change to 3Dfx..not direct3Din other way...if u dun buy new hardware to upgrade...try install less games in yr pc in the same time...coz when free space is low...yr windows performance will decrease...if u download things by using p2p (winMX etc) or BT ...also check for spyware and adware..(try AD-AWARE) and delete themand close un neccessary program when playing game....and use the lowest quality and lower resolution<---like 800X600 or less...depend on yr display card...some more setting in windows is hidden...which i forgot most of them....so try to search in yahoo...for windwos speed up ..or windows Tweak...most of those softs need to pay...but if u lucky ...u should find some free one..Cooling system is sometime the problem...can be big problem also...one of my frd ..bought a new pc....but then...good display card...also can't run game fast....then after he bought a new case...then all problems solve...for myself...i got a new case with 8 fans...6 in 2 out...then i bought another cool master double case fan for out also...and a cool master cpu fan for my cpu ofcoz... my cpu temp and mother temp need to be stable and low...to be have good perfamace of Pc....learn more by reading more review on hardware b4 u buy anything...so Good Luck....

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