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Posts posted by LolliPop

  1. I was wondering if you guys could help me out for a second. I'm doing a oral in heatlh class about Depression and according to the infomation I found more women become depressed then men. There's a 2 to 1 ratio.So I was wondering if that was true. So if you have ever had sometime of mood disorder could you answer male or female.Thanks

  2. If you like King Arthur and such, check out Uther by Jack Whyte, or any of his books for that matter. Just finished Uther and it was great, adds a lot to the very basic version of the legend that most people know of. Another great author that mixes 'history' (or at least the legends and such of those times) and fantasy is Guy Gavriel Kay. Not only do they make for great books but you learn something real about those times.

    Thanks I'll check those out

  3. I just finished reading The Two Towers again. Odd how Lord of the Rings never gets old  ;)  Of course I'm still looking for elfy inspiration for that fic I'm working on, so I try to keep LOTR fresh in my mind. Now if I could just find time to actually work on the fic. hum.

    Really what's the fic about?

    lib2day I got the Clinton book to, but I let my aunt borrow it since I was reading the Avalon one. Now I reading Aphrodite's Blessing by Clemence McLaren. It's about Love Stories from Greek Myths
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