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Posts posted by Bigyan

  1. Hi Folks,According to me, this GOOGLE dominance is pure ****. Google is big no doubt, but it is not bigger than the world wide web itself. True that it iss web's most popular search engine, but that is not enough to give them authority to dictate rules.Personally I'm not bothered with Google bcoz my site is a personal webpage which has got nothing to do with search engine rankings.Bye,Bigyan

  2. Hey folks,I have actually know ssomebody who has received the money from GOOGLE. His is an e-commerce site with a pretty decent traffic (>1000 hits per day). He claims to haave got this money from GOOGLE. He has indeed got $100.But, its also true that he is the only one whom I know who has ever claimed ab8 it. Rest all are complaining. In personal front, I've never used it since my site is a personal homepage.Bye,BigyanBye,Bigyan

  3. Hi wanhafizi,Meta search is a technology used by many search engines to rank webpages. The technology is based on the keywords found on the meta tags of one's page. The engine categorizes the site on the basis of keywords as found in the meta tags.The answer to your second question is a bit complicated !. There is no full-prooff way to increase your page rankings in the search engines. But one proven fact is that the more your site is linked to by big websites, the more is your page rank.Bye,Bigyan

  4. Yeah jipman,I agree with u fully. GIMP is one of the very best Graphics Tools availaible currently and like Photoshop, once you get the knack of it, u find it easy. Moreover it has a gr8 fan following too.About VIM, nothings like it, except for Emacs. VIM changed my ideas of a simple plaintext word processor (yeah VIM in my opinion counts as a word processor and not only as a text editor). But Emacs simply rocks ...... but only after anybody has taken the trouble to learn its obscure commands by heart !! But indeed, after you learn it, it's really a powertool.Bye,Bigyan

  5. Hey mhykhh,You are very right. This combination works well for me as well. This is a gr8 combination. I also use Corel Draw for my graphics as I'm a big vector fan. But obviously Photoshop is one of the very best tools availaible these days and one should definitely go for it.To me your whole combination looks cool, professional and pretty relieble.Bye,Bigyan

  6. Hey r3d,This appeared cool, but you forget one common thing, that is FLASH is not a very popular medium b'coz it is not turned on in many browsers (like Firefox in mine, and I've kept it so for good measure !!).Anyway, why the hell does one need to protect the source code for ?? The content of the webpage make it good or bad, not its HTML source !! Personally, I'm against all these b'coz I learnt HTML by looking at other people's source codes only !!If you like other's not to steal your image, watermark it !!If you want people not to see your cool javascripts, use a scrambler software !! ........... These things are simple !!Buy,Bigyan

  7. Thanks mhykhh,For your advice ; but I've already made a gr8 start from reading the documentation from the main PHP site only. I guess its the very best of the PHP tutorials out there.However, I do agree that everything cannot be learnt from reading the manual only. There's a hell lot more to PHP than that small manual. I'll definitely try to read up some tutorials from the site that u mentioned.Bye,Bigyan

  8. Hey Tweak37,Yeah, if you are really professional, ten at some point or the other, you are bound to leave notepad and teke up any HTML editors. I personally am a gr8 fan of DREAMWEAVER, but if used in the wrong way, it can end up producing a hell lot of useless lines. And whats more, you can test your pages for most of the popular versions of web browsers !!Bye,Bigyan

  9. Hey Guys,


    I've got the POP3 support under New Features today. I've now stopped using all other third party applictions like GPOP and Pop Goes the GMail.


    I've configured my mail client The Bat and am downloading my mails happily evr since. I have even scheduled it under periodic common tasks.


    From the mail address tracer, many people have found out the SMTP of google and have been using it unauthorized ; but now we all are authorized to do so !!.





    PS : I know how to find out the SMTP servr of any give mail id. Can anyone guide me on how to get the IMAP or POP3 server ??

  10. Hi DanThMan,Read your reply .......... I must say it is one of the longest repy that I've ever received in disagreement of my view !!HTMLGATE I repeat still SUCKS. I can't believe any professional using it !!. Ab8 1stPage2000, I frankly don't know what is it all ab8 ; I've never used it myself.Personally I also do respect all the people who are writing freely distributable softwares, but that in no way makes them the best in the world !! DREAMWEAVER MX is a professional software, meant only for professional people ........ ie people who need a fast and efficient development tool. These professionals know the nitty-gritties of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP etc very well and then they use this very specialized software.I am never saying that it is the sole tool that should be used, but I'm trying to tell that it is the best according to me !!. If you are happy ab8 your existing pace of web-page development with your meentioned tools, that's fine by me.A request : PLEASE try out DREAMWEAVER MX 2004. (you can get the trial version at the Macromedia website only) and compare its features with your mentioned softwares.I surely agree with you that DREAMWEAVER does cost a bit heavy, but so does any other professional applications. Remember, it is solely meant for professionals and it can be used to its fullest potentioal only by a professional.Bye,Bigyan

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