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About agentblade
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- Birthday 02/20/1981
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Though the benefits of robots are numerous.. and it seems unlikely that robots will take over the world like in iRobot.. it doesn't mean that the dangers of over-reliance on robots is not there..Robots, like any human made stuff has the tendency to break down and malfunction.. If we over-rely on them, if they do break down it might pose a danger to us or cripple us in a way too.. If you think its not possible think about the computer. We're so reliant on a computer that the moment is breaks down we have no way of doing our work. It's like some part of us died, cannot check email, cannot go online, etc.. Also people are trying to humanize robots, so they can act as teachers or maids.. That's dangerous, the reason why humans are the best teachers is because we have soul and moral standards.. Teaching and looking after the young is about building relationships, robots cannot build real relationships even if they can its so weird and unnatural.. imaging a child falling in love with a tin-can..
You're welcome.. I used Flash 8 to do my website..
I'll try to help as best as I can but I'm still new at the whole website building thingy.. For building websites you can use the basic notepad if you know how to do html coding.. Html is the basic language that builds a website.. however its very tough building a website just based on writing html codes. Most people will use What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) builders instead.. The ones I know of is Dreamweaver (must buy the software) or Nvu which is freeware.. it helps a lot to be using graphical user interface to create your website.. I'm interested to know why you want to put the IP address of the visitor on your welcome page.. does it serve any useful purpose? Most people don't even care what their IP address is, so showing it to them really serves no purpose.. To create flash effects you obviously need Flash to create them.. Flash does not come free unfortunately... Flash also has a steep learning curve to it.. What kind of flash effects are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find or make one if I have the time.. Also be careful not to put too much effects onto your website.. Unless it serves a purpose then put it.. Otherwise one too many effects will cause your site to become very distracting and confusing.. It might also cause your site to load slowly, especially for dial-up users.. There is a very easy to understand tutorial about what HTML is all about. It's targetting for children but it has all the basic knowledge of what html is and how to build your own website.. Go check it out here Also it would be helpful to use a template.. it helps those who are trying web designing for the first time.. There is a thread on this. Templates Hope it helps..
I Have Landed on trap17.com that is.
agentblade replied to agentblade's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Wow.. you're too kind man.. 9.9 .. Thank you very very much, its a huge encouragement for me to keep on improving the site.. Hmm.. I could put a forum in there but what kind of topics would I include? I don't think there will be much people that would post in there since its a site for me and my girlfriend to share our thoughts with other people.. I wanted a way to let others say something through my site and thus I've added the cBox tag box in there.. Keep those comments coming in, good or bad I appreciate them -
ghosts and spirits do exist. But it's not the kind we see on TV, the kind that is out to kill and suck our blood or drown us... evil spirits can only scare and tempt us to do the wrong things, they can possess people, only if they are willing to let the spirits possess them. how can people be willing to let spirits possess them you ask, well by playing with the spirits you are making yourself willing. Like going into dark magic, witch-craft, etc.. you're opening the door for yourself to be possessed by these spirits.. but should we be frightened by them? I don't think so, just stay away from them they'll stay away from you.. They prey on fear, if you fear them they will disturb you all the more. show that you don't fear them they'll not find you "fun" to play with.. haha.. and as Christians, we know that ghosts, evil spirits and the devil fear Jesus more than anything.. So as children of God, they fear us, all they can do is tempt us to stray away from our faith. Believe in Jesus and spirits and demons will run as far away from you as they can... I've had experienced with an evil spirit when I was young, it gripped me with so much fear I couldn't do anything about it, that was when I was 9 years old.. It was only after I prayed and said in the name of Jesus, did I feel something leave me and I was sudden not frightened anymore. since then I never had this kind of frightening experience..
I agree that there is much debate over this issue.. frankly speaking there isn't a single right or wrong answer to this. It really depends on the situation and of course the parents themselves.. I'm perfectly ok if parents choose not to beat their child, it doesn't mean that they are bad parents, nor does it mean that parents who beat their child are bad parents.. maybe let me clarify what I mean when I say beat their child.. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, hitting a child should only be done as a last resort, after numerous warnings, scolding, reasoning, if the child still persist in doing the wrong things, then pain can be a reminder that the deed he/she is doing is wrong.. also NEVER beat a child in anger. Only beat a child when you have reasoned with the child, so that he/she knows that you're beating him/her because you don't like what he/she did, not because you don't like the child. Lastly beat a child only at either on the hands or on the butt, we're not there to scar a child, the pain is just a reminder that the things the child did was wrong. And so that the next time the child wants to do that wrong deed again he/she will hopefully remember the pain and stop him/herself from doing it.. That's my point of view which I gotten from the Bible in which I believe in. It's important to remember that in all things we must first love our children.. only then does it "qualify" us to discipline our children.. Like I said it's my opinion, there are numerous ways of bringing up a child.. So long the child is brought up to be upright and pure at heart that's the most important thing.. In fact if a child is brought up correctly, you'd find that you seldom need to resort to physical punishment..
I Have Landed on trap17.com that is.
agentblade replied to agentblade's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Hey thanks for dropping by and giving me your advice.. I really appreciate it, as the same with all that have given me your precious comments.. This is my first site and I feel there are much more that I can improve on. Hehe, I didn't know my site had a playful feeling to it.. but I'm glad it had a playful feeling to it. haha.. maybe because I love children, that's why somehow it became as such.. Yeah I agree outside the flash looks ugly.. The walker guy was added just to fill up space.. the main thing was the cBox shout.. I'm not sure how can I integrate a shout box in flash.. the next best thing I can do is to make a guest book since the blog system is adapted from a guestbook example.. This is the Guestbook example? Thanks for offering your help, at this moment I don't know what else I can do.. sxyloverboy please continue to give me your advice how I can improve my site. I appreciate your help very much.. Erm.. I don't understand what you meant by this line Please do explain.. hehe.. thanks -
I understand how you feel friend... you want her but you're afraid you might come across as being a pest and desperate... it's a tough choice.. I feel the best thing to do is just be her friend.. most relationships are indeed based on friendships.. Most girls don't want guys that look all handsome or rich, those that want that aren't worth having in the first place.. Girls want guys that show genunie care for them..Like my friend.. initially she didn't like this guy, they were just friends. He liked her but all he did was to show concern for her.. There was this once, they were at a camp and she fell sick. All he did was just to give her some medicine and she fell in love with him after that.. You never know what might happen but I'd rather remain as friends than to make things ugly and lose even a friend altogether..
I agree that sometimes parents can be unreasonable and frustrating to deal with. But they're humans after all, just like us, they make mistakes and aren't the perfect person that we hope they are.However its good to remember that in all you do, show your parents the respect due to them. Even if you don't respect them for who they are, respect them because they brought you up. Especially your mom who had to endure 9 months of pain just to bring you to this world.. She deserves your love and respect just because of this..Try talking to your mom, communication helps alot in building good strong relationships..
Just to add a few pointers I learnt from working with children in my church..1. Discipline is a must, you need to punish the child if he/she done something wrong. But how you punish is another matter. Extreme pain is definitely a no-no. Beating should only be done as a last resort after repeated punishment. There are many creative ways of punishing, like time out, grounding, deprive of benefits. But after you punish you MUST reason with the child why you punished. Only then can they see the error of their ways.2. a better way than punishment is rewarding for the good things they do. By reward I mean verbal rewards, praise and encouraging words works more than monetary rewards.3. A child needs nothing more than time. Love = time. spend time with your child is the best way to show you love them, money cannot buy love.4. Lastly, a child learn from role models, be it good or bad role models. As parents and educators, we must remember that its the way we conduct ourselves that really matters. We can say something but behave a different way, you can be sure the child will follow what you do rather than what you say.. This is a good thread..keke.. keep it going.. =)
it's a disturbing fact that more and more young people are committing horrible crimes.. one really wonder what these people are thinking and what drives them to do such things..one reason that I can think of is due to the media influences that the young are exposed to these days. So much violent shows and computer games really wreck havok on the minds of these young people. They kill people on their computers the whole day long, so somehow they think it's ok to kill in real life since it's what they do everyday..also with both parents working, they hardly have time to spend with their children to impart good moral values.. so it's hardly surprising that these young people have to moral standards at all..with people these days having the "I" mentality. People have no regars for others because they think that they must come first, but the fact is we must realise for the world to have love, we must spare a thought for others too..
huh? why look.. you've found a free hosting with pHp and mySQL function..
When shows like survivor and amazing race came up it was exciting because this was the first time I watched reality shows.. even till today I find survivor interesting not for the *BLEEP*ing and backstabbing etc, but mainly for the games that they play.. survivor has very interesting games..amazing race was interesting because it takes you round the world.. plus the detour challenges were very interesting also..but that's about it.. because then slowly one by one reality shows started to pop up like mushrooms.. after awhile it gets boring and stale.. some reality shows are even utterly lame.. like what they say too many cooks spoil the broth (or something like that.. haha)
How Did You First Meet Him/her? How I met my boyfriend..
agentblade replied to Nani Cheri's topic in Dating And Relationships
Here is how I got together with my girlfriend..we got to know each other in church.. but at that time we were just friends and I had absolutely no interest in here and hardly spoke to her.. but unknowingly to me, she had feelings for me already.. nothing happened for two years, we remained as casual friends (the hi and bye kind).. then one day when I was on the phone with a girl I was trying to woo, she mentioned that she thought I liked my girlfriend, it suddenly dawned on me that I actually had feelings for her. I know, it's so weird..So I called her and we hit off very well and soon we got together as boyfriend and girlfriend.. Well that's my story..